Thursday, November 30, 2017

5 of 6(continuation) - Mental illness because of which my life was destroyed

This is who had me locked...this is who wanted me dead and got unlimited support from Slovenian government(from local police in Novo mesto, psychiatrists, state prosecutor, and even what is Slovenian president Borut Pahor  - again). Word is about my family and the best(worst that anyone can imagine) is yet to come. This case is far worse than what case of Joseph Fritzl was...

Borut Pahor have given to daughter of my sister(Urska Veber/Weber - watch previous video to understand who she is) a special engineer position in public department for health, so she could also have me disappear within "healthcare" system as was told(it did happened before, and they did threatened me with it as well)...many scenarios(from Netanyahu, Bush, Italy, and more)...I will release all videos and audio recordings that are totally bizarre(what it looks like when you have less than nothing in this world)

So many of them against one and all for nothing !!!

4 of 6(continuation) - Mental illness because of which my life was destroyed

Video can be also seen at:
All about Barbara Bush and her threats/abuse/torture and insanity beyond involvement(involved up to the throat with local police, president Borut Pahor) against me with Bush NEONAZI methods of fertilization to produce "whiter" population revealed....

Under MKULTRA, local police threatened severely to abduct me on behalf of US Government when future recordings would take place - together with my family(Pahor and daughter of my sister).

"You will not be allowed to record this videos...perhaps about father the most, but not about mom"(I have severe proofs of abuse about both who played victims...I have proofs how both lied about everything to psychiatrists - audio recordings, but was told that I will not be allowed to release them) is what I was told time and again...threats threats threats...

Daughter of my sister threatened with abduction(watch new video) - SHE was taking photos and videos as I played with her children for which I was told will be sent to Bush family. All explained in part 4...

So-called |"president" Pahor is a self elected thug...a criminal - murderer for whom police don't mind to perform crime - even when revealed publicly as seen here....

New video coming shortly - I should have never ever been exposed to circumstances as seen here...this is beyond criminal !!!

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Have lost 4 hours today for burning this video only(software crashed four times).

Hacking(CIA) goes on....have all video recorded...

3 of 6(continuation) - Mental illness because of which my life was destroyed



Netanyahu to me:

You will marry Priti Patel and work 
along me for Israel in case you 
change your mind with respect to 
Barbara Bush...the three of us will 
conquer entire Mideast.

Severe life threats/intimidations/torture/humiliations from gangsterous Bush family for the sake of the new fascist Italy and Israel....PUTIN IS A MURDEROUS NEONAZI THUG SUPPORTER !!!

Monday, November 27, 2017

First two parts(2 of 6) - Mental illness because of which my life was destroyed

What psychiatrists and governments have used all along to destroy me and was even accused are audio recordings that governments want me to finally release with the idea to damage me even more. Slovenia is up for sale according to some, but I don't agree with them. Russian plane Tu-154 plane crash is explained(Russian military plane carrying 92 musicians was shot down by US military in 2016), and so is typhoon Hato that occurred in China(British MI5/MI6 have maliciously suggested me one far in advance with the idea to militarily assault and destroy China). The plane was shot down in Dec. in 2016 and typhoon roamed across the China on Aug. 2017. We were faced with war before one was even declared.

Here is what documentary is all about(videos released partially already tonight)....

What psychiatrists and governments have used all along to destroy me and was even accused are audio recordings that governments want me to finally release with the idea to damage me even more. Slovenia is up for sale according to some, but I don't agree with them. Russian plane Tu-154 plane crash is explained(Russian military plane carrying 92 musicians was shot down by US military in 2016), and so is typhoon Hato that occurred in China(British MI5/MI6 have maliciously suggested me one far in advance with the idea to militarily assault and destroy China). The plane was shot down in Dec. in 2016 and typhoon roamed across the China on Aug. 2017. We were faced with war before one was even declared.

Italians and British(together with Germans - Theresa May/Berlusconi/Renzi) have in Miami life threatened me if not lobbying for Italian takeover(occupation) of Slovenia at state employment agency in 2003/2004/2005/2006 on behalf of George W. was/is assault on US democracy as I am/was American citizen, as well as assault on foreign sovereignty as I am/was also Slovenian citizen. War declaration on Russia and China.

Above mentioned audio recordings are related to abuse issues which I have endured from parents till I left to USA in 1995 - all of which Slovenian and foreign governments have well known for, but have instead used them to deliberately hurt even more(give psychiatrists/courts/police/state  the opportunity to accuse me of what parents have done to me ongoingly throughout the past and to torment me further with almost identical issues once MKULTRA ended in 2006...have gone as far as accsuing me to kill/murder people... accused me to represent danger to others and myself...accused me to cause enormous financial damage to others - all without proofs and without any police citations/summmons/interrogations). What they were doing all along to me is what I was accused off. Slovenian traitors have attempted to use my case to misrepresent one to the world Slovenia as the case of failed state(judicial/justice system) - communism, but in fact is a neonazi betrayal(Slovenian court apparatchiks that blocked my case, cops, and politicians were/are nothing more than Italian/German fascist/neonazi collaborators) for fascism is what it is !!!

