Monday, July 31, 2017

The next big(biggest ever) thing = EURUSSIA...that's when/where America becomes totally irrelevant and white race regains lost freedom from ZIOFASCIST slavery...

Time to end "End Game" with real "End Game"(steal ZIOFASCIST show and concentrate instead on prosperity = for us, for our people)...

Countries that must lead into this project are Germany, France, Great Britain, Italy, and off course Russia(others will follow if they like and if not, they can remain part of self destructive ZIOFASCIST cult)...we can talk about products, but there is one product that non white systems(it is what unites us member nations from white family) can't replicate(they did everything else) and that is white race. We(ourselves) must ensure the right to existence via superiority(European Union is clustered with million interests to which corruption rules above all - it is time to open road to those who are willing to invest in this most precious product by securing them space/raum and market)...
Biggest benefits of EURUSSIA:

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Gauteng police alone arrests over 1600 this weekend(from armed robbery, murder, possession of drugs, rape, assault, theft, possession of unlicensed firearms, and to business robbery), and over one million more South Africans to go jobless before year 2018 ends....

With fall of white rule, this is what is left in South Africa...

From news24:

Johannesburg - Gauteng police arrested more than 1 600 suspects during intelligence driven operations this past weekend, provincial spokesperson Captain Mavela Masondo said on Sunday.

The suspects were arrested for crimes ranging from armed robbery, murder, possession of drugs, rape, assault, theft, possession of unlicensed firearms and business robbery.

Masondo told News24 that the figure is in the usual range for weekend arrests across the province, with the figures ranging between 1 200 and sometimes over 2 000 on a given weekend.

Among them, two foreign nationals were arrested over the weekend for an alleged "419 scam".

Two Nigerian nationals aged 40 and 45 were arrested after police received information that an

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Media likes to talk about "Yazidi" slave women, but nothing about really white women...our women that are enslaved today in ZIOFASCIST state of Israel !!! Used(abused), jailed after quality expiration, and kick back home to spend the rest of their miserable lives in solitude...

I have met "Yazidi" women personally and none of them appeared to me to be white white(typical Arabs). Rothschilds' controlled ZIOFASCIST media, however, doesn't mention anything about real sexual slavery that is taking place today...every day in fact since the beginning of the new Israel !!!

Here are facts that will blow your mind about women's status in Israel - modern slavery in Israel revealed in photos !!! What you see here are facts !!!

Why are they silent about this if not because of personal criminality they are involved in !!????? Israel is nothing but huge Israel selected(hand picked) European politicians come to Israel for this !!! Russian, Ukrainian, Romanian, Baltic, and other women for sale...and so everybody is talking about Muslims(even those if imported

Let unemployed collect bones of "6 million", get them on the planes and(or) ships in direction of Israel NOW !!!

No Israeli should be allowed to set foot on European territory(any country in Europe and this regardless of circumstances) and those who are supporters of ZIOFASCISM(it will start with Pope the Dope from Vatican and you Emmanuel Macron), must follow the track of above mentioned bones(free ticket to Israel) !!! 

Do you remember my abduction situations that followed me throughout boneyards of Europe for entire 5 months and half !!??? I will make a special video(perhaps today) exactly on how Israel abducts men to Israel via terror seduction(have seen in US American negroes engaging in very same "group" stalking terror rape techniques)...

Evil is much more real and closer than what you think...innocence from Europe is once again wiped off by its eternal enemy !!! Its already late now, but tolerating intolerable will turn into too late !!!


Friday, July 28, 2017

THE FORBIDDEN NEWS(skeleton in the closet news): This year not exception in South Africa - at least 47 farm murders and 246 farm attacks so far...

Rothschils' most hated news(dirty ZIOFASCIST secret news - prohibited news) out of silenced white minority region known as South Africa(its why I appeal to all journalists out there to press with truth about our white brothers and sisters in South Africa):

From southafricatoday

Titled as "Police still not serious about farm murders"(funny since one never ever was serious about farm murders on the first place - it is us/YOU that lives and existence of our white people in South Africa depends on)...
TAU SA stated that the latest figures on farm murders and attacks show there were already 47 farm murders and 246 attacks this year. It is extremely worrying and proves that the police’s undertaking to deal with this type of crime as a priority, is not being implemented practically.

