Preko mene(kar je imelo za reultat njuna pretepanja-grožnje s smrtjo po Sloveniji, Srbiji, Bosni z Srpskim prebivalstvom, Rusiji, Češki, Poljski etc.) sta dva nadalje razvijala teorijo zavoljo nove velikočetiške države Jugoslavije preko ustrahovanja Slovenskega naroda - tako z grožnjami češ da gre za napad na Slovenijo tako z fizičnim-psihičnim nasiljem katerega so lahko mimoidoči opazovali onemelo med celo mojo nastanitvijo v umobolnici kakor ogašanjem mnogih Slovenskih življenj.
Wednesday, June 30, 2021
Jocko Willink INVOLVED in my MK ULTRA case and appeared as one of staunchest supporters till I got completely lost in one
@Milan Kučan in Borut Pahor
Z malce pozornosti vaju dobim na Haško sodišče in obsodim največjih zločinov proti človeštvu - vsekakor pa izdajalstva in uničenja Slovenske države-naroda. Related to
At the final of conversation with association for handicapped in Novo mesto, I also identified year of association's building year purchase as 2005 where previously store was located but
Pogovor z medobčinskim drustvom invalidov v Novem mestu glede poškodbe hrbtenice in možne pomoči(nasveta) Junij 30 2021
Video prav tako dosegljiv na
MK ULTRA: In the past three days, I identified and several people self identified per MK Ultra
--Top of Trska Gora - 3 families identified and self identified.
-- One of the earliest men involved in MK Ultra along politicians Bavčar-Peterle self identified and identified about 2 kilometers from here.
--Brežice man along his family identified just yesterday
--Man from Trieste and his sister in Triest identified and self identified. I remember sister-mother situation in Trieste and have plentiful proofs for that matter as well. These people all go as far as to 1995-1996
--My Avsec Boštjan initials displayed on a way to Trska Gora's church of St. Marry for over 10 years already
Tuesday, June 29, 2021
SINCE 2006 AND TOLD CASE WILL BE UNDER MK ULTRA: In Slovenia when compared to Poland
For bad relations between Russia and Slovenia and others - Slovenian nations is guilty alone
Because where there is NO self respect among own people, nobody from outside will ever respect you either. Not about Russia/Belarus/ Poland/ Czech rep. and others so much...question here pops up whether you should defeat your internal enemy first or run on outskirts of the country to defend its borders...
NOT DIFFICULT TO KNOW WHO IS GUILTY FOR IT ALL/HOW AND WHY: For the broken watches Sergei from Belarus and other claimed problems, Borut Pahor consoled them with words I cite, "don't worry, when its turn comes YOU WILL GET HIS WATCHES AND HE WILL GET YOUR BROKEN WATCHES"
It was like this with ALL THE items. Here is who, how, and whatever(not why). Perhaps worst was Andrzej Duda who dared me buying a decent smart watch with pledge to send bills for Skoda car from Czech republic/ Poland and so on....
Sunday, June 27, 2021
REPEATED NEXT DAY - After 4 hours of radiation(this is what painful "sleep" I got used to it was), I am ready for new day
I suppose an answer to
Russian politics unstoppable British royals told me back in 2013/2015 - reality is that to "annex" territory is not the same as to "occupy" and British media continues to brainwash via planned conflict and controlled media that occupy when it comes to Russia is to annex
HERR Sebastian Kurz ALSO impregnated in Smarjeske toplice(Slovenia) area ;)
Saturday, June 26, 2021
Joe Rogan(also participated hunger games in Poland) along his long time friend Iliza Shlesinger tells as is about Joe Biden and situation on general
IDENTIFIED yet another Slovenian gentleman involved in MK Ultra who ALSO participated Polish American hunger games in Lodz Zgierz
Miraculously SEVERE pain/pressure after complaining yesterday with what they brainwashed me with is AGAIN gone
Friday, June 25, 2021
NOT SIGNING FOR ANY JEFF BEZOS "MARS'S EXPLORATIONS": Abduction a very very possible scenario in my case. Not signing up for Jeff Bezos Mars explorations - Mu Mu Land.
