Wednesday, June 17, 2020

TRUMP CREATES CRISES ON CHINESE INDIAN BORDER: India Chinese conflict as assistance to global neonazi politic. What world doesn't need in critical moments of attack on humanity in US

Conflicted for the sake of his global neonazi agenda started right before meeting in Hawaii this week !!!

I condemn both leaderships for it as is no need to support your ex colonialist with divide and conquer game during time when lives of those are at stake who bailed you out of total annihilation. Hope both of you understand that we are all alive and well today because of people of United States of America who stood up against nazi rally at Madison Square Garden in 1939. 

Two of you should rather be thinking on how to join powers with Japan and bring region together - make one as strong as possible as nobody is safe on this planet from beasts which ruined no less than 70 million lives, 70 something years ago !!!

What two leaderships did in respect to military standoff is nothing more than support to Donald Trump on which side of the world solution begun to appear for people...


There is no place for war between China and India in this world. Technology must not be used to grow us apart, but instead to bring us together. Innocent people died in dispute totally unnecessary.

@India - The United States of America as we see today will gas you all out of existence(every Indian) if nazis get their way. They dont care about you. They care about divide and conquer game via which they will dis select certain vournable groups of people out of existence/colonization one bye one !!!

@China - It is extremely important that China shows finger in face of Pommpeo during meeting in Hawaii this week...related to

@Americans - there is a banner posted on my news site - ELECTIONS 2020 - Donald Trump for jail !!! SAY IT OUT LOUD !!!

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