Thursday, September 24, 2020

I am extremely worried for mentioned Polish psychologist girl - they talked to me during MK Ultra about afterlife in respect to her

They followed up on MK Ultra with issues I don't have with me any longer...don't have any longer because Czech police organized theft of telephones and SD cards just day prior my car being smashed/vandalized. Its this same police that presented me under MK Ultra with complete lunacy scenario related to psychologist that went as far as placing work hat at the bank of lake where I bathed and have burying under one papers where was written how she is under - all video recorded and stolen. Upon arrival to Slovenia in city of Brezice, however, a restaurant where they had me and have insisted guests were Pollacks along mentioned psychologist another surprise awaited me(not the one they presented me with would be if I would manage to get there on time as music blasted through the night two kilometres far from one at almost 2200 hours with idea to get me there to meet her, but instead a farewell from deceased Joze whose family seems hosted goodbye party for the last time and where all were greeted with sign, "Relax, you are free in your country, have a glass on me for the last time)....etc.." <== sheer lunacy yes. 

At home not much different, see it for yourself from photo above posted in kitchen for which I was also told case will be in case she will say final NO to me(no is fine as long one is on her behalf, but above afterlife scenarios as described are not).

Photo taken above is from our kitchen in Novo mesto, Slovenia...Joze's farewell took place on Saturday - Sept. 19th, 2020 upon my arrival from Croatia at Posredništvo in kmečki hram Hervol, Nuška Hervol s.p....

Czech police got special permission for theft - destruction from Donald Trump personally is what I was told. They would be entitled to earning from me personally based on amount of STOLEN data is what I was told they would retrieve - return to me...

In Polish Katowicah theft story repeated just prior to departure as jacket which I placed on the side(went two days without sleep by then laready and had two jackets), was stolen from me infront of my nose practically as I went to urinate...inside the jacket, carefully stored papers related to lunacy described above were stored...

What Czech police did is unprecedented crime as personal thought/analyses on MK Ultra case were stolen along...

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