From https://eurasiantimes.com/denied-f-35-stealth-jets-uk-comes-to-turkeys-aid-jsw/
Denied F-35 Stealth Jets, UK Comes To Turkey’s Aid After US Removed Ankara From Joint Strike Fighter Program
Last month, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that talks with the US to revive the F-35 deal were progressing positively. However, no further development was reported thereafter by either side to resolve the impasse concerning the American stealth fighter.
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Turkey faces action under the Countering America’s Adversaries through Sanctions Act (CAATSA) for going ahead with the purchase of the Russian S-400 air defense system. It was also expelled from the F-35 consortium, prompting Ankara to start working on its indigenous fighter jet TAI TF-X.
In a fresh development, the director of Turkey’s defense industry recently stated that the country’s top body has begun working with Rolls-Royce of the United Kingdom on the engine that would power the country’s National Combat Aircraft (MMU), TF-X.
The engine for the TF-X fighter jet is being developed by the Turkish Air Engine Company (TAEC), a partnership between Kale Group (51% of the shares) and Rolls-Royce with 49%.
Ismail Demir, the head of the Presidency of Defense Industries (SSB), spoke on the progress relating to the MMU, a long-awaited domestic defense industry initiative, on CNN Türk’s broadcasted show.

The Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) is the prime contractor for the TF-X MMU, a fifth-generation fighter with features similar to Lockheed Martin’s F-35 Lightning II. The TF-X is most likely to make its first flight in the next three years. The joint partnership for the TF-X engine could be seen as a major step forward in that regard.
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“We also had the possibility of working with Rolls-Royce for the engine,” Demir said, referring to an alternative engine option of F-110 to be delivered by the United States.
The F110 is a two-spool after-burning turbofan engine used in up to 86 percent of all US Air Force F-16C/D aircraft. The F110-GE-129 also powers the Mitsubishi F-2 in Japan, as well as the Turkish, Greek, and Japanese F-16 fighters. The engine can deliver up to 36,000 pounds of thrust.

“We previously had some concerns (about this cooperation),” he said referring to the partnership with Rolls Royce; however, the company eventually resolved these concerns. “The work has begun,” he added.
Ankara has been working on its combat aircraft on a war footing, with a special focus on the heart of the fighter jet — its engine. Fahrettin Ozturk, Executive Vice President of Turkish Aerospace had earlier stated that even though the first prototypes of the TF-X are to use imported engines, Turkey is working on developing an indigenous engine for the future.
Further, last year, Turkey’s procurement agency had tasked a local firm called TRMotor with developing vital technology for the engine of TF-X, Defense News had reported. A deal was signed to create an auxiliary power unit and an air turbine start system.
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Turkey was reportedly in talks with Russia for cooperation on the TF-X project. However, with the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the sanctions imposed on Moscow’s defense industry, this option could well be off the table now. Further, reports had indicated that Dassault Group’s ‘Digital Twin Technology’ was also to be used in the TF-X.
Rolls Royce To Power TF-X
Turkey’s collaboration with Rolls Royce has been in the works for a long time. The British company and Turkish Kale Group had earlier formed a joint venture to produce a locally developed engine for the Turkish fighter jet program. However, the agreement was put on hold due to concerns about technology transfer. It was then revealed that the plane would have two engines, each with a thrust rating of over 20,000lb, according to Air Force Technology.
Demir had stated in March 2021 that the British company lacked an engine for the TF-X aircraft and that the company was offering to develop an engine for the MMU through a partnership it had established in Turkey.
However, the Turkish side refused to accept certain requirements, Demir said at the time.
There is another speculation that Turkey’s TRMotor and Rolls-Royce would collaborate to create an engine for the MMU, Daily Sabah stated.
Meanwhile, Rolls-Royce has a close relationship with the Kale Group. The Kale R&D firm, a part of the Kale Group, produces domestically produced turbojet engines that are used in Turkish missiles.
A Twitter handle named ‘TurkishFacts4u’ posted that Rolls Royce is collaborating with Kale Group. However, it could be independently verified.
Even though Turkey has itself announced its association with Rolls Royce for jointly developing an engine for the national combat aircraft, it would be premature to conclude that the F-35 deal for Turkey is shelved.
Despite announcing plans for developing TF-X, Ankara has been engaged in talks with the US at the highest levels for reviving the F-35 deal. It has also asked the US to provide more F-16 fighter jets, talks on which are also hanging in the balance for now.
Turkey’s resolve to complete the TF-X project soon could be seen as an effort to close the gap between its own airpower and that of its regional rival Greece which has recently purchased Rafale jets from France. Further, its Air force is dominated by the aging F-16 Falcons with an urgent need for an upgrade.
