Friday, November 13, 2020

LUKASHENKO SCORES BINGO - But still must find hidden cash as European Union did diversified one to neonazi sympathizers when smuggling one into country - something I am certain key protesting figures would have information on to whom/when and via whom one was given(very important who smuggled one in the country)

Money as such is contraband - subject to domestic terrorism laws. Conspiracy to overthrow legitimate Belarus government for the sake of foreign entity which in this case happens to be BERLIN卐 卍WASHINGTON DC, AND LONDON IN BETWEEN. CASH literately redistributed for the purposes of nazism.

To those guilty of financing crime, I would confiscate them property entirely to pay for state bills - police etc. Revoke their citizens' rights.

History repeats - on one side open door for people whose home parished via NATO bombing operations and on the other nazi groups  - both in agreement with one another as it how it works German people alone facing nazi threat need help very today.

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