Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Top Polish Hungarian neonazi brotherhood responds my yesteday's article about Duda, Morawiecki, and Kaczynski fast with blend of lies for which they feel I(we) would somehow feel sympathy

In article at MSN which popped up today, SHIZOID game between Polish and Hungarian governments opened today depicting Tusk's neonazi grandfather rather as victim to nazi regime in his nazi uniform during WWII. I was already clear about Tusk and Duda relationship as the two work 100% of the time together for same political agenda  = both betraying Poland, however, each with different issues and from both sides of he border. If neonazi grandpa was so concerned for Poland, why didn't he rather than seat in jail join partisan resistance movement !!?????
We are talking about most traitorous Polish government in the history of Poland. It is well known Viktor Orban is a noeazi folkfuhrer in Hungary and I would not go choose between greater evil when considering all the parties mentioned above. Traitor next to traitor all pledged to revival of neonazism and to new demolition of Poland. This time via social engineering and propaganda which they have attempted to exploit even through my case.

DISGRACE !!! Didn't took them a single day to stand behind to respond my artcile posted yesterday titled as

Slovenian media exposes(condemns) Polish neonazi politic - points out who Duda/ Morawiecki are

My grandfather(will repeat) was a secretary for national front resistance(OSVOBODILNA FRONTA SLOVENIJE) against German occupation in Slovenia during WWII in case you didn't know. Family already selected once as good to go into German concentration death camp for extermination purposes Ms Merkel/ George W. Bush, Trump, Buckingham palace and others !!! Its why is even more AMAZING just what this UNITED HYENAS in physical appearance/form of human beings have managed to produced out of me in the past.

Hungary is where even my car was stolen from me by Hungarian government in 2017 if you remember(bill for stolen car from free parking lot exceeded cost of the car)...I DO VICTOR ORBAN !!! I DO !!!

Will also accent that German media changed its view on easing restrictions on Coronavirus only few hours after my posting this news and just as I have explained yesterday case is will be

They are playing with your brain and you people seems to like it. They work as explained on this site for a common goal.

@Duda/Kaczynski/Morawiecki - Yes, you ruined my past but you are wrong about my choice for the future. One more time will never ever repeat !!!

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