Turkey is also collaborating with Pakistan to produce what is seen as the Islamic world’s first big fighter jet. However, there is no clarity yet about whether that project would be the TF-X or a separate fifth-generation combat aircraft.
National Combat Aircraft TF-X
The TFX is a fifth-generation fighter that looks similar to the Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II. The indigenous planes developed by Turkish Aerospace are eventually to replace the Turkish Air Force’s F-16 fighter jets, which are scheduled to be phased out by the 2030s.
The TF-X is a twin-engine multi-role aircraft built primarily for air-to-air missions but capable of performing air-to-ground missions as well.
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According to TAI, Turkey will become one of the few countries with the necessary technology, engineering infrastructure, and capabilities to produce a 5th-generation (or beyond) fighter plane once all critical features (such as greater situational awareness, sensor fusion, low observability, weapon bay, and so on) have been inculcated as part of the TF-X program.
Turkey also opened new engineering facilities for the design, development, and production of this fighter jet in order to meet President Erdogan’s deadline.
The national fighter plane is set to leave the hangar in 2023, fly for the first time in 2025 or 2026, and join the Turkish Armed Force (TSK) in 2029.
RELATED TO https://ausertimes.blogspot.com/2022/03/nato-and-european-union-will-not.html
NATO AND EUROPEAN UNION WILL NOT PROTECT GREATLY OUTNUMBERED AND EXHAUSTED BY WAR SINCE 2014 UKRAINE(its ally as they refer to one as) - NOT EVEN UKRAINIAN SKIES NOT: Frankly, if it wasn't for Turkey's Erdogan whom German, British, and American governments tried to desperately overthrow in 2016 in complete agreement and for the sake of Russian war in Ukraine against Ukraine
And so Merkel and West did their best to flip my mind about Ukraine upside down sending me even in Turkey for beatings via German and American channels in 2013 and 2015 anticipating just that - anticipating on how I will turn against Erdogan in coming "revolution" in real time, but it happened so exactly the opposite(one thing is when drugged up and totally another when under real circumstances - this too was a catastrophe for Putin and his Western cronies as Erdogan alone told me I missed death of Ukraine for inches - no American nor German could understand why I didn't go with MK Ultra violence flow when meeting against with Putin infront of me in this very house 2017/2018). With German Gunther Jorg as one of the MK Ultra staff members used by Germany to accomplish as stated above...war against Ukraine, make no mistake about it, is war on Europe including Romania, Bulgaria, Czech, Slovakia, Poland, Baltic states as one is the main obstacle for Putin's strength he would like to accomplish before taking on other countries - Ukraine if taken down would do just that for Putin(add another 45 million people to his Soviet alike empire of evil).
Those who dared me in respect to my case outcome(anywhere from prince Charles/royals to Merkel, Washington DC, and all the way to half of the Hollywood and world of sports music/entertainment on the West), in case of NON COMPLIANCE WITH RUSSIA AND SERBIA, however, are compared to myself totally INSIGNIFICANT - A JOKE/A BULLSHIT A NOBODY AND NOTHING as I know damn well that at this point and time after as the only individual from day one in 1995 who unconditionally supported help/assistance for Ukraine, entire European security(this safety of the world) is at stake.
And its what and why it makes them all together when compared to myself regardless of their titles and social standings rather as DANGEROUS(beginning with their own countries) and not even as stated in sentence earlier that I would fear for outcome of their crime against me which deprived me of 27 years of life....
The question here only is whether you the world can afford Yahoo alike articles as seen bellow and to call someone as an "ally" when one is facing during worst times of aggression on its existence rather than military assistance a bitcoin gift in value of 34 million US Dollars($34M in cryptocurrency donations)...see those photos of burned Ukraine that are coming out(its just 7th day of invasion) and you can see SYRIA #2 before your eyes....34 million Dollars damage in Ukraine every hour from Russian shelling...
As far as Western leaders - you are all incompetent insignificant fucks. Your game, I bet, will pay you back with interest rates for which you truly will wished for you were never born or that you already departed to hell. People watch and perhaps soon no longer will have too watch, but question is who on royal's menu will be as next....behind "cash for lies" you have seen and many of you were part of, its human blood in mass filing private banking accounts of few...and forget about 34 million garbage donation - Germans can't wait to help Putin bleed Ukraine through influx of Ukrainian refugees who after temporary residence and through Putin's cleanup of Ukraine as was done in Donetsk/Crimea and just as was done with people from Caucasus, will be again repatriated back...every little helps - to Russia !!!