Buckingham palace threatened to use news like this as an immediate assault instrument(excuse - open war declaration) on Russia/China....

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Russian people who deserve more than just an apology for 27 million Russians slaughtered and country burned to the ground, are instead humiliated like this by young Putinists...

I will tell you what my opinion is on German soldiers captured abroad as an individual from Slovenia where 6.5% of the population was murdered by German Nazis and Italian fascists(these ugly Italian/German beasts have also exiled our people from Slovenia to Serbia so they were capable to rob us from our land and populate one with pure Germans...thrown numerous our people in concentration camps to die)...I will also tell you what my opinion is on his subject as a modern victim of AmeroGerman neonazi genocide that I have somehow managed to survive to very today...

It is a shame....a disgrace that a single one of those soldiers returned alive to Germany...and it is even greater disgrace that Germany exists today on the map.
Jews didn't play any important role in WWII(their contribution to victory against nazi Germany was/is below zero point nothing) and shouldn't have any say about one today after they alone have murdered and exiled millions of Palestinians/Arabs...Jews claim to have 4 million dead in WWII, and fact is that there was 76 million people more that were murdered because of Germany...Germany and West are using Holocaust issue to apologise another 76 million people that lost lives because of nazi Germany....Jew is the biggest NEONAZI collaborator today(JEW REVIVED NEONAZISM) and also was the one that caused WWII(gave reason to Germans for them to express their cannibalistic murderous instincts that are part of their DNA).

Indian military tests successfully mach 3 BrahMos from plane and Russia have mach 8 Zircon hypersonic missile in service, but British's Gestapo boss(neonazi lord Charles) have his submarines ready(for himself and his ugly family) that can seat on the bottom of the radioactive ocean for 25 years(each)...

Yes, there is a way for so-called "Royals"(regular parasites) and other elites to hide from the direct hit before they will miserably suffocate under the poisonous radioactive ocean(puddle of death)...
Like this will Charles and his family escape with Bushes(Berlusconis and Merkels and Macronis) and others from
Russian/Chinese and Indian is more effective than mountain bunkers(while Americans are daydreaming about tungsten sticks with kinetic energy, Russians/Chinese and Indians already have real/factual sticks right here on earth that will be stuck with 100% accuracy in heartland of US if needed), but am not sure on whether these can deradiate salt water etc(you know, Charles has a great great imagination/hallucination...Charles suffers heavily in his head and is convinced that his life is much harder than ours...we will lose more than Charles according to his logic and he is right - what is to life anyways when chief idiot seats in throne)...

6 hours long documentary coming

 And keep in mind that I have lost 3 days on computer repair(videos would already be made otherwise)....this is the advantage they give themselves(besides numerous threats - you have no idea what kinds of frustration stuff like this could cause one) for every major project, so chances of my making well-desired mistakes could occur....24/7 surveillance and computer/electronic equipment hacking...nice...

American demented world of lies(main stream media = free press), gets order to publish THIS news due to 24/7 surveillance conducted on me...

This(and much much more - watch my new videos) is the stuff I have talked about 14 ago and will be presented in my newest documentary....

Meaning that they have me wired via the internet(my laptop is nothing more than a piece of surveillance equipment) and probably much much more....

I will talk about Bush/McCain's daughters...will explain what they are up to...I acknowledge such(latest) US Government's actions as an extreme violence/brutality on me and will end with a very same quote as the daughter of paedophile have just stated for Roy Moore - "There's A Place In Hell For McCains and Bushes" !!!

Saturday, November 25, 2017

5/6 hours long documentary coming....

Working on one all along - make no mistake and it is a detrimental documentary for me as they are trying to destroy me, Slovenia, Russia, and all other Slavic states.....

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Sarah Silverman trying to sell to NEONAZIS holocaust some more...

From yahoo.comSarah Silverman Says She 'Fell In Love' With Trump Voters While Traveling

For this news, I was told under MKULTRA I cite, "I am not with them and will not be with them, but when I start to come out with news like this it is because it is over...nazism will prevail...just letting you will be all too late..."...

