Monday, December 27, 2021

REPEATED - WHY 3 OUT OF 4 AMERICANS WILL NEVER EVER IN ENTIRE LIFETIME EVEN SEE SOCIAL SECURITY HANDOUT OF ANY KIND: Things you should know about greatest country in the world - land of brave and free(the one that never goes broke via "visa lottery")

I estimate more than over half of the people to suffer from mental illness related problems in USA -  not 20% or one in five as US Government(despite horrible fact as one in 5 is not joke) suggests...don't ask what or who makes people mentally ill in freedom of godly madness. Country where social security "handouts" as main stream  media refers to on daily bases will not take care one, but where who knows how many people endup lodging under the bridges and in forests at age 40...others settle for cancer related diseases(from diabetes to heart attacks) and everything in between but free healthcare option which finally popped up in under Obama...

In Europe although situation is different, source of madness clearly stands out. Sets example for others to follow - express solidarity with those paying price as never ever things went or go the opposite way...

When you see here seen, you should wish for communism as you get communism option in face whenever state needs to justify social rip off of your savings, but capitalism at the doors of local employment office and at your employer.

And next to healthcare costs you have to cover on monthly bases, you still have to pay atop of that for health related procedures so it is very much like keep paying for nothing really.

USA and its German allies - the "democracy" barely anyone can afford even in USA(West) with exception of those abroad who are in it to overthrow countries they reside in such as was in my case UDBA in Slovenia - but this is what they look for to associate with and connect through naive you.

Burials with cremation as the most popular option as of right now due to afterlife scam in case you didn't save enough, are free...graveyard maintenance, however, in case you have something in your pocket and wish to pay respect to your ancestry are not. In some cases even better to forget you had parents...

Not so much about amount of money on social security payout, but how many of you are actually ever gonna LIVE to see one and how "if" somehow. Perhaps its why I care a bit less each day  hehehe...and happy new year - 2022.

At age 50 now(was two weeks ago), I can say I never knew will be at age 34 when applying for jobs from door to door all over Miami and through internet all over USA...survived on dimes since and paved my way to US citizenship since 1995 through exposing myself to worse than Guantanamo alike torture of wealthy with global nowhere to run nowhere to hide option...

Home sweet home...when truth escapes out of madhouse...

News for December 27th, 2021 selected for my desktop(android version) me I try to as much as possible avoid them, but news follows me around just as they stalked into this very room for over two decades and half.

The mental health experts and their also in USA.

Where they arrived persecuted...ran for freedom to USA.

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