Friday, May 31, 2024

I assume Želimir Bošnjak likely is even from Zagreb originally and was involved in my case since I was a baby.

 Married one of the sisters in Novo mesto from local family far back when I was in grammar school even 6 years old child(Bošnjak appeared to me when I was child that he married rather into a wealthy Novo mesto family for those times and was extremely pleased with me personally - its how he arrived)...came to Slovenia from Zagreb at request of husband from my aunt - Milis Pejović(a Yugoslav high ranking military officer from Montenegro) and who also opened one opportunities in area. Something he no longer wanted to acknowledge once he settled, but I think this was he. Bošnjak who inherited property probably from his father in law begun to rebuild one and have completed his project rebuild one in 1990. It is possible Bošnjak has even two daughters of which I liked one, bit it was no vice versa rather a waste of time - a kill procedure. His weekend which rather is a nice house is located on Novo mesto side of Gorjanci rather than Bela Krajina I had feeling - somewhere at the top of it. This also makes Bošnjak as the oldest psychiatrist involved in my case and thats since probably 6 years of age or even earlier. I remember one studying in Zagreb - likely was he. Got himself a Slovenian blonde wife. Thats my going past brainwash of psychiatrist Peter Kapš who insisted over and over how one is from Bela Krajina. Bošnjak claimed I needed to be punished because I haven't seen myself in his first daughter who looked like him,  but have instead demanded the one who looked like his wife - blonde this according to one I have rejected him. This is a ultra criminal individual. Others involved claimed he had sons and not daughters. One sure created for himself interesting MK Ultra resume. Nobody lied more than psychiatrists involved did about their private lives. Kapš stated its understandable they have too to at least somewhat protect themselves(violence and lies atop of one another) 

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