Sunday, April 12, 2020

ŁODZ/POLAND: Food instead of bombs - I agree - tell this to your beloved president Duda and his mentor Kaczynski

There was huge line of most vulnerable this morning in the city center where they handed out food to those in need. I was told when subjected to MKultra to not approach such event as they will almost certainly hand out also other "freebies" to such people in need...

Most of them were still employable people and its also why I decided to stay in Poland despite all.

F35 planes(his and his colleagues entry into the world of Western olygarchism) which Duda bought, could create many jobs(better than give out handouts is to help those willing to live enough to obtain source of life - sense for being alive - make them understand via job market the purpose to this world which is to serve others to best of our abilities)

Anyhow, happy Easter Sunday to all - Życzę wszystkim wesołe życzenia na Wielkanoc 2020. May hope never ever leave you all/Niech nadzieja nigdy cię nie opuszcza.

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