Well the truth is that there was much of news like this one to begin with since Trump(trying to desperately convince brainwashed Americans and politicians into something that will end with total disaster) and fact is that Jews were(are) in bed with neo-nazis for already 50 if you would want to convince me(or others - its why I publish this news) about anything Sarah, you would have to wind clock backwards for 50 years when you started to enlarge your Israeli state at Palestinian expense(thats when it began to get too late for you - you sold yourself, but you will not sell us)....I will not buy your hollo holocaust story again - sorry....we are Slavs here and what 6 millions do is none of our businesses since we learned who and what they are all about...too many people in this world and you Jews are waaayyyy tooo overrepresented(in a very very negative sense).

Why I never ever would date Western woman

Because they pertain to criminal systems which attempted to exterminate us Slavs in the past time and again. The last proof about their criminal intentions was their disrespect for our Eastern European women(never mind that I never ever received a single cent for my work performed and for keeping silent about the abuse that they committed on me - just look how they see our women as). Because Russian(Slavic) women are way more beautiful. And the most important, because dating any of them,  I would open them a door to the world which they never ever should be part of(its all about manipulation and not real feelings when in bed with Western my case, scum would only cover up their deadly failures/intentions since I have managed to disclose to the world about who and what they are all getting in bed with Western woman would be used further to hide truth about who they are from our people). THEY SIMPLY ARE = NOOOO GOOD !!!

Just as the case is with John McCain's daugher...they marry for interests....potentials on how to destroy and control certain territories...when you see them for what they really are, you see something very very began to hate whatever is white in you alone...


Note to my neighbor Dane Kolenc and his son(you should read this also Putin)...

What you get in Scandinavia during your vacations are trained hookers and nothing more. Do you know who trains them !!????? Politicians alone train them...don't worry, I was explained first hand on how that is done....looks innocent !!??? Yeah, but in the real world, she never ever would fall for something like are just a matter of convenience - soon, you will be nothing as your real value is to them...

My Goodness how pappa Kolenc arrived excited to me under MKLUTRA what he expects...what his expectations are...I cite, "you only have to watch white porn and no other because they watch what you watch and then get wrong ideas or I will do this and that to you".... if he never ever saw himself in the mirror is all I can say to him and his son(Poles which arrived here have emotionally supported him as poor thing just could get aboard with neonazis at first, "you are a white are look like Pole"....he then begun to develop ideas about aryanism and still does). Bizare...

Regarding T2 center's box in our house and 24/7 surveilance

This box is known as center box according to my mom who got very excited when I enquired about one. She summoned all neighbors when I enquired about one. Very touchy issue...cables from this box lead straight to houses around ours(right across the street to Dane Kolenc, Berger, Jerman, and possibly more...perhaps the whole village)...
Irregular box from T2 from which cables go straight into my room and village...

Monday, November 20, 2017

Working on new documentary(2/3 hours long)...

Don't get me wrong...I am working and it would have been already all completed, but hardest parts is to gather again the evidence as it was deleted from internet(time and again), removed from my room, and removed from data storages...

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Local Court in Novo mesto have in fact accused me(and have conditioned my life) in 2015 of my causing enormous economical damage to others, extremely endangering lives of others(killing people and attacking them physically) and myself....

According to the court of Novo mesto, I have murdered, attacked, caused enormous economical damage, endangered lives of others and myself already in 2015...but Vita Pukl Gabrovsek was the one to determine if so...

As I have stated on my previous video: if I could, I would ran from this Slovenian shit hall as far and as fast as I could...I did so in 1995, but NEONAZI CIA(and Germany and Buckingham palace and Macrons and Sscandinavians and Netanyahu) had totally other plans for me and Vladimir Putin(NAZI lackey) even bribed US Government to make my life more impossible(he gave NEO NAZIS a money for what NEONAZIS do for free, so he could drive Russia into hands of NEONAZIS = what we witness today is taking place = he will not acknowledge/accuse West as NAZISM and allows NEONAZI West to insult/spit in the eyes of Russia...the longer it goes on like this, the more is Russia guilty and should cooperate...KGB, however, wouldn't replace Putin/Medvedev due to their illegal involvement with NEONAZIS...they like it like this...they want NAZISM...SLOVENIAN BORUT PAHOR AND OTHER TRAITORS NEEDED CASE LIKE THIS TO CONVINCE OUR PEOPLE THAT SYSTEM JUST DOESN'T WORK AND WE HAVE TO BECOME PART OF NAZISM THEREFORE...WE EVEN HAVE TO GIVE SLOVENIA AND OTHER SLAVIC COUNTRIES AWAY)...

