Sunday, May 26, 2024

For the working class(those that die to try), the happiest marriages come with the matrimonial/prenuptial agreements and even separate bedrooms as Trump demonstrated

In a great society we live today, a good night sleep is a key to a good and happy relation unless, off course, you do want to hand key from your dreams to MK Ultra politicians such

as was/is Trump alone and endup in the loony bin at your age 25. Ladies THESE DAYS are sooooo smart that they set divorce procedures(divorce under their what becomes once real relationship starts a ABUSIVE terms) with their new husbands via MK Ultra before they get married. Too smart. Grimes went on to disclose me that she alone wanted that way, so she doesn't get robbed - its his kids and kids from first wife who will inherit his part anyways and this is the whole point when it comes to money things. Wives if financially capable should do the same with their future husbands. I am not fan of a 
vitro fertilization (IVF).

Women these days(SO THEY CLAIM AND GOVERNMENTS NATURALLY ASSIST THEM) claim equality is what they want - and surely where money is, equality is being used to leave "spouses" broke and broken apart as for government psychiatry that runs such "businesses" someone has to pay for. Hope not you - its a scam that will hit you 1000x times worse than IRS....omnipresent scam no one dares to even talk about. From USA and all the way to communist China and its booming.

Musk reportedly gave Riley more than $20 million across their two divorces. In the first divorce in 2012, Riley received a settlement of $4.2 million. After their second marriage and subsequent divorce, Musk agreed to a settlement of $16 million​.9 Jan 2024

Elon Musk Married And Divorced The Same Woman Twice ...

Yahoo Finance › news › elon-musk-married-...
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