Fromłaściciele-tych-imion-nigdy-nie-będą-bogaci/ar-BB128ZPc?li=BBr5MK7 The owners of these names will never be rich
Lots of news(MK Ultra brainwsh in how to see things via mainstream media) was thrown in my face after MKultra - have seen lots of white roses in trash cans or in bad shape for what allways scenario played out as "she no longer is interested in you"(they bombarded with subliminary gestures which have no meaning in this case, but do tend to trigger idiotic memories on repulsive participants who evidenly aren't ashame of their primitive rituals - most of these grew in heads of people with marginaal education nyhow) was a custom to welcome me on new locations with news as seen here and bombardment of lies how all is lost...
I was with Ukrainians also in Japan and they used tones of female doppelgangers(Pollacks did too - its a shame) of mentioned psychologist girl...I probably don't need to detail into what one was translated for me to see one as, but have to tell you all - this news doesn't have any psychological effect on me. Yeah, beach could be the one on Baltic or somwhere in Sahalin(near or on Japanese shores)...person who would see himself/herself in situation I am in as per money only, I would say is mentally sick. Doesn't sound like her(yet again) even a bit. She just wanted house happy family life - I was the one who burgained for more, but I also know the real price of this genocide and will never ever let one get passed me.
My guess is Baltic sea because they didn't date to mess with her in Japan where she gained considerable ammount of respect.
Rich/poor !!???? You have noooo ideaa how many mentally sick people I have seen in my life of which some(elite hs money, but the rest was like a fart chasers who persued their dreams via vodka and cigarettes/drugs and so on) have a lots of money...when considering all and despite everything in my life, I have still not lost track of my mind...that already makes me filthy rich in my and God's eyes.
But work environment or lodging nothing but bombardmnent with primitive MKultra gestures. Very insufisticated and primitive along violent destruction of property. Designed to disturb(distrupt mental process for one to concentraate into other ares rather than persuing dignity) and even destroy. Epic failiure.
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