Slovenian police are serial murderers(assassins/pedophiles and rapists is what they are)...and so are court employees and maniacs/psychopaths employed in field of psychiatry...first forced hospitalization, have my parents obtained via neighbor Berger whose friend arrived one day in a house for coffee(to insult and bully me out of nowhere)...for your information(up to date), I have never ever committed a slightest crime in my life(have clean background without single offence even when I lived abroad = 14 years), but what you are about to see on official court papers is very different...they show different Bostjan...a monster...a course I never ever had the right to right to free legal aid because I had no right to financial assistance for over 12 years when forcefully unemployed(blacklisted) and not even the right to respond on accusations...

Saturday, November 18, 2017

My 6 years old Facebok account taken off for no reason whatsoever other than to hide documentation of Facebook(CIA) abuse


VIDEO - NEONAZI Hungarian government which have stolen my car, gets 2000 euros and returns vehicle smashed/robbed


Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Mental preparations for fall of Slovenia are in full motion - Slovenian media, police, and other organs becoming paralyzed by indirect threats from thye top of the state

Fascist Slovenian wing stages with Slovenian traitors(cowards) a total paranoia(media sensation) in respect to Syrian refugee Ahmad Šami as those are indirectly(from top of the state = Cerar/Pahor) suggested that whoever will dislike him, will be received in Italy(what Slovenia will become at any moment now) same as Ahmad Šami was.
Ahmad Šami is a fascist helper imported to Europe from Syria - this is the first step used by the Italian government to destabilize Slovenian society before invasion starts and push one(mentally prepare one for new ordeal when they alone will face same faith as he is depicting now) toward so-called "human rights"...

Italian fascist sensation by the name Ahmad Šami also dresses like Italian...haircut and scarf...dramma...
Borut Pahor/Miro Cerar's message(TERROR) to Slovenian journalists/police etc. is clear...side with Mr. Ahmad Šami or soon you too will face same destiny...Italians will ask our people on why they disliked Mr. Ahmad Šami(part of social engineering is to make people feel guilty before those are sentenced to death - it is bestial as it gets and I tested this technique on my own skin million times when in US and of course also in Slovenia thanks to Borut Pahor and traitors). Knife under the throat to our people before Italian military storms our tiny country...and then slow death thanks to Kremlin !!!

Here are the words of Borut Pahor on how he will surrender Slovenia to Italy and Austria....

---The first step will be election process which will indicate low voters' turnout(DONE - ALSO MEANS IT IS FAKE).

---Voting will be strange...I will get the small number of votes, but will get through(DONE - used to demoralize people - depict people as if people don't care and as a result, people will be blamed for Italian/German takeover...not he or politicians, but people).

---I will separate with my wife(so-called partner) half a year earlier, but will reunite with her and son in Israel(DONE - it wasn't half a year ahead, but instead a bit longer novice.svet24).
Borut Pahor convinced his partner Tanja Pečar and son Luka Pahor that due to their facial physique(appearance), they feet in Isreal more than anywhere else...he made arrangements with Berlusconi(he is coming back in politics to remind Putin of his promises) and Netanyahu to obtain prestigious status for him and his family...son Luka Pahor is all crazy about Israel...


Monday, November 13, 2017

Brexit not completed yet, but cleanup(a KILL) almost is...soon Brexit will only be a memory on something that never existed.

I have already explained what exactly is happening in UK behind the iron curtain of Royals(Brexit used only temporary to cleanup GB on what dilemma about one will disappear and GB will return as if nothing ever happened) and out of US, not even a single word of so-called civil rights movements penetrates(Trump kills, ohh yeah he does - he murders big time)....those "civil rights movements" were hollow on the first place(packed with and led by NEO NAZI informants) to begun with, but what will follow is even worse...
My friends, when you do it(in case you will manage to stage another one), stage one in front of the Buckingham Palace and point with neo-Nazi signs in one... the world must be remind of what is hiding inside in there...

Russia's Putin Reveals His Biggest "Mistake", However, Russia is Quiet(silent) About Hers(for now)....

@ and Trump and Pahor and Merkel and McCain and Bush and Netanyahu and Scandinavian garbage and all other garbage that lied and lied to people on the global scale(not only my relatives and parents, people in city of Novo mesto, but numerous politicians worldwide) claimed that this is what I want....asking me under MKULTRA infront of people if this is what I want and of course video recording me as I didn't have any choices but to confirm all drugged up whatever was expected from me.....


MEDIA BREAKDOWN: Ban on Russian Olympic Team 'Humiliation of Entire Nation' – German Politician

Everybody knows that ban on Russian Olympic team is nothing else than the humiliation of entire nation, so the question is why...why is this happening(just as sanctions on Russia are) if not because of you is happening because of you and it is happening because of treasoner that runs country because he needs to apologise his betrayal of Russia to Russian people somehow(how other than with lies) !!! You Putin...YOU !!!
Bringing Russia and Germany closer to one another !!??? Nope...throwing Russia to Germans(TOTALLY supported by USA, France, and GB) to devour one - YESS !!!