Dr. Pieter Groenewald, the leader of the FF

Great news for Ukrainian chocolate lowers - king Poroshenko to reduce price of one to compensate for loss of billion Dollars worth of ammunition in city of Balakliya

News dates back to March 23rd, 2017: I am very sorry for individual who died in explosion due to Poroshenko's lunacy in this particular, but other than that I wish Ukrainian chocolate lowers Bon Appétit to compensate government for the loss(Ukrainian folk will have to eat a lots of Poroshenko made chocolate as well as to use new gastarbeiter Euro visa in most effective ways to bring back money when competing with third world for so called "jobs" across the European Union - am sure jobless Ukrainians don't mind to go in search for "jobs" and to lend "temporary" their entire country to foreigners financed by Soros Rothschilds company)....ammo was worth about billion Dollars(imagine for a moment just how many jobs this could land to people in area) and will take some time to collect for renewed purchase from American "ally" which am sure will sell again(not that US could even protect own territory from total cremation in case of nuclear war, but it helps economy ran by ZIOFASCIST corporations across the US = free weapons and healthcare and money for Israel provided by US taxpayers and ZIOFASCIST control of Ukrainian territory in case some white American or European would escape zoo and claim his basic rights in third country)...

It was boom and then kaboom...then chocolate price reduction followed...

You are right...why to live in a country TWO TIMES bigger than US(and where Crimea and Donetsk are), where pay is over 500 Euros per month vs what you have(about 100-150 per month), where you could sell your vegetation(agriculture) for 3 x times

After going 89 hours straight without sleep, I arrived to residence in Novo mesto at 23:00 hours on foot with 25/30kg backpack(walking 3 kilometers). TAKE YOU BONES AND GET OUT EUROPE ZIOIFASCIST SCUM !!!

I didn't post news earlier because I am building new site(based on wordpress and not blogger which disallows anyone to charge any money for articles - this "free" Jewish hosting at blogger was by far the most expensive thing that I have purchased in my life time)...

Why all this !!???? Because upon arrival to Zagreb, no bus company would stop for me on main route between Zagreb and Ljubljana to drop me off in Novo mesto(we used to have buses and trains coming from Zagreb to Ljubljana on every hour in Novo mesto, but not anymore since Slovenian politicians act so incompetent and hateful toward otherwise very good neighbor Croatia) area.

Ljubljana's politics toward neighboring countries(not only Croatia) can be summed up in one sentence, "the only good neighbor is Ljubljana, all others are evil"(this includes Croatia, Italy, Austria, and Italy...what the hell - even Slovenia). Slovenian citizens don't matter to Ljubljana either

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Got ticket and left Warsaw last night(after 61 hours and half of sleep deprivation)...

They tried to get from me 70 Euros for bus trip to Budapest(the real price is 35 = Flixbus)...then(another bus) they tried to make me buy bus ticket to Prague for 50 Euros(reduced latter to 40 Euros when in fact should be 25 Euros = Flixbus) and all my answers to them were "NO" !!! It did cost me pain...I stuck here in Warsaw, but I won at the end...I got ticket to Vienna(bus station on the other side of the town) for only 23 Euros...I have caught Flixbus which was heading to Hungary departing from the rear of the Warsaw bus station(not from international departures at all)...pulled out camera out and bus driver utterly jumped behind wheel to take off like in American movie(I have also audio recorded him, so it won't be any misunderstanding or doubts)...everything caught on camera(he also wanted to charge me double of what is advertised on internet)...

Euroapparatchics are not crazy...they know what they are doing...

This is what took place on my return trip...

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Stuck in insane Warsaw bus station

Am not allowed to use Slovenian debit card(they require verification for each transaction via telephone that is based in Slovenia - totally impossible), bus counters for international transit was closed for the day upon my arrival at about 5pm(can you imagine to have no ability to buy bus ticket even with cash in main bus station in city of almost two million !!!???), Polish government trying to charge me for rail ticket over three times more than what bus ticket costs and bus drivers are trying to

Heading back to ZIOFASCIST European Union supported by Poroshenko alike criminal politicians ....

