Thursday, May 30, 2024

DEDICATED TO THE MOST VIOLENT PSYCHIATRIST INVOLVED: Psychiatrist Želimir bošnjak used to drive white Fiat Punto(even Fiat Uno) back in the day and for many years

But this goes to late 80 and early 90s almost till I left to US in 1995(till 1993). This was extremely nice man when he needed to be during MK Ultra who changed across the night

infront of my parents after I rejected marriage to his daughter - supposed he has a daughter. The reality was such that once he pilled enough wealth(I had to witness his building/remodeling house - weekend whatever) and what appeared 
were strong demands from other colleagues such as were also neighbor doctor Kotar who also worked at the same hospital, he wanted to get rid of me. Rid of me, however, wasn't that easy and government paid special incentives for involvement in crime. They dedicated to me psychiatrist Želimir bošnjak after labeling me as insane in 2012 upon return to Novo mesto  in 2013 from psychiatric hospital Ljubljana Polje where severe torture took place - met me with psychiatrist Prokšelj at the general hospital Novo mesto and latter Peter Kapš at his at his private office. There was no other way to label me than a paranoid schizophrenic due to number of people involved which presented themselves in my life as psychiatrists as the last - Novo mesto police engineered crime against me after I reported a car parts theft to present criminals employed at police who were involved in crime and so it went and if i would make statement that these people were involved in crime, I would be labeled automatically as insane. Želimir bošnjak was involved in crime since my childhood. Bošnjak drove Italian Fiat cars.

Bošnjak was one of the most violent people involved in MK Ultra since my childhood. His "MK Ultra" sessions if you do like to refer human bestiality as "MK Ultra", were designed for me to seat and wait entire day long at his property in Bela Krajina like mentally retarded - did so day after day year after year by asserting his command with screaming at me on what I would seat and wait for perhaps get traumatized also by police in between. This type of state of mind is called šiženje i ludenje(madness) - cvrčati in noreti - ZNORJEVANJE - PSIHIČNO UBIJANJE - a method during you seat or stand drugged up for entire day and your mind grapples to liberates itself from drugs while coping with surroundings in which occasionally or even frequently terror is introduced. He alone stated me repeatedly that is I knew who was doing stuff to me and how, I would have come and get one killed. Bošnjak wasn't shy about his crimes and his goal was to get me killed as soon as possible beginning what clearly was 1986 during my 1st grade high school. 15 at the time...

Bošnjak was designated JNA killer who according to him alone killed quite a few people. He prided himself causing people harm - a designated Milan Kučan's psychiatrist with whom Bošnjak was in extremely good relations. Milan Kučan always demanded during his visits to Novo mesto a Bošnjak to lead my case and so it was till Yugoslavia fell apart - once Yugoslavia fell apart I became totally INCOMPLIANT WITH TORTURE and begun to threate ex Yugo Bošnjak alike masters to either move out of my way or be ran over. Injuries were lining up one after another for Kučan was rolling on the floor laughing in my face claiming me its because of boxing you don't want to give up on. Spine breaking, active needle stabbing, poisoning during MK Ultra commenced much earlier than what I anticipated - upon Slovenian independence is when Kučan re-issues order to get me killed per ASAP and this infront of general hospital Novo mesto. Kučan stated to me on opportunity infront of police officers I cite, "I am sorry, I made a mistake but it won't repeat" on my question as what mistake, Kučan continued to remind me of needle stabbing which commenced in 1986. He told me will go this time all the way.

Psychiatrist Velimir Bošnjak - that was an animal and my decision TO NOT COMMUNICATE WITH ONE, paid me off extremely well. I recall one from Novo mesto general hospital since 7th grade of grammar school. Since 1982. He already a whole program developed on how he will get rid of me, but Yugo fail spoiled his Ljubljana Belgrade plans. Bošnjak considered himself as Croat same as Galac.

Psychiatrist Peter Kapš bragged about Želimir Bošnjak that came to him extremely handy(I know Galac did) in Croatia where Slovenian police introduced me through Croatian colleagues into a Croatian psychiatric system. There was extreme of torture which went on through Zagreb city in private residential apartments areas where Croats engaged in torture - but same $$$$ went on throughout entire Croatia. Governments obviously paid extremely well for one.

Galac according to his words as well as of his Croatian politicians during Yugoslavia immigrated to Slovenia from his village(I was brought to his village in Croatia since early childhood) in Croatia because of me - to help me...little did any of it had anything to do with reality. Entire Galac's family was involved in my case since childhood - his little settlement.

@Želimir / Velimir - jail will be. 

The only difference between Croats, Slovenes and Serbs

Serbs wth Russians murdered for lebenraum - ethnic cleansing. Croats and Slovenes, however, for $$$$ and same applied to other Slavic non Russian population. Other than than the difference I mentioned just as Americans/West alone suggested was NONE.

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