Western divide and conquer games, cost us Slavs unprecedented amounts of money and more than anything an existence ...

Since the fall of USSR/Yugoslavia etc., things only got even worse...Germans are buying produce(agrary products) from Eastern Europe(Poland, Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria etc.) and are reselling them dearly($$$$) to Russia...America does same with Russian oil and in city of Novo mesto(just as an example as there are numerous other cases like the one here), our beautiful river gets polluted so less than 2200 workers gets to waste their time in local French car factory for almost minimum pay(not that anything is wrong with people who have and are performing better than in most of other European car manufacturing facilities, its just that Kremlin's politic goes beyond retardation - produce record number of vehicles for almost record low pay and are again resold to EU for great $$$$$$)
Add to that also tens of millions of Euros in state subventions(our tax money) to French factory for one to even operate and you have final, this isn't bad...this is actually incredible and there is only one word for it all = SABOTAGE !!!

We will not be capable to stop anything my friends....unless Kremlin does...

KGB knows what am talking about...I cite Putin and his KGB boys/girls, "sorry, but we have to take care areas that are closer to us...Slovenia will be gone"....

Merkel feels very confident on Pahor's victory(code "coalition talks" - this is how they communicate) because one is signal from Moscow for the continuation of European takeover.

Poland, Czech, Slovakia just watch numb...according to Putin, he will force them to decide between Russia and Germany...

One word for it all = DISASTER from Kremlin

What chances are for KGB to stop Putin, I think none...nothing can stop him because they have even sent him to Eastern Germany to perform what he is performing right now...

I did more than my all betrayed me - you sided with REAL traitors and I even pointed you on time what will happen....I told you who did and why(it is unbelievable, but I made it)...

Bye the way, how did change of my political sides effect my family...

Father who loves to talk about Isreali hunter who gave the gun to one of the hunters when he arrived on hunting to Slovenia appears to be quite satisfied with my, however, hates me(I had no clue that was so hateful...where is her love for Yugoslavia now !!???? It was all fake)...

Netanyahu has hosted himself and his Mossad crew in this very village(and in this house) on many occasions...father changed his mind about my ever communicating at nights with German neo-nazis(he now claims that he has never ever stated this to Ljubljana's psychiatrists who have even written on report that I did talk at nights loudly with German-Nazis via computer - he even stated this right in front of me when they brought me to Ljubljana's psychitrc hospital) and mom claims that she has never ever suggested me hospitalisation in February that forced me into another exile(run for life to Hungary)...

I have all audio recorded and also documented.

Claims(LIES - SLENDER) like this have had as a result placing me in the mental hospital and caused me enormous harm. Not okay...not okay at all

Only 42% of registered voters voted in Slovenia and ZIOFASCIST Borut Pahor got 53% of those 42%(about 21% of registered voters gave Pahor another victory) !!! Slovenia is DEAD

Vladimir Putin negotiated Ukraine with Trump(because he is totally incompetent - insecure and more than anything traitorous individual), and have placed on table Slovenia as a trade option... 
You don't have to believe me word, but you will see exactly what I mean in no time...what Moscow has in Kremlin is semi-retarded individual and not the leader...Schroder, Macron, Kurz, and a bunch of others that Kremlin has surrounded themselves with are wolves ready to systematically tear apart Russia and all other Slavic states...

Regarding my Ethernet card for which I was suggested that may be at fault by internet provider company T2 in Slovenia

It is brand new...never ever used since I have used WI/FI only...

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Wasted 18 hours between yesterday and today because even internet didnt operate

Language options keep changing on its own(all remote settings are off dont worry), computers cant connect to internet via cable(have installed instead Linux to see if it will be any better - it was till I was gonna post this news on blogger, then hard drive begun to spin for 15 minutes - all video recorded - just like Facebook, blogger hacks computers) - fought verbally with T2 internet company for several hours today and no such thing as help. Wait till tomorrow to get new ip address is what am told(because I have also connected router and second computer in attempt to get internet work via cable is their excuse FOR THIRD DAY ALREADY as they continue to disconnect me - force me therefore to connect to router and other computer). Adapters uninstall themselves from laptop...internet works 2/3/4 hours and then its gone, but one can see cable flashing...other computer magically became no couldn't see even adapters(wifi/cable) installed...

I am in impossible situation here and its not because of NAZI Trump or Angela Merkel/Buckingham palace/Hitleryahu/Borut Pahor only...the biggest NEONAZI trash is located at this time in Kremlin. This trash will trade even Slovenia for his appetites with NAZI Italian/German governments(Angela Merkel confirmed me division of Slovenia among Italy and Hungary and worse is that Putin sees one as okay because he would gain access via such deal to Ukraine)...