I am indeed located only few kilometers at this point(Brest, Belarus) from criminal paradise known as Ukraine where chocolate billionaire is in-charged...its scary to think even for a moment in what Europe have had turned into thanks to Rothschilds(ZIOFASCISM)...

Ukrainian Al Capone doesn't only controls whatever is left from cracked Ukraine, but is very active in its more Europe as once we used to know...say hello to criminality and Ukrainian "gypsies" who will bag across the Europe for what are "jobs"(in reality beautiful Ukrainian people disowned from own land - own country by presidente El Poroshenko and turned into European union beggars with the rest of the third world)....fertile Ukrainian land will now serve to profit other countries(resellers or wholesalers - brokers if you like buy and get there for free to sell afterwards expensive to Russia - what could have been Ukrainian heaven with territory twice bigger than USA is not NATO experiment with displaced population till country will

ZIOFASCIST terrorism exploding throughout Europe thanks to tourism !!! SIEG HAIL BENJAMIN !!!

Israel openly taking over European cities(turning them into pigsty during peak summer) and terrorizing white European population via what should have been "tourism", but is instead comfort Israel for its genocidal politics, we are compelled to choose our future between selected EuroApparatchiks(politicians approved by Israel on both sides of the specter) which promote ZIOFASCISM(Emmanuel Macron claims that ZIOFASCISM is even healthy and opposing ugly criminality is known as antisemitism while reducing budget for French military forces and replacing patriotic general with one of his own)...


But its not like this here...I am in no hurry :) ENJOY YOUR SUMMER TIME(Springtime as seen on video bellow - even Jew wish accent is perfect;) BENJI AND THE REST OF YOU LOSERS(you are a bunch of criminal lunatics is all I have to say)...

Friday, July 14, 2017

Whose fold is all this...

Its all my fold...they can actually do what you see here is taking place and I don't blame them at all...about other stuff not(you were very wrong about what you have done to me), but this time you are actually right...I believe that Vitebsk Immigration lady Elena Dmitrievna have even mentioned me this in Russian language, but in my head at the time was only one to illegally cross border to get to Putin...

Was told to go back to Vitebsk to get visa, so I can cross Belarus border again

There was noting anyone could do for me from Grodno today to help me out with obtaining visa is what I was told at the main police station in Grodno..."You must go back to Vitebsk to obtain one"...

Office where I was told to go back to Vitebsk...

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Belarus Immigration violated my rights yesterday severely

Took me from Polish/Belarus border to the town near border and demanded forcefully for me to enter police station where I would purchase tourist visa for 130 Rubles(I was afraid to enter one because of what  I have experienced at the border)...Immigration officer(border officer) who brought me to police station(20 minutes from border) have grabbed me for my hands - disallowing me freedom of movement to town on territory of Belarus...this is a NO NO and a very serious violation Mr. Lukashenko !!!

You can't forcefully demand money from people like this !!! Police

Got money, but not allowed to BUY ordered by immigration TOURIST visa to get out of Belarus where I applied for political asylum against US and EU(brutalization process in Belarus goes on)...

"You must go to residence registration office(police station) to re register yourself AGAIN because you arrived in Grodno yesterday !!! If you don't have translator, bring yourself one...we are required to speak only Belarus and Russian here and you don't have the right to say anything" is what I was told by number one female officer in  building as seen bellow...another female officer suggested that she spoke yesterday with Vitebsk immigration as well, but none knew who I was(they demanded from me the even bus ticket to learn where I attempted to cross border to Poland with)...
You must go here and re register yourself(your address) with police

Once outstanding man Lukshenko, changed into what you have witnessed and witness...this is what corruption does...

Its not to late can become again what you once used to be...

Lukashenko started his life with what I would rather rate as outstanding(INCREDIBLE) and got lost somewhere/somehow along the way...
We want this beautiful man back(come back real you - we are winning the war !!!)...

