Sunday, April 12, 2020

The biggest mistake pertaining to my case Buckingham palace have done was located at location which I can't specify right now and its where became evident who and what they are with 0% error mergin

Incident implicated prince Andrew and Lodz police department and one goes way back to what probably was even 2002 when brought to Poland for MKultra brainwash. Its an incident on which Buckingham palace built lies upon up to date. Whatever comes out of their mouths you can be on are nothing but lies. Has nothing to do with whether I am sane, but everything with abuse, torture via corruption. 

Yes, I know for that one as well. Strange form of help when you deprive someone of 25 years of life gesturing one how he doesn't remember enough to confront MKultra with memories on what you condition his memory with breaking him spine and counter productive settings - where things are mainly concentrated on sleep deprivation issues, noise,  physical violence and destruction of his private property. 

Andrew created scenario in which I was accused in 2002 even of indirectly pushing for murder of elderly Polish lady(was only used under MKultra as a bully and removed to another facility on what MKultra continued with gesturing me 24/7 how horrible person I am and so on). Simply unbelievable. You can imagine what kinds of psychological impact Andrew's plot had on me in real life...

We are done Andrew.

Do I believe your pedophilia issues !!???? I now sincerely, without any doubt on my mind, do.

You are horrible people. Simply horrible.

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