Friday, May 3, 2024

Pollacks and Ukrainians would love to supply Israel with Turkish S-400 surface-to-air missile which Russia sold to Turkey, but Turkey wouldn't gift or sold them one THEY CRY/COMPLAIN ABOUT

Perhaps Ukraine and Poland should just send Israel during Gaza massacre their own home produced arsenal - allocate additional to USD 26 BILLION "assistance" package....
I suggest Ukraine to complain to United Nations about Turks not gifting them or even selling them S-400 which Turkey purchased in 2022 and maybe Turkey would consider its plea. Its quite INSANE to note we get to read about bizarre ZIOFASCIST issues as such in the main stream media. BIG MINUS FOR UKRAINE FROM MY SIDE. Few more like this and I will openly begun to support Russia.

Its also why I know when it comes to Poland specially, country is saturated with

schizophrenics - are running one. While its nowhere written under MSN article how Ukraine would gift S-400 to Israel, Ukrainian provocation of Turkey supported by Pollacks is no less insane - I should say INSENSITIVE INSANE. Turkey is a NATO member and should carefully decide about future Ukrainian membership in NATO. Turkey is the only country within NATO to own Russian S-400. Turkey to whom United States of America wouldn't sell even

F35 fighter jets is the 5th Country To Acquire S-400 System – After China, Turkey & India, and Belarus. Mentioned issue was involved in MK Ultra and it makes me feel great to give extra slap to Ukrainian Polish Judas who at one point have to learn to pay for their breakfasts.

@criminally insane Pollacks - keep up with great journalism you do. Its important stuff you do. The one that makes the big difference in our lives.

Odrzucili prośbę USA. Nie pomogą Ukrainie

Autor: Norbert Garbarek
 • 3 godz.

System S-400 Triumf© Wikimedia Commons, Dmitriy Fomin

Turcja odmówiła przekazania systemów obrony powietrznej S-400 innym krajom, w tym Ukrainie – podaje ukraińska agencja Unian. Władze w Ankarze kupiły wcześniej tę broń od Federacji Rosyjskiej. Unian podkreśla, że powodów tej decyzji należy upatrywać w relacjach turecko-rosyjskich.

Minister obrony Turcji Yaşar Güler w rozmowie ze stacją CNN poinformował, że "nie ma mowy o eksportowaniu tureckiego systemu S-400 do jakiegokolwiek kraju". Tym samym Ankara odrzuciła prośbę Stanów Zjednoczonych, które wcześniej informowały, że zgodzą się na powrót Turcji do programu dostaw myśliwców F-35 pod warunkiem rezygnacji z zakupionych od Rosji systemów S-400. Analitycy, na których powołuje się Unian, zwracali wówczas uwagę, że najprawdopodobniej pozbycie się S-400 oznaczałoby przekazanie tej broni Ukrainie.

Nie oddadzą broni kupionej od Rosjan

Pierwsze negocjacje dotyczące możliwości przekazania S-400 Ukraińcom miały odbywać się jeszcze wkrótce po rozpoczęciu konfliktu na wschodzie, w marcu 2022 r. Wtedy jednak rozmowy były nieformalne. Po latach rozmów Turcy poinformowali, że S-400 nie będą eksportowane do żadnego państwa, w tym również do Ukrainy.



Over 2,000 protesters nabbed at US campuses

Tehran, IRNA - More than 2,000 people, including university students and staff, have been arrested on campuses across the United States and subjected to violent treatment by law enforcement while protesting the Israeli regime's ongoing onslaught in the Gaza Strip.

This crackdown by US police echoes the repression faced by Vietnam War protesters over 50 years ago. The US authorities and university board have deployed police and troops to forcibly remove protesters who have set up encampments or staged sit-ins on more than 70 college campuses in 34 states.

The protesters are demanding an end to US military aid to the Israeli regime, as well as urging universities to divest from Israeli companies. However, the American authorities have responded to these demands with threats and outright violence, including using tactics like deploying snipers, tear-gassing students, and physically assaulting protesters.

In some cases, such as at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), pro-Zionist counter-protesters violently attacked student protesters, with police and campus security doing little to intervene.

Students face severe consequences for peaceful protests, including potential suspensions, evictions, expulsions, and criminal prosecutions.

The New York Police Department has arrested over 520 protesters in Manhattan alone.

At Dartmouth College in New Hampshire, police detained 90 protesters, including a 65-year-old professor who described her arrest as “brutal".


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