Saturday, November 11, 2017

"rods from god" properly named as satan will exterminate itself with them(ps. we belive in God and not "god") !!!

There was a mutual agreement between ex USSR states upon fall of the USSR...right !!???? And what have you done with agreement !!????
Make no mistake that "rods from god" will meet the wrath of God(at least 10.000 nukes will descend on US alone with few extra options - Russians knew about "rods from god" at least 13 years earlier and here is even the proof

What "could", will hit 100% if needed !!! US with its NATO allies have violated all treaties and laws that have existed and exist...signing laws and treaties with them makes no sense as those are only used as options to compromise our security and to further undermine all ethics of humanity.
If they could, they would...they would if they could(already long time ago my friends), but there is not a s**** they can do about ;) !!! 

US/GB are also on toes because they fear of similar could be in possession of Russian military arsenal(also China), so empire of evil's goal is to expand their "treaties"(words of b*** s****) on satellites in respect to the arms race which previously defined "only" nuclear, biological, chemical space options...

When you are using politics to excuse your criminal past(get public recognition for sick fantasies), you look just like Duterte or Donald Trump

Duterte's conduct is unethical - of the regular assassins against whom he had previously campaigned...
War on drugs is the war on heavy crime and that can't be done by individual who brags about his insanity from the past to international community....I will not lobby for individual who wants us to compromise sanity, my friends.

What India and others need understand....

Found this news and will only remind of The Imperialist policy of Divide and Conquer

The British Empire adopted the age-old political strategy of divide and conquer throughout their colonization of India. The occupiers used the strategy to turn locals against each other to help them rule the region. Whenever the British felt threatened by Indian nationalism and saw it growing, they divided the Indian people along religious lines.

In 1905, Viceroy of India Lord Curzon partitioned Bengal dividing the largely Muslim-dominated eastern section from the Hindu dominated western part. But the strategy didn't last long as Bengal was reunited in 1911. After oppressing India for 200 years, draining its wealth and filling their own coffers, the U.K. ripped the Indian subcontinent into pieces just before they finally left. The partition of 1947 that came along with India’s independence left nearly one million dead and 13 million displaced. Billions of dollars were lost in property left behind.

Friday, November 10, 2017

Slovenians are deciding for their existence and not just between NEONAZI president Borut Pahor and other presidential candidates

The situation in Slovenia have gone under Slovenian president
Borut Pahor into the extremely dangerous one and how not - there was not the slightest patriotism in this individual that I possibly could recall(he even dreamed of immigrating to Israel with his family in the future and was making arrangements with Benjamin Netanyahu, but not before handing the country to Italy - part of the deal between him, Italy, and Israel was stated here).

Yesterday, two main candidates had the presidential elections discussion and main Borut Pahor's lie which was used effectively during the first presidential round, have already fallen out...the opposite of Slovenian government has suggested voters to boost Pahor, but yesterday Pahor alone has openly compromised himself to NEONAZI NATO venture(rather ZIONAZI venture as Pahor even talked about Kurds in Iraq on behalf of Israel to whom NATO serves - Israel wants to expend itself to Iraq and even Turkey accross the Syria to reach Kurds which would be used

as new Isreali expansion territory - Jews claim DNA relation with Kurds and Kurds are as brainwashed with AmeroGerman "human rights" issues as anything in this world possibly can be - there will be war make no mistake about that and Slovenian president Borut Pahor aleady is assiting Israel in one - anything to destabilize together with NATO entire region = Turkey and Iraq) - as stated above, RTV Slovenija reports Slovenian soldiers abandoning Iraq and yesterday Pahor suggested not only stay in Iraq, but also deployment of Slovenian soldiers to Latvia where they would defend with AmeroGermans and others a genocide against Russian native minority(he even calls Russia a DANGER).

I cite Pahor's views from slovenija/grem-volit-2017, "According to the international mission of the Slovenian army, Pahor stressed that Iraq is currently the biggest challenge for the emergence of Kurdistan, which is a complicated security situation for Slovenian soldiers in Iraq, who would be threatened by Pahor, if their security was threatened. Pahor stressed that Kurdistan is also the first issue regarding Turkey, which the international public will have to address.

Regarding the deployment of troops to Latvia, Pahor stresses that although we have good relations with the Russian Federation, it is necessary to understand the fear of the Baltic states against the danger. If these friends call us, let us at least symbolically show that we are ready to support their posture, then we must understand this."

