Friday, November 3, 2017

Laura Bush delivers encouraging(inspiring) message to women all over the world...H.W. Bush's groping incidents 'very innocent' just like yourself whose memory was wiped out after encounters with this beast...

Laura Bush calls George H.W. Bush's groping incidents 'very innocent'...

You could crash(collide) with any of this politicians and I guarantee you that you wouldn't know with whom you had car crash accident the very next day - this is just how innocent H.W. Bush's groping incidents are :))))

I haven't found a single photo of this lady(Margie Schoedinger, 38) on the internet and that proves who was/is behind it all...

What the police failed to tell anyone, however, was they had investigated her past and discovered that she had, in fact, known George Bush when they were both teens, which made the case particularly sticky and potentially explosive.

Very soon, however, Margie was dead of a gunshot to the head and the death ruled a suicide. Meanwhile, her relatives seem to have disappeared (perhaps in terror?) and virtually nothing on this story can be found online anywhere, except for what little tidbits appeared in the European press.

Was this a decent refreshment Mrs. Laura Bush !!???? Don't worry, he will wipe your memory out again tonight so pretty you will wake up again brand new(wih big ass smile 2) tomorrow....

Margie Schoedinger wasn't alone, there were hundreds and possibly thousands other raped - MKULTRA victims...soooo effective that you could subject to abduction on broad daylight any politician, interrogate one via MKULTRA, and seat one right back on the plane the very next day(and they have/do - CIA does big time) accident never ever happens to top politicians because they are always replaced by other actors(entourage)...I know what am talking about - trust one moment you watch one individual with whom you have conflict and in next you wake up staring in another individual who stimulates you in even what you have "forgotten" about just ten minutes ago(they wipe your brain out with perfection)....this is how effective this industry have become already 25 years ago in US. As a top politician, you should never ever stay in US more than what your meeting requires from you..... and they dared to complain about Cuba("acoustic attack" - what a joke)...


Laura Bush calls George H.W. Bush's groping incidents 'very innocent'

Former first lady Laura Bush on Wednesday called incidents in which her father-in-law, former President George H.W. Bush, allegedly groped women “very innocent.”

“I’m just sad we’ve come to this,” Bush told CNN. “That was something that was very, very innocent that he’s been accused of. But I know he would feel terrible. He would never hurt anybody.”

Last week, George H.W. Bush, 93, apologized through a spokesman “to anyone he has offended” in response to allegations from several women that he “patted women’s rears in what he intended to be a good-natured manner” during photo opportunities.

Laura Bush told CNN her own daughters “respect themselves and they expect respect from the people they associate with.”

“And I think that's what American women should do,” she said.

The allegations against Bush came to light shortly after Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein was accused of sexual harassment and assault by more than a dozen women.

In the ensuing weeks, multiple famous men in a variety of industries have been accused of sexually inappropriate behavior, including journalist Mark Halperin and actor Kevin Spacey.

Seems like Americans remember whoever they want - according to whatever they want...Kennedy was shot....Kennedy was killed...who killed NEONAZI Kennedy...DISGUSTING !!!

Bush Rape Victim's Suicide ? News Story Blacked Out Nation Wide 

ThoughtCrime News - Cutting through the propaganda

In the western world, only one newspaper reports the suicide of the 
woman who accused George W Bush of rape 

by Simon Aronowitz

Saturday 13th December 2003

Despite the enormity of the story, a virtual news blackout has remained in place since Margie Schoedinger first filed charges against George W Bush in 2002. 

Schoedinger had accused Bush of rape and other sexual crimes against both her and her husband, only one publication in the USA saw fit to print anything about her or her allegations. That publication was her local newspaper. 

Her subsequent suicide earlier this year raised many eyebrows amongst those who learned of her death via the internet. Even though the sequence of events was bizarre, again the American media ignored Schoedinger completely.

However, the US press were not alone. Both the (London) Times newspaper and the BBC as well as other major news organisations in the UK were furnished with the story and sources for the original court filings.

This should have garnered some attention for the story from the big media sources, if only to ridicule the allegations. Instead, in the same way the American media served its audience a stream of controlled news, so too did the British media by pretending Schoedinger didn't exist.

Schoedinger apparently committed suicide on 22nd September of 2003 but her death only attracted new attention on the internet in November of 2003. Only now has one small-circulation newspaper in the UK run the story of her demise. It found the story so newsworthy it ran its headline on the front page next to the title header.

The New Nation serves the black community of London and, according to a spokesperson for the newspaper, has a circulation of 25,000. This spokesperson also stated that the newspaper had confirmed the details of the story before publishing and apologised for the misprinting of Schoedinger's death as 12th December 2003.

That a newspaper in the English-speaking part of the world has finally deemed this story worthy of publication finally gives legitimacy to it.

If one paper can cover this then so can others.

Many regular readers of `quality´ newspapers such as the Times, Telegraph and even the NY Times have never heard of Margie Schoedinger. Her tale illustrates how the news available on the internet is often of greater value than that which is paid for. Editors should be asked by their paying readers and viewers why this story has been censored.

One can only deduce that the likes of Rupert Murdoch, Lord Conrad Black and Greg Dyke of the BBC have chosen to keep their political masters happy by blacking out any reference to the allegations and apparent suicide of Margie Schoedinger.

Hopefully the public will learn that what is news by the standards of big-money radio, television and print may not be news according to their readers. The support of independent media and its reference as a reliable source is increasingly the only effective way to inform the public of the real events in the world. 

Below are scans of the newspaper's coverage, as well as the full text of their story. 

by Orantes Moore 
New Nation 
Monday 8th December 2003 

A black woman who claimed to have been raped by US President George W Bush and was planning to take him to court has died of a gun shot wound to the head.

LAST FRIDAY (December 12), Margie Schoedinger, 38, was pronounced dead as a result of a 'gunshot wound to the head'. The death was officially registered as 'suicide' by the Harris County Examiner's Office.

As reported exclusively by New Nation in July, Schoedinger of Sugar Land, Texas, had filed a lawsuit against President Bush (a former Governor of Texas) in December 2002 accusing him of a series of 'individual sex crimes' against her and her husband.

In the amazing seven- page document, filed at Fort Bend County Court in Texas, Schoedinger claimed that Bush had abducted, drugged, raped and beat her.

She also suggested that she 'dated George W Bush as a minor', and the President may have been the father of a child she miscarried following the alleged rape.

Appear Schoedinger said she had filed the lawsuit on December 3, 2002 and although court documents filed on the following day mention Bush and offer him 20 days to respond or appear in Fort Bend, it is still unclear whether the President was ever served with the suit.

Schoedinger was attempting to claim US$1 million in actual damages, plus US$49 million for punitive damages including emotional distress and loss of freedom.

Speaking earlier this year to American journalist Jackson Thoreau, 
Schoedinger said that the President had personally contacted her to say that he wanted her dead, but could trust no one to carry out the crime. Of course, there is no indication that the president had anything whatsoever to do with her death.

Of the lawsuit she said: 'I am still trying to prosecute, but as yet, I 
haven't had a court date set. 'I want to get this matter settled and go on with my life. People have to be accountable for what they do and that is why I am pursuing this lawsuit.'

The US media had largely ignored the filing of the lawsuit and the story had only appeared in a local newspaper.

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