Monday, July 31, 2017

The next big(biggest ever) thing = EURUSSIA...that's when/where America becomes totally irrelevant and white race regains lost freedom from ZIOFASCIST slavery...

Time to end "End Game" with real "End Game"(steal ZIOFASCIST show and concentrate instead on prosperity = for us, for our people)...

Countries that must lead into this project are Germany, France, Great Britain, Italy, and off course Russia(others will follow if they like and if not, they can remain part of self destructive ZIOFASCIST cult)...we can talk about products, but there is one product that non white systems(it is what unites us member nations from white family) can't replicate(they did everything else) and that is white race. We(ourselves) must ensure the right to existence via superiority(European Union is clustered with million interests to which corruption rules above all - it is time to open road to those who are willing to invest in this most precious product by securing them space/raum and market)...
Biggest benefits of EURUSSIA:

1) Unmatched economic, aerial, and military supremacy(real independence and spring/rebirth of our white nations lays in arms of EURUSSIA...nothing is like being "lord on own land")...end of regional conflicts that involve even military and guaranteed peace via long term integration on all sides of the borders...

2) No more slavery(end of forced white genocide in our countries and placing our position in this world into secondary perspective). No more multiculturalism occupation and terrorism in our lands(physical freedom to enjoy our purpose), and no more contracts that will subject(condition) our economies with previously mentioned. Whoever wants to integrate is welcome to do so by opening us his borders(their countries where things can be performed at our host's wish and our people's convenience if motivated). Criminality(corruption) ends here with(incl.) foreign wars for the sake of our enemy !!!

3) Ability to offer American population FREE SPEECH option(there is none now) which would also define fate of Northern American continent and consequently lead into coalition with their EURUSSIAN origins(USA was built by white Europeans and not ZIOFASCIST slave masters of our white people to whom we witness today on political stage)...

I didn't invent >>EURUSSIA<<(there were others before), but sure know how to get things going for us and done...I know what to look for...I know what people(each nation wants) want...I know "how" and "what" to get things done for everybody...because finest product in this world are we THE people !!!

Proudly written by Bastian Auser - Бостиан Авсец for Auser Times...

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