Thursday, June 24, 2021
German Gentleman from Weißenfels and his company owner from Wiedergeltingen involved in MK Ultra both identified
Wednesday, June 23, 2021
An visit invitation for Angela Merkel to Novo mesto
They have gone as far as planting fake Andrzej Duda into scenario - idea was to confuse who was who as Duda alone had MK Ultra scenarios changing from extremely violent to what would help me and so on
In respect to Polish psychologist only that I was told would see online news about accident in either Zakopani region(Tatra mountains) or lake drowning
You will never ever see her again is what I was repeatedly gestured. They had sorry ass scenarios basically for every individual involved in MK Ultra. Specially those close to you which in this case were used to cause more harm or as much as harm as possible - led by psychiatry implying to parents even at this stage.
Tuesday, June 22, 2021
Kim sister derides US official, dismisses chances for talks
regional terror is no other than Vladimir Putin), but specially due to Kim Jong Un's murderous the right to work policy for those who somehow manage to escape his lunacy with escape to China where they are disallowed afterwards to obtain even work and must be repatriated for execution purposes - I believe it is in best US interest(global interest) to stop communication of any kind with North Korea and instead channel one via China. Simply transfer all your government phone calls from North Korea to Chinese authorities and have them handle lunatic unless those need your assistance. Paying attention and displaying even concerns for North Korean psychotic(not powerful, but mentally ill - extremely poor and poor choice of words by American journalists contributes to problems) commander will only deteriorate his health and consequently well being of everyone else.
Kim sister derides US official, dismisses chances for talks
Tue, June 22, 2021, 5:32 AM
SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — The powerful sister of North Korean leader
On June 19th after taking father to hospital, several other people involved in MK Ultra appeared
MK Ultra - The day before yesterday(June 20th) several more people involved in MK Ultra identified
In Novo mesto at Zihovo selo a couple from near bye while working on their field - have a house on the other side of the river right next to river. Husband is from Bela Krajina in fact old Slovenian house. Possibility even from Desinec center...
You do whats best for your interests, but don't make your own WWII legacy, basically our grandfathers(Slovenian and Chinese were on the same side) die during WWII for this
@NANCY PELOSI AND POPE FRANCIS IN VATICAN CITY: I do like the answer on how many US democrats were involved in 9/11 - September 11th, 2001
Sunday, June 20, 2021
Polish branch of MSN news just releases news for which their godly peoples have warned me case will be if I would somehow see myself as a human being
If Slovenes TODAY would have as many human rights in "independent" Slovenia as they have in Austria where Slovenian minority still exists
brainwashed will be poisoned, killed there by Borut Pahor's association), seems is really great for others including his own son. It was Miami where I lived that bothered them the most or at least till they commenced with children's births there to obtain American citizenship for them and it grew into broader issue which seem they(psychotic liars - violent Moscowian Belgrade Ljubljana schizophrenics) alone violate quite a lot.
It was my father's Swiss knife that almost cost him life during MK Ultra times(it wasn't about cars only - German or Italian cars were NO NO), but it was Putan Putanowich who got Germans Mercedes factory near Moscow. Borut Pahor's son graduated on the other hand in Wienna...a bit more than a double standards, but than anything whatever is NOT GOOD FOR US AND WHATEVER WAS WRONG WITH US APPEARS IS BEST FOR OUR ENEMIES.
The US Government idea of having laptop destroyed at his command was very very realistic
Damaged fan can seal computer's destiny once multiple tasks on laptop are spurred into action simultaneously and you have CPU/memory/disk heating computer till one gives in. They tried...they tried and continue to try.
COMING CIVIL WAR AGAINST SLOVENIA: In Slovenia, 5/6 years old(obviously children) on Chetnik side are even trained on MK Ultra issues
@Milana Kučan - Borut Pahor
You and your families will pay for your bloody deeds too.
Milana Kučan - Borut Pahor well prepared to face truth which the two silenced for 26 years while using every repression tool accessible
Once Germany handed me via MK Ultra to Poland in 1999, I knew will be killed
They damaged surgically one of the main gland nodes to me under MK Ultra already in1996 when brought to Belgrade for didn't have to be genius to realise even drugged up on what will follow.