From Wikipedia..."Lukashenko graduated from the Mogilev Pedagogical Institute (now Mogilev State A. Kuleshov University) in 1975 and the Belarusian Agricultural Academy in 1985. He served in the Border Guard (frontier troops) from 1975 to 1977 and in the Soviet Army from 1980 to 1982. In addition, he led an All-Union Leninist Young Communist

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

65 Euros bus ticket taken away from me at the border and I was taken to near town where told to pay 65 Euros for tourist visa

Haven't slept already since yesterday 0500am and like this...taken off bus, ticket dis-validated, they declined to provide me with attorney(have claimed me that I signed documents where is stated that I have to buy tourist visa - fact is that my Russian Cyrillic isn't good enough to read document in minutes and NOBODY told me about this option or how I have to buy 65 Euros visa to be allowed to exit Belarus) I don't have money...I have paid already for the
trip and throughout my two and half months stay here, about 45 Euros was given to me(not even for transportation)...
 Stolen at Belarus/Polish border...
Give 65 Euros or you can't leave sleep for you(wasn't allowed to take photo from police station) !!!


They hold me illegally in Belarus. My bus ticket to Prague was taken away from me on Polish/Belarus border. This should have been posted at 17:47, but was not because my internet was now back at Grodno...

There was no bus(Vitebsk - Minsk) for me available yesterday and they even tried to postpone my departure from Grodno to Warsaw for 10 hours

Netanjahu believes that he authority over white US and EU citizens per when those will be allowed to enter and exit their countries...I wish that stated above was a lie, but is on my appointment and pleasure all AUDIO RECORDED !!! AGAIN !!!

Vitebsk = population 340.000
Minsk = population 2100000

And no bus available for me after 1630 hours !!??? They insisted on my going with minibus, but minibus is a very very unsafe way to travel under my circumstances.

In Grodno, ticket sales lady used excuse for refusing me to board bus at 1300 hours my not having Belarus ID any longer(my US and EU passports didn't matter to her till I

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Leaving Belarus(Vitebsk) right now to get back to Slovenia....

Good bye Vitebsk, and thank you for everything. I have had great time here despite everything(what a beautiful people and nature - I just love Belarus)...change was great and they(Ziofascist criminals) suffered as many losses as they possibly could. I took from them absolutely everything they have had in moral sense(none of their bullets went into waste as far as am concerned - they got them all back)

New Mossad roommate(he is a real Israeli - make no mistake) used to intimidate became now shy

OR You can buy Bulgarian passports now like bananas...familiarize yourself with perfect Israeli English accent in this movie in case you don't know how it "roommate" from "Bulgaria" will demonstrate one for you....

Monday, July 10, 2017

I got a new "Roommate" today...

I am not lying to you....he looks exactly as you see here and was given white bed sheets by staff...he is from "Bulgaria"(doesn't look like Bulgarian to me at all, but this is what they claim he is...his speaks Russian as well...he have sun glasses on even in bed)...geez, I will try to leave tomorrow this place...

I will be taken to Ukraine folks to be conditioned with more criminality...

Rothschildian Billionaire Poroshenko will get visit from UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Saturday to ensure that I will somehow stay alive during my stay there(in Kiev as far as I know):

Because of deepest corruption possible, Petro Poroshenko have about 13/14 years ago via MKULTRA torture(forced unemployment in US) conducted on me, obtained a verbal agreement that I will bail him out of crises one day...I might have even signed paper in respect to stated here(you would

1 of 2 Political analyses of Belarus and 2017's Lukashenko Putin meeting in Moscow

Video can be also seen at: OR

To Belarus with love and from Belarus with love....was promised all kinds(bad bad scary as shit - I got my passports back today and so for this I was promised that all kinds of bau bau will take place - incl. trip to Poroshenko) of scenarios for releasing what you see here, but one thing is fact...this is Belarus and KGB is here(not only you Lukashenko, but KGB and they see it PEOPLE'S way !!!)....

In next video, I will be talking to you about environment(corruption) I was exposed and how they wanted me to see things as...THEY HAVE DONE AND ARE DOING ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING POSSIBLE TO TAKE DOWN BELARUS AND WITH BELARUS A RUSSIAN FLAG A AS WELL !!!

Bye the way(again all audio recorded - will be seen in next video)...Nice Indian students which I have met and conversed with in Vitebsk, have mentioned me that they study here because it is cheaper than in India and because they weren't capable to get in universities in India due to low school grades...

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Two hours long documentary to be released instead tomorrow....