Glede na mednarodne misije slovenske vojske je Pahor poudaril, da je v Iraku trenutno največji izziv nastajanje Kurdistana, kar pomeni zapleteno varnostno situacijo tudi za slovenske vojake v Iraku, ki bi jih Pahor, če bi bila njihova varnost ogrožena, poklical nazaj domov. Pahor pa poudarja, da je Kurdistan tudi prvo vprašanje glede Turčije, ki ga bo morala mednarodna javnost nasloviti.

Glede napotitve vojakov v Latvijo Pahor poudarja, da je, čeprav imamo dobre odnose z rusko federacijo, treba razumeti strah baltskih držav pred nevarnostjo. Če nas ti prijatelji pokličejo, da vsaj simbolno pokažemo, da smo pripravljeni podpreti njihovo držo, potem to moramo razumeti."

Pahor's "Join the so called French-German train" issue(issue of total insanity which pahor wants - no longer EU, but what is now known as French-German train)...

I cite Pahor's views from slovenija/grem-volit-2017"Regarding the future of the EU, Pahor points out that the question of the classification of countries within the EU will also be opened very soon 
when the issue of the Paris-Berlin Initiative will be opened, which will be the decision for more integration. According to Pahor, there is no black-and-white decision, but would opt(choose) to join the Paris-Berlin initiative, which is also likely to be a fiscal union. To decide on the transfer of Slovenian sovereignty, in his opinion, people should decide. Marjan Šarec sees only an economic connection in the German-French train. However, Slovenia should be strong enough, because everyone will walk around us: "We must be strong in the economy, and everyone will want to have us."

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Report: Record number of Americans renouncing citizenship

Totally understandable - I would have tossed mine already in a trash bin(it is less than a worthless document - it is a passport to bestial life in Guantanamo issued by NEONAZI state), but have to postpone this action for time being till I get what US owes me. I don't think people should just throw them away and pay country that violated their right $2350 out of their pockets...take them to the international criminal court and press charges against economic genocide(forced unemployment)...MKULTRA torture....illegal practices of NEONAZISM !!! FIGHT BACK !!!

Renunciation fee. Renunciation of U.S. citizenship was free until July 2010, at which time a fee of $450 was established. An increase to $2,350, effective September 12, 2014, was justified as "reflective of the true cost" of processing.
Americans are on pace to renounce their citizenship in record numbers in 2017, according to the latest quarterly report from the Treasury Department. 


This is exactly the type of approach Russia should have taken already long time ago...acknowledging things as they are and exercise counter offensive in every sense possible is a must(duty) when NEONAZIS brazenly begun to accuse you of meddling in elections(hacking voting poles and emails), meddling in Brexit, inciting in separatism(Catalonia), meddling/hacking anything possible, shooting down passengers' jets, killing journalists and went too far and it was not their fold !!! It was Russia that failed to react properly on time because with NEONAZIS you >>>only<<< negotiate through gun sight !!! 

AmeroGerman NEONAZI Lisa Murkowski offers bill aiming to raise $1 billion by opening Arctic wildlife refuge to drilling - not so kind to whatever is left out of American Indians....

Lisa Murkowski offers bill aiming to raise $1 billion by opening Arctic wildlife refuge to drilling

One of the biggest/mightiest pro civil rights icons in modern American history(am just really being sarcastic as they all belong to one and only option mentioned already above), who was allways soooo very very(ohh, yeah) concerned for Indians, and bears, and mushrooms, and salmon, and blueberries...whales...well, she just changed her mind and decided now too drill(shit) all over the place on Alaska which was given as a gift to US by Russia - I know, NEONAZI American elites disallow anyone to mention fact that Alaska was given to US by Russia as sign of friendship and just want people to write how it was sold for 8 mil. USD, but a sale truly was just a symbolic gesture of most friendly nation on earth to America - what else was/is to expect from them anyways...
Sorry Indians and polar beers and salmon...our president Trump will get you a better(warmer) place down in Guantanamo if you will dare to protest, so just comply...okay !!??? Its different times now...we sanction Russia, but looks like our economy is hurt more than Russian and stolen Iraqi oil is coming to an end also...need oil in most exclusive areas of the world and another war with Arabs/South America whatever...thank you Saddam/ next
And we have a climate change going on also right now, so just be patient please...don't object just comply...and its not what country can do for you and its no longer even what you can do for the country any longer because country need you no longer...will just take it from you the Texas way...OILLLLLLL.....RUSSIA ID THE ENEMY...RUSSIA HACK AND RUSSIA MEDDLES IN ELECTIONS AND RUSSIA MEDDLES IN BREXIT AND IN CATALONIA AND RRRRRRRR....ok just comply...
In USA freedom of speech is called free because you can exercise one all you want(as pleased) and because there are hundreds of unemployed people waiting in line for your "job"...

