Sunday, May 5, 2024

ICC continues to act with complacency against Israel - warns Israel against threats, but still didn't condemn Israel for genocide against Palestinian people and/or even issue SINGLE arrest warrant for single Israeli official

Involved in MK Ultra was Allie Wong(involved also was actress and writer with similar name Alie Wong - the two are friends) who knew up to last millimeter when and how Israeli genocide of Gaza will begun to take place. Joe Biden well prepared himself with US Government(exercised with police a coming approach toward Americans opposing ZIOFASCISM) for a total takeover/control of the US campuses. Allie Wong

PARTICIPATED during many negotiations which took place in our house in Novo mesto and its my situation(degree of crime I had to cope with and am subjected toat present) what makes me also uncomfortable to acknowledge visits of such people. Still, she had something of her own to share in respect to domestic terrorism enforced against anti Gaza genocide protesters in US by US Congress. Mike Johnson beginning 2015 sided and sides with silence, but also concluded will have to smash against the floor with the use of police protesters at one point. It was part of his assignment from county where rule of know nothing, saw nothing, heard nothing prevails at large over the so called "constitution" or Bill O'Reilly(the so called bill of rights). My being subject to extermination procedure with cancer spreading in my right neck area, it sure makes me feel weird to write about such issues - considering expectations which all sides had from me even after labeling me as a paranoid schizophrenic in 2012 after 38 years of physical torture performed on me. 78018 heavily injured with 34,683 killed and famine exploding throughout Gaza on today's day. There sure are no protests in respect to Gaza located in the area of Joe Biden's collapsed Francis Scott Key bridge. "Jobs" and gaffes work even if only temporary, but there is price to pay.

America utterly invested new elections in a war criminal and at no wonder bubbles about who Trump's vice president will be....something I have also told you about Biden case will be at the beginning of his presidency. Its written on the blog. In the case of ICC which works on Netanyahus' arrest postponing process since 2012, Israel will act instead of one also on this opportunity to postpone his and his cabinet's arrest for a bit longer. It never paid off to be a war criminal more than in 2024. 

@ICC - and who is Putin now !!????

@UN - UN was established after World War II with the aim of preventing future world wars !!???? To promote peace, justice, and better living for all humankind. !!???? Really !!!??? I guess it all depends on who "people"...

New York Mayor Eric Adams has said that there were no incidents of violence. That's not true. Allie Wong  |  Opinion contributor 

I'm a student who was arrested at a Columbia protest. I am not a hero, nor am I a villain.

1 hour ago — What would ICC arrest warrants mean? A family's search for their elderly matriarch · Is starvation a weapon in Gaza? Live tracker · A son's search for his ...
17 hours ago — Yet a recent flurry of media reports out of Israel indicate officials are worried about the winds changing, with the International Criminal Court (ICC) ...

Comments117 · ICC responds to backlash following reports of possible arrest warrant for Netanyahu · Can the International Criminal Court Arrest Netanyahu? · Bernie ...
Amid escalating tensions, the International Criminal Court (ICC) Prosecutor's Office issues a stern statement, condemning intimidating tactics from the U.S. ...
Times of India · TIMESOFINDIA.COM · 23 hours ago
23 hours ago — The Hague-based ICC did not say if the comment related to its investigation into possible war crimes by Israel or Palestinian groups in Gaza and the West Bank.
The International Criminal Court (ICC) could end decades of impunity by indicting top Israeli security officials over Israel's war on Gaza ⤵️.
24 hours ago — ... called on Karim Khan, the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), to complete an investigation into Israel's crimes in the war in Gaza.
Amid escalating tensions, the International Criminal Court (ICC) Prosecutor's Office issues a stern statement, condemning intimidating tactics from the U.S. ...
17 hours ago — Turkish Justice Minister Yilmaz Tunc urged the International Criminal Court (ICC) ... Gaza. "The failure of [Karim Khan], the ... Gaza to escalate and the massacre ...
12 hours ago — ... Gaza. Also read | Gaza hospital staff questioned by ICC war crimes prosecutors: Report. The official, who chose to remain anonymous, condemned Israel's ...
6 hours ago — Israeli leaders are waiting with bated breath to find out if the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) ... Gaza since October 7, 2023. Media reports ...
12 hours ago — ICC warns against unspecified threats and intimidation - World - THE HAGUE: The International Criminal Court prosecutor warned on Friday against unspecified ...
6 minutes ago — Will the ICