"Ohhh my God he is Hitler will kill us all what now...we are all f****...what now what now"(year 1996/1997) till he got his wife - married with one up to date ;) and am 100% certain he is the best husband in the world too(it was his closet dream come through - thought about himself very little - I should say well too little and would like to appeal at this opportunity to Italian people to boost moral about themselves as per who you are - Italian people with exception of Fascist Lega Nord leader Salvini and Berlusconi were extremely pleasant people to be around with)..
Man who saw his entire life as episode of racism(prejudice) against him and his Italian community changed his views about me within single week after meeting his wife...
Why his Coronavirus adventure !!????? Because he had me multiple times in his home is why just as British Royals did - they to revealed lately details about their private settings unseen before no !!????
Chris Cuomo would come to Cleveland from far New York and there was another guy who would frequently come from Chicago...From first MKultra up north location(Cleveland - 1995-1996) Trumpet moved a bit down south to Columbus, Ohio(probably 1997 -briefly after Indianapolis/Cincinnati MK Ultra followed)....Chris Cuomo went as solo MK Ultra participant of this case some two/three years before meeting his future wife...I don't think there is better husband than Chris.
Sworn to help me out, I don't see how anything like this could now possibly happen. Seems one became friend with Donald Trump over the years...still, Chris was one of the nicest people I ever met when subjected to MK Ultra.
I don't remember what(even Cleveland 24 years back in time I do - possibly still or end of 1995) !!?????
No insult meant in above title...I am very humorous person all around. I know blog looks dark as hell, but I laugh a lot and often to myself despite all.
I don't remember what(even Cleveland 24 years back in time I do - possibly still or end of 1995) !!?????
No insult meant in above title...I am very humorous person all around. I know blog looks dark as hell, but I laugh a lot and often to myself despite all.
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