Their human rights(LIES) were/are my death.
According to Milan Kučan in 2013/2015/2017, it's a deadly injury because it's where lymph nodes connect with spleen - super delicate
Russians and Serve butchered me with assistance of United States of America which brought me to Europe for exactly here stated. Throwing American citizen on a Russian/Serbian surgical table to have one chopped as pleased and complain about being discriminated against by me drugged up and tortured...
@USA - I don't believe in any of your human rights claims. You used fake death certificates to inflate Covid19 and you use fake concerns to cover what otherwise should be media's real space in news concerning real victims of this case genocide your country orchestrated. You use fake human rights concerns as well as scream to out scream cry for help from those truly in need.
THIS WHOLE THING DONE ON ME WAS A MASSACRE/NOT MK ULTRA OR WHATEVER: Sergei from Belarus realized in 2005 once I started to exercise next to him under MK Ultra that I suffer from sharp pain on the right side of the body(close to center)....
It was doctor Igor Kotar(neighbor) who told me a must surgery sometimes in the future and to not do any pull-ups - told me this under MK Ultra and it sounded horrific whatever told me(another nightmare and reason to disbelieve MK Ultra if willing to function normally in normal life). He resolved cancer related problem(yet another location of the body and found at age 34 - weird for what used to be top athlete to suffer from so many cancer related issues at that age) and what he referred to as temporary issue with injection used, I believe, to decrease swallowing in that part of the body and ordered Sergei to no longer push any exercises other than was more than funny to m when Milan Kučan knew all about my problem laughing at me along Pahor in respect to spleen and lymph nodes...
The biggest problem is everyone knew about it and some even pushed issue further(increased chances of cancer) via poisoning example Is Poland where I was poisoned to beyond toxic, Buckingham palace who knew totally everything about it never reacted/acted...
This is not my body lol - just as an example.
Saturday, June 19, 2021
SOON NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT: If China’s top spycatcher has "defected" to the US, whole thing is nothing than a matter of formalities
Fri, June 18, 2021, 9:18 PM <-- yesterday's news
Rumours swirl that China’s top spycatcher has defected to the US (
The insanest from Biden under MK Ultra I heard was for me to
RETURNED WITH MOTHER AT 0310 HOURS: Taking father to hospital, local Serbian girl with group of young people even waved in the car like crazy in Kandija intersection in Novo mesto
For that matter I was told father will be gone for good...few days ago, mother begun to worry about winter heating of the house or rather what I was told will be purchase of briquettes. Its how far father would be with us according to MK Ultra...
Nevertheless, I told mother that I will transport father to hospital any time she wishes, however, will not hand around him or wait for her all night long any longer - not even one single hour. I cited her example of father who wouldn't wait either for her or myself even 5 minutes. Advised he in case she would like to stay with him next time to either call taxi or have him return with ambulance vehicle(didn't go as far as farther did/would, but what normal people would do).
Joe Biden spent in this very city of Novo mesto over the course of 26 years for over
few months of time...came right here from overseas on at least 100 occasions before one became a president. He is not a newbie here...
They are in process of fathers' removal
Also as was told, his presence and possibly even mothers' is undesired in my public life once the case becomes factual - "recognized" by state. It was a state which engineered for father/mother problems against me(THEY HAD TO FOLLOW CRIME PROTOCOL - like it or not) with here stated reason as reason number #. He has another emergency going right now, but strangely wouldn't want me to take him to hospital...real state's reason for his removal is his knowledge of what one have seen went on over the course of the years in this very house and elsewhere with me on picture...Joe Biden prefers to go this route after me possibly even due to financial reasons.