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Gennady Zyuganov warns about playing with Slavic sanity(identity) - Removing Lenin's body from mausoleum on 100th anniversary of the Revolution 'would spark rioting in Russia'

No such thing as because Lenin is a symbol of Slavic and not only Russian intellect(respected worldwide for his intellectuality), and Gennady Zyuganov who launched his 2018 presidential bid vs Vladimir Putin just happens to know that !!! Before burial of Lenin, we should rather discuss why burial happened to Stalin - it is easier for AmeroGerman NEONAZI systems to spit on our history which was subjected for centuries to them(keep in mind that Germany was supported throughout its existence in war against Russia by almost all Western countries and that at one point included even very unlikely France) than to admit the truth(face truth as they have murdered over 110 million foreign people in WWII and in post WWII periods and probably another 200 million in domestic proportions via social engineering....USA took extremely sad turn after WWII and believes that with repetition of most disgusting lies, those can gradually turn into truth just after 73 years of unprecedented terror/horror...we should say famous "free speech" protected under US constitution in hands of bigots/serial killers/rapists, and paedophiles what NEONAZIS were and are).

Putin is using ministers to kill in other countries those who dare to expose his NEONAZI agenda !!!

I regretfully have to report that Putin called in Moscow Slovenian Minister(she is since march 2013) for Family and Social Matters ANJA KOPAČ MRAK to award her with a special order of friendship because of(what partially is suggested, but is much more) the merits that she ought to have in strengthening Russian-Slovenian cooperation and setting up a monument to Soviet and Russian soldiers...

As much as I would love nothing more than strong Slovenian Russian relations(I want more than Russian or USSR statues here, I would like to form strong Russian community throughout entire territory of what used to be Yugoslavia beginning with Slovenia which would be used further to re-assemble back lost country and incorporate one into our original Slavic DNA with Poland/Ukraine, Czech/Russia etc because we alone will be simply deleted from where we are via social engineering - we have zero chances for existence under given EU circumstances and it is about to get much much worse), I have to say that Anja Kopač Mrak has personally threatened me under MKULTRA with social matters(ruining my life which am afraid no longer is possible because I have very little left of what should have been life and she is already well deserved for ruining one) if I would dare to turn against Vladimir Putin.

About the money that I would receive from elites....

They have talked(lied) about money(to me, to my parents, to politicians, to numerous people)...enormous amounts of money that I would get paid for my case...

The only money that you will pay is the one via courts if  will ever be allowed to one. Other than that, your money is worth to me as much as your existence. I would be beyond disgusted to accept from you even a dime. I much rather would terminate my life that accept a single cent from you.

Have spent two hours today conversing with T2 representative on why my two laptops can't connect to internet via cable, but only via router(WI/FI) which password can't be changed...

Told not their fold and then internet begun to work via cable on one of my laptops for two hours on what cable simply lost connectivity(cable light went off - brand new cable and same situation was with other cables meaning that has nothing to do with my cable or laptops).

Neighbor across the street Dane Kolenc(Putin's lackey) who was involved in abductions(MKULRA torture) promised me exact such treatment to ensure that I will not publish anything too sensitive(will be in my best interest to tolerate such procedure), but it seems that T2 company is again at it as well....


And you will pay for this Pahor - make no mistake about will see what it means to engage in psychiatry against me and exercise terror on me with idea to get me in have kids too.

You do remember what we have done with people like you when WWII sure you do...WE WILL DO THE SAME WITH YOU !!!

Update: Have just changed location and will begun to post again tomorrow.

Have lost countless hours due to internet issues. Three routers which I have bought, are no longer functional( the third router bought in January, lasted me 5 months). Robber covers for screws are even missing from the back of the newest router because someone did a very very poor job at whatever he was trying to accomplish(am not allowed to even change password on the only router that physically still functions)...there is a bunch of other issues that I faced as well - within last few days, my head felt very strange when writing - at one point(the day before yesterday), I could feel something very powerful blurring my eyesight for few seconds and I got heated(as if something caused some sort of reaction inside of my brain)...My mom complained a lot because of headaches and so did my father(I have almost never ever had any in my lifetime) - this prompted me to disconnected WI/FI as a result and change location(bought some furniture today and moved to a lower area of the house). All good...

Monday, November 6, 2017

Generalplan Ost - German("Aryan") plan for extermination of the Slavs...

This are the beasts who would like "help" from us today in the extermination of other races since they didn't succeed in exterminating us Slavs - YET...
This is not is brutally real and what you see here was just a beginning plan(entry into total extermination of us dirty Slavs) !!!

Should we give this aliens a hand since they aren't from this planet !!???? This beast glorify Hitler today and claim for communism to be worse even than NAZISM/FASCISM....