Wednesday, September 16, 2020

I am shocked, traumatized, and foremost disgusted with Ostrava(also Poland)

I was told(they brainwashed under MK Ultra) this will be to s as I will secure my data as I will travel home via Austria/Hungary, told where going all will be stolen away from me so as well as Czech rep. keeps it, told how this is the way it works in Czech rep. - will be used to copy data and return and even blackmail with it other governments. 

Stolen Novy Bohumin Lidl area identified - entirely

Stolen police station in Novy Bohumin where police gave me green light about entrance change in 1996/1997

Stolen Novy Bohumin library data where I have identified old entrance to one as I arrived to one from different street. Pointed out area of old library(also upstairs) and got confirmed data by teacehrs near bye.

Stolen data about identified area in Novy Bohumin where main library bureau(not library - Americans used to have special privileges) was located.

Stolen data about flea market in Chalupki, Poland where I identified flea market people all the way to 2005.

Stolen data about POLISH police officers abuse priort o departure to Czech republic which went as far as draining me car battery, so they could organize show p[rior to my departure during which I was heavily insulted - compared to homeless criminals.

Owner of vehicle who sold me one also told me about future coming to Czech rep. to retrieve one from Czech side so attack was Polish Czech attack - coordinated robbery.

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