Monday, July 10, 2017

I will be taken to Ukraine folks to be conditioned with more criminality...

Rothschildian Billionaire Poroshenko will get visit from UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Saturday to ensure that I will somehow stay alive during my stay there(in Kiev as far as I know):

Because of deepest corruption possible, Petro Poroshenko have about 13/14 years ago via MKULTRA torture(forced unemployment in US) conducted on me, obtained a verbal agreement that I will bail him out of crises one day...I might have even signed paper in respect to stated here(you would
too if I drugged you up to limit unconsciousness and torture you for months)....

Here is my response Poroshenko/Lukashenko team(both are made from the same toast and corrupt beyond imaginable):

1) You were pulling strings behind curtain in Ukraine for war with Russia already since 1998(even earlier - remember John McCain and his team !!????)...

2) You got in corruption with Rothschilds mafia so deep, that you couldn't see yourself out of the shit no more, so you came up with your Western gangsters with plan that will give you a survival guarantee(they needed you and you needed them - ZIOFASCISTS needed to wash hands from blood of white humanity, so those could be even regarded as saviors of the white race after committing most atrocious crime against white humanity in the history of the world and you needed/need more money and off course alibi for criminality)...

3) Everybody knows what my "life" was like and thanks to whom am still alive today(your risks to obtain from me stated above almost didn't exist because my chances to stay alive were close to ZERO...myself against whole world)....

4) War with Russia via NATO for which you have campaigned since the beginning of your political career also failed and here we are loser together with your ZIOFASCIST clan members(Netanyahu, McCain, and others).... 

I have had everything in less than nothing my entire life(you and your ZIOFASCIST friends have had deprived me of one even via MKULTRA torture), and you have had nothing in everything your entire life...its why world is screwed as it is...its whats wrong with world(you are a bunch of crazy lunatics with unlimited powers who have contaminated world with your erratic mentality)....

I will not touch women and children, but If Ukrainian people alone will not lynch your ass(they will wake up and see what is happening - it is just a matter of time), I will get you on trial someway/somehow(yeah, if I stay alive somehow)...

The only agreement that I will ever make with anyone, will be when sober(no way under MKULTRA and knife under the throat)...this is NOT how I make(even sign) agreements !!!

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