Saturday, May 25, 2024

@British Defence Minister Grant Shapps

You made a claim China is providing Russia with lethal weapons for which IF
UNPROVEN, could as a result make China supply Russia with lethal weapons. US already called you out to prove your claim and world expects you to provide one. Thank you for explanation.

I know that you spent a whole a lots of time around Illuminatis on the background meetings where Putin was perhaps even the main star - perhaps too much. War in Ukraine might be even funny to you as I have no clue what went on or goes on through your head, but its population grew under its freedoms into total decline - disaster with today only 37 million Ukrainians remaining in Ukraine under horrific circumstances. You were a bit too jolly during meetings for my taste mate...I hope you can answer.

Ukrainian population graph - impact of NATO/EU on population of Ukraine.

China is not a peacemaker in Ukraine of any kind, but Ukraine is not searching for war with China either. Ukraine 

In Ukraine, Ukrainian people actually are getting killed and it is because of late and in some cases even never delivered military assistance from its allies. Real people. China did and does assists Russia economically but we haven't seen exactly on how militarily as of yet - lack of proofs for accusations against one could easily lead into escalation of conflict.

More than fighter jets if this isn't disgrace big enough, Ukraine often faced problems with basic military hardware such as lack of bullets and shells...better than never in case of Ukraine translates into never, but never never is not worth to even comment and so it was in Ukraine. Pollacks were guilty for hesitating with delivery of their MIG 29 to Ukraine, how about you !!????

1 Mar 2022 — Ukrainian authorities claimed on Monday that they would be receiving planes from several EU partners.
8 May 2023 — It is clear, however, that these jets will not be delivered in time for Ukraine's expected counter-offensive. President Volodymyr Zelensky has ...
23 Dec 2023 — Ukraine will likely receive it first shipment of advanced F-16s in the next few days, Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte told President ...

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