Black Lives Matter Fights >>>Disinformation<<< To Keep The Movement Strong
@Black Lives Matters
F*** you and your 9/11 conspiracy theories from here on. Find someone else to redistribute them. and keep growing "strong"
Friday, June 18, 2021
There is nothing other left for Irish extremist(terrorist) than to APOLOGIZE to THE PEOPLE of China and Mr. Xi Jinping personally for neonazi 卐 卍COVID19卐 卍 theories against one
Be nice Mr. Biden
Just as Donald Trump stated, you lost this war - never mind election ;)
@Joe - Ohh, perhaps you do like to issue apology also to the people of United States of America even that - just like aliens, wouldn't believe s*** you have to say 😄
Father also keeps extra key set to himself with total mother's knowledge
They orchestrated me even on how they would take one across the border via Gorjanci under MK Ultra in case "I would make troubles"...sworn to me under MK Ultra on how blah blah...
Father's car nothing more than either modified directed energy assault weapon or one had directed energy device installed
Taking my father today to hospital and waiting to pick one up left me within hour with nothing but excruciating headache and sound in my head. It was nice after I exercised 6 hours this morning, but it all changed after taking father to hospital. I video recorded what appears to be radiation, but I believe electromagnetic radiation went far beyond recorded during my stay in the car. Father's illness issues under MK Ultra ranged all the way to my not having the right to inspect weather person cremated was he or another - same with mother...
MK ULTRA: Angela Merkels sents me gentleman from Weißenfels whom I have identified today
In cooperation with local Slovenian company(everything secured via my MK Ultra case - from money to technology) which experienced repair needs, Merkel sent me German machine serviceman involved in MK Ultra with his family since 2002 or so....
Mike Tyson, Dwayne Johnson in 2001/2002 went as far as investing their entire capital into Chinese factories to become super wealthy capitalists
Same case goes for Donald Trump - question opens not only about US Government off shore agreements shielding super wealthy from tax payment, but further about credibility of US human rights claims - Black Lives matters could well be a totally FAKE supremacist KKK alike organization working in direction opposite from justice system as well as human rights.
Wikipedia claims Tyson went broke in 2003 - well, upon his return from China in 2002 Tyson and Dwayne and others were confused about investments they made as per weather they would even see their money again...they LOUDLY begun to doubt own investment options as too risky....
My problem with American politicians was/is that they ALL placed personal interests over interests of American people
Every Irish extremist, make no mistake about it, is a Russian puppet as I pointed out in THE VIDEO - I have had problem with Biden 26 years ago just as I had with Donald Trump...this traitors formed crime net and one is not divided into rep/dem parties, but instead in common interests which they represent in both parties. Espionage !!! Betrayal/treason of US abroad and DOMESTICALLY.
NOT AMERICAN PRESIDENT AND NOT AMERICAN: Joseph Robinette Biden Jr is in my view foremost Irish IRA terrorist - before American
THEY have had and have LONG tradition of cooperation with USSR for well known reasons. How individual like this even participated at the top of the US government for 26 years is a very very good question ;) Related to
I sure can describe American embassy in Israel on what one looks on the inside
Just as I did Camp David and such...
@Kamala Harris
GOD DOESN'T APPROVE HOLODOMOR BUT DOES THIS VIDEO MESSAGE 100%: Joe Biden Vladimir Putin meeting in Geneve Switzerland 2021
Thursday, June 17, 2021
@Snoop Dogg
Wednesday, June 16, 2021
TALK BETWEEN PUTIN/BIDEN JUST ENDED AS I POSTED THIS NEWS: As soon as MK Ultra project is completed, attack on me follows and its why I am in here in this torture chamber just as was also done in Poland
Related to
and off course what fallowed on me I warned about this Amero Russian/ British German Polish
Czech Serbian torture chamber many many times before....its where 26 years of torture was done and one goes on at satisfaction/needs of all parties involved in one. Taking world down day bye day...this is why I prompted myself to write about people who haven't done evil against me only, but are causing one to others as well.
REPEAT: 3 of 3 MK Ultra in Germany Munich area WITH involved German MK Ultra staff members identified
Minorities in US suffer - I know so, but its their leaders that act like a pack of blood thirsty hyenas
Indifferent from seen bellow. Engaging even in a worse than slave trade issues for the sake of their own $$$.
