:)))) By best regards to Turkish recycling workers and big thank you. I hope I will be capable to help you guys. These guys were known as one of the most dedicated hardworking workers...I see now why.
(guy on the right side) is a boss to all of them...guys bellow commenced their vendetta against me which rather was comical and never managed to convince me about their seriousness to my issues... I initially when brought to Turkey by Germans perhaps even in 1996 became interested in idea of having rather 10 wives(legally) what made Americans laugh and its how I started a war since others had ladies wherever they took me...I simply refused Londonian explanation on why you can with
"no, you will not you can only have one..."(prince Andrew did). In my head was well well WTF., how can you say something like this to me who am your boss specially when considering you alone are British prince who has three wherever we go...that boss of British royals and other elites wouldn't have access to 10 wives
(not lovers, but wives - you see, even so I was till more honest than Andrew) was to me under MK Ultra simply angering issue - it pist me off...boss yes, because you had nooo right to touch and you bagged for help - remember !!???? A real boss.
The debate about 10 wives in Turkey was extremely serious till 1998 when they begun to insist me on a single one - its when I chickened out...I am unsure whether you can actually have so many wives in Turkey, but in many Muslim countries you can....Portugal was nice, France was nice, Marocco too was nice, but Turkey according to my MK Ultra views at the time had whole package - including legal part about which inquired over and over again till I became too much suspicious...Andrew got physical with me and hit me because of these women I wanted in Turkey on what I sworn to one will retaliate for his violent approach toward me(loser hit me and ran to Charles to console one) - because of Andrew's violence in Turkey, I refused to go under MK Ultra anywhere and it was Trump who bagged me to not resent and promised how he will talk to them and so on.... Sure I felt like a looser afterward as it was Andrew who got more revenge against me from his brother Charlie whom he ran for help(in 1999 Charles gave one green light to do with me as pleased, but I wouldn't give in and have begun to instead give lessons of my own to Charles as per whom he thinks he deals with and what one considers himself is when compared to myself - I mentioned police and Charles tuned down real fast and used other channels to get at me - his American lawyer Barack Obama didn't manage to convince me either aftwr Charles stated me will get someone to explain me how to view myself and who I am - convince me on how Charles has right to hijack me/engage against me in human trafficking this is when things started to get very very wrong for Buckingham palace, but I somehow due to amount of electroshocks did forgot what took place)...

When my Turkish dream about 10 wives ceased to exist, I begun to search for nothing other than trouble...I became angry/bitter looking for just anything I could "bite" and cause trouble, but just so you know how it all went...something similar too place in Croatia where I also figured out would be best to have 10 wives rather than 1...it was like a candy shop for the child in which mother would ask child which candy one wants...well, all of them wtf. Stupid question and you better remember to be nice because I am your boss !!!
Thanks to her as an example, I remember how they moved in 2001 to a new location...she was beautiful when younger...I had problem when drugged up estimating age of people...I frankly didn't care about it either...a tourist from hell hahaha.
Prince Charles's war against me(a promise how one will turn me into his slave through physical beatings) ended in 2001 when British royals became a laughing stock for wealthy - managed to accomplish nothing
Called for truce with me during which prince Charles also used words, "okay since you wouldn't allow me to view you as...and you consider yourself equal to me"...
Well, Donald Trump who studied also my real time personality(not only MK Ultra)
told Charles that if I ever get to recall memories at above stated
stage, I will never ever let royals off hook...Turkish, however, who
knew all about 10 wives dispute threatened me with "will recognize only if you will be in good relations with Charles and royals".
I will be in great relations with someone who was engaging directly in
physical abuse and even contracted British military personnel with idea
to psychologically break me down to see myself as goat/calf/ caw next to
American lawyer which citizenship I obtained in 2000...it was this very
information I always wandered about, but couldn't trace one as per why
Londonians were with me as they were - SOURCE OF "CASH FOR LIES ISSUE"(I wanted to understand why and sure got one answered tonight) !!!
you go alone with nothing into open world and even your home back where
you departed from turns into Guantanamo cell - entire country you left behind into
psychiatric ward while systemically placed on permanent unemployment in newly founded American homeland...but still 24/7 with God wherever road took me too...they
sided with me(Pollacks who claimed I was German claimed just how much these people love me under so called "MK Ultra" - engaged in beatings while linking me to royals as per them being my best friend their spy - they all worked together against small man) just as much as farmer sides with his animals on the
Slovenian song "Samo miljon nas še živi" gestures on how if small, one should be happy to be alive...well, that is exactly the concept God never allowed me to accept...
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