Belarus state should be blacklisted for cooperation with Israeli terrorism against white American and EU citizens

In store(just 100/150 meters) from this United Nations' kill station(so called "immigration center"), Mossad employed mulatto girl whose boyfriend is a Belarus Jew according to her just now(saw her with Mossad terrorist the other day and memory on MKULTRA ringed immediately, so I asked her few questions which she didn't mind answering, but did lied a little - all audio recorded)...

Fact is that individual alone was involved in my abduction to Israel from this very location, his English skills are

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Mossad's subcontractors leaving simultaneously with me...yeah, sure is insane...

Video can be also seen at: OR

Diabolic game condemned on total failure from very beginning just doesn't end :) One of my quotes reads: He owns the universe..he owns everything...Lucifer(Satan) never won a single battle or war against God !!! 

In fact, God have and sends him here and then to earth to see how those who are created in his(God's) image would react upon Satan's arrival...

And remember losers...your game was over before it began !!!

Created by Bastian Auser - Бостиан Авсец sometimes in 2014/2015

None of their insane scenarios is acceptable to me...remote Russian village or Israeli gulag..

If you hear shooting, just drop yourself on the ground...we have people like you who live here and there...we saved many like you(I cite garbage, "its because nobody gives you refuge in world as you see...and so we will save you" <== its not them who have ruined and are ruining my life, its them who are about to save me from me as you see)...

Well, my answer to you is "F*** YOU" !!! I have built my reputation on hard-work and honesty and am NOT about to give one away as a gift to anyone !!! Heading back to Slovenia on Monday. Not Russia where ZIOFASCIST

Friday, July 7, 2017

ZIOFASCIST elites' private lunacy hunger games map disclosed(designed by grand ZIOFASCIST Führer Benjamin Netanjahu)...

Its a fact that we are dealing with lunatics and more than anything a phenomena called ZIOFASCISM !!! 

You will now understand why and how routes via MKULTRA were designed...before you skip down bellow please ask 

Thursday, July 6, 2017

I bought poisonous cake yesterday

It is very easy to plant me garbage because I have to walk to get to any location and so it was no different yesterday when I went in the store in evening hours(after 8pm). Store near bye was locked already and when I asked sales lady in street of Maxima Gorkoga if biscuits are fresh, she assured me they are(had another food poisoning few days earlier, but that was just due to old cake)...
Diarrhea followed on me again(it must been old) at night, muscles

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Cause of his death is still unknown and this fact hurts even more...

Be in peace big German European man and thank you for everything you have done to unite Germany and bring us all in peace as we will continue to follow your path.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Have given request for passports, so I can leave this ZIOFASCIST system, and was in return given ZIOFASCIST haircut...

Video can be also seen at: OR
May be funny to ZIOFASCISTS, but sure isn't to me(will get police report on this incident)....we are dealing with very very sick people here....bye the way, I was told that it will take TWO days to get passports back because those are in or not am forced to stay here another two days!!??????

Read about to learn who real idiot with nukes is. More and research to learn more....

South Africa’s white population is shrinking at no surprise and the white farmer's murder rate is over 20 times higher than the one of international average...

The "unseen"(deliberately ignored, omitted, killed truth - all thanks to controlled main stream media and murderous "Alternative right") goes on with our whites in South Africa where on average 55 people are slaughtered per day(many of which are whites - not only white Boer farmers as mentioned here, but also white Afrikaners)...

Note to readers: My friend, I have seen this news so many times that one is stored in my head 24/7(it repeats on daily bases down there)...but I will not allow for one to become ignored part in me just because it repeats on daily bases and nothing is done about one(will NOT accept one as "normal" therefore - "get used to it because there is nothing you can do about it" as they say/brainwash population in US)....


Sunday, July 2, 2017

First THEY compelled America to invest in third world(Europe have to compete or become irrelevant), then THEY.....

Imported such merchandise back to America(and export one worldwide) while taxing American people to death(milking blood from Americans with taxation parallel to violent rehabilitation via forced joblessness and all kinds of inhumane tactics that can be employed to dehumanize population while preaching us about "human rights" and tolerance) and now, they are trying to make us complete strangers in our white homelands and even decide about our fate after everything they have done to us !!! WHO !!????
Who else than you !!!

There is a huge difference between tourists and terrorists that are wondering our countries these days...No they are not dangerous, they are DEADLY !!! They even kill American presidents and crash world towers(unbelievable and