There few people I identified yesterday while taking father to hospital yes, but not worth posting it due to mistakes I have also made
About Bela Krajina lady I knew beforehand husband was of Bosnian origins - he divorced Bosnian wife in 2002 or so I think and took her and pointed out walking distance home from work - she told me they would try to trick me via her case do...
My mother just reminded me off father's problems of inability to control urination
Why dry/molded lemon this time
Physicians haven't find weird about my father yesterday, but dry and molded lemon did waited on me downstairs just as mother told me case will be in case my lymph node
REPEAT: 3 of 3 MK Ultra in Germany Munich area WITH involved German MK Ultra staff members identified
Building himself tablet factories in China via this very case(not piling financial wealth only) and playing in hands infront of me when drugged up with what would become my future substitution for vandalized used laptop upon return from Poland
@Mike Tyson
Listen to me very good dude. Your play with my hope, your death threats, and CONDITIONING(daring me) ME TRUTH WITH EXISTANCE OF MINORITIES IN US(basically positioning yourself in front of Donald Trump as his top torture and defense team - pulling behind yourself as influential black individual entire minority movement) may land you and your supporters in a group of supremacists indifferent from David Duke, Hitler and goes same for Dwayne Johnson, Barack Obama, Jennifer Lopez, and others...
Republicans count on this very MK Ultra case - they have facts in hands about democrats' involvement in one and Joe Biden was/is nothing more than democrat party's suicide(I ignored his criminal involvement against me during and in post MK Ultra period, but just to be ignored by him alone once he became a president)
I do like instead of insane 卐 卍 Chinese COVID19 theory, a real Elon Musk's Starlink investigated - connection between satellites and auto navigation systems in vehicles
During serious crises in Ukraine, Stoltenberg claims ‘NATO needs more’ from Ukraine before Ukraine can join NATO" while Biden who expressed even support for Russian petroleum/gas(used by Russia to cover costs for the war against Ukraine) points finger at one citing "corruption issues"
During worst human rights case America had throughout its history(my case), American senate passes bill to establish June tenth as a national holiday marking end of slavery in the United States
Just returned from city and taking father to hospital into emergency room(2030 hours) after meeting three Czech guys involved in MK Ultra
Tuesday, June 15, 2021
When I get through this ordeal(and I did), the #1 PRIORITY of mine will be to immediately annihilate every drone on four wheels operating on Slovenian state infrastructures
That much for Teslas and cars operated possibly via satellite navigation systems. Making your everyday needs possible and not task impossible for the sake of few high budget elites who built for themselves special one way "boring tunnels to nowhere".
MK ULTRA - 3 of 3 MK Ultra in Germany Munich area WITH involved German MK Ultra staff members identified
Sunday, June 13, 2021
Microwave Owen with oven was purchased as Merkel told me case would be for this stage of MK Ultra - sold via Lidl and purchased by mother
Saturday, June 12, 2021
2 of 3 MK Ultra in Germany Munich area WITH involved German MK Ultra staff members identified
POLISH TALIBAN IRREPLACABLE POLISH MEDIA CLAIMS: Mateusz Morawiecki absolutely the best of the best - nocked them out all(his competition dead)
Obama: Poland and Hungary are now “essentially authoritarian”
Ex-Mossad director dismisses China threat, criticizing hardline U.S policy

Friday, June 11, 2021
Do you know what lie is ? A real definition for one ?
Castle mentioned in the video was erected(completed) in 2001
Related to
Mayor of the city Novo mesto - Mr. Gregor Macedoni also WAS IN POLAND at Donald Trump's hunger games
Involved in my MK Ultra case since I selected him for trip to Poland. Enough stated. Upon his return, he continued to obtain degree.
Involved in MK Ultra and whom I met today was daughter from Alexander Lukashenko located just 10 kilometers from my residence in Slovenia(Novo mesto)
Remember her since she used to attended grammar school - this is how young she was when involved in MK Ultra. She got job at Smarjeske toplice's spa/recreation department latter...
MK ULTRA - Qinghai Lake China area some 26 years ago(AND since)
MK ULTRA Elon Musk's house before one purchased one and after....
Wednesday, June 9, 2021
Nobody seemed to have cared for fish in Qinghai Lake China some 24 years ago(1996), but few poorest local fishermen who would still try their luck(but as told with less and less and no longer even a option as fish was totally gone they claimed) and myself
Tuesday, June 8, 2021
MY LOVING EBAY'S VERIFY YOU ARE HUMAN: More CYBER ATTACKS on me recorded/ clearly not difficult to know from where/who directed these at me
Duke of Sussex to take five months parental leave after daughter's birth
Thats actually wonderful, so you can take your daughter and son(this time for change) and when compared to photo bellow, to Great Britain. Just too bad they were born in country whose constitution(1st amendment - free speech) you hate so much. And it must be really nice to be a chief impact officer of mental health company while fighting misinformation which your sources created to silence also real another words, to be a witch hunter...
TWO LITTLE HITLERS MEETING: For coming "summit" between Biden and Putin, Western media rattles with just what Russia has in a military field(nice replicas of NATO arsenal is what - freebies/handouts for the sake of new 卐 卍 pact)
I AGREE: China State Media Calls Wuhan Lab Leak Theory 'Pathetic Story'
Not even three weeks after supposed Jill's "go f**** yourself" REMINDER, Kamala Harris' plane grounded
Mr Robert Kegan was involved in MK Ultra since early beginings
Monday, June 7, 2021
MK ULTRA - 1 of 3 MK Ultra in Germany Munich area WITH involved German MK Ultra staff members identified
@China - Joe Biden would like to know why exactly do you continue to decline to become a neonazi fascist state collaborator !!?????
Sunday, June 6, 2021
@Joe Biden - How about laptop battery - can one explode ?
This is the stuff I was brainwashed with during MK Ultra here in Europe and back in Miami - asked question repeatedly in real time at state agency for employment(1STOP WORKFORCE ALONG BISCAYNE BLVD.). Traumatized, I refused to buy laptop till 2004...refused to otherwise appealing minivans(told will sleep in one during winter in snow)...refuse to purchase android telephone till 2017 - for that one, they presented all kinds of insane road to Poland unavoidable scenarios...
Undermining US Constitution - laws: Republican GOP quietly to rig voting rights of Americans via new voting laws
Saturday, June 5, 2021
The first individual involved in MK Ultra who DREAMED about tablets and tablets only(right inside of Novo mesto library and in 2003 before those even had any significant usage) was Barack Obama
Went ahead to threaten after I dismissed one at the library and what one managed to produce cane clearly be seen here
In 1998/1999 whenever brought to Germany and accompanied by Trumps, I got into almost physical confrontation on each and every occasion with either of two Trump sons who would
take orders on attacking me when in Germany from Czech and Polish Governments. The main cause was envy/hatred for someone other than Czech/Pollack to earn something more than what their politicians had despite fact that Skoda factory exists in Czech republic because of me only. These two criminals LIED on German streets before German politicians about MK Ultra past(as how to pursue renovation/construction in area) - have brainwashed me into wrong information. Eventually Poland and Czech rep. ripped my MK Ultra case from Germany and I have to say today - FOR ALL THE WRONG(WORST OF THE WORST) REASONS.
I am blocked(incapacitated) from creating video on MK Ultra in Germany
@Angela Merkel
But you will be f*** too. It won't be so funny for you soon.
Both computers are broken
Using either of the two further would result in burning motherboard as was told case will be. American psychologist told me coolers didn't work for either of the two as they use specific cooling systems. Merkel insisted how I should buy new tablet from China at this point...Trump Eric(both Jr. and Eric involved - you prince from Bell Air also knew about it all) mawned about screen problems that I would have what indicates mentioned screen issue...there is no difference between US Democrats and republicans is what I can tell you folks - they both were in it from day one to MURDER/KILL ME. Republicans started big lie for which not only knew will end soon, but have used as time and again before a democrats to "STOP" one from know, a big secret "somehow" leaked out and then there was no way to "help me" any all Joe Biden witnessed for no less than 26 years.