Ohhh and there is plenty of kind words from the side of the royals these days for the sake of soon non existing UKRAINE. Thank you so much for arming Russia, paying Russia for war on Ukraine, and kind words dedicated to Ukrainian people during war on them.
@World - when you get tired of watching Ukraine bleed out and waiting to be next, stop at my place in Novo mesto(Slovenia) and lets have a talk infront of cameras...because these were(and its why they were) THE MONSTERS(beasts) HIJACKING ME FROM MIAMI AND BRINGING ME TO EUROPE AND ELSEWHERE FOR BEATINGS - MOST OF WHICH HAVE HAPPENED RIGHT INSIDE OF THIS HOUSE BEHIND WALLS....
From https://www.yahoo.com/news/what-would-a-no-fly-zone-mean-in-ukraine-161106695.html
What would a 'no-fly zone' mean in Ukraine?
Ukrainian officials and two Republican members of Congress have pushed for the United States to implement a no-fly zone as Russia’s invasion continues, but doing so would mark a major escalation in the war.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, via a statement to Axios on Monday, called on President Biden and NATO to impose a no-fly zone over “significant parts” of his country, saying that “if the West does this, Ukraine will defeat the aggressor with much less blood.” Zelensky tweeted Tuesday morning that he had told German Chancellor Olaf Scholz that Europeans supporting Ukraine needed to “close the sky.”
In an interview with MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” on Tuesday, Ukrainian lawmaker Oleksandra Ustinova continued to make the case.
“We need to protect our sky, and that’s why we need a no-fly zone,” Ustinova said. “I know this is something that nobody wants to talk about because everybody is scared of Vladimir Putin. … My only question here to the international community would be, what is the red line for him? What is the red line when you actually step in? How many children have to die?”
On Friday, Rep. Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill., called for the implementation of a no-fly zone, stating that it would “disrupt Russias air [operations] to give the heroic Ukrainians a fair fight. It’s now, or later.”
Sen. Roger Wicker, R-Miss., joined him on Monday.
“Clearly, in the absence of a U.N. resolution, which Russia would veto, a strong coalition of like-minded nations should step in and seriously consider this,” Wicker told HuffPost in an interview.
“Tens of thousands of women and children fleeing from Kyiv west have created a humanitarian situation that the international community needs to step in and be involved in,” he added. According to the United Nations, more than 100 civilians have already been killed since Russia launched its invasion last week, although the real number could be higher than that.
To actually enforce a no-fly zone, NATO would likely need to shoot down any Russian aircraft that violated the declaration, an open attack on a nation with nearly 6,000 nuclear weapons. (On Monday, Biden said Americans should not be worried about nuclear war with Russia.)
The U.S. and its allies have implemented multiple no-fly zones in recent decades over countries with much less powerful militaries, such as Saddam Hussein’s Iraq in the 1990s and Libya in 2011.
The concept of a no-fly zone over Ukraine appears to have gained no traction with the Biden administration. Press secretary Jen Psaki said at Monday’s White House briefing that implementing one would require “deploying U.S. military to enforce, which would be ... potentially a direct conflict, and potentially a war with Russia, which is something we are not planning to be a part of.”
During Monday’s Department of Defense briefing, a reporter asked Pentagon press secretary John Kirby whether mounting civilian casualties could lead the U.S. to implementing a no-fly zone. Kirby answered, “No,” and moved on with the briefing.
There was bipartisan support of that position from Capitol Hill.
“There’s been a lot of loose talk from smart people about ‘close air support’ and ‘no fly zones’ for Ukraine,” Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., tweeted. “Let’s just be clear what that is — the U.S. and Russia at war. It’s a bad idea and Congress would never authorize it.
“Military equipment for Ukraine, humanitarian support for Ukraine, crippling sanction on Russia, movement of U.S. troops to the eastern flank of NATO — these are all the right moves,” he continued. “But direct war between the world’s two nuclear powers should be a non-starter.”
“People have to understand what that means,” Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., told reporters Monday evening when asked about the possibility of a no-fly zone. “That means a willingness to shoot down Russian planes. And that would mean World War III.”
International allies in Europe also ruled out the possibility. United Kingdom Defense Secretary Ben Wallace said last week that implementing a no-fly zone would put “British fighter jets directly against Russian fighter jets” and that “NATO would have to effectively declare war on Russia because that’s what you would do.”
“We have no intentions of moving into Ukraine, neither on the ground or in the airspace,” NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg told NBC News in a Monday interview. “We have a responsibility to make sure that this doesn’t spiral out of control and escalate even further into concern for full-fledged war in Europe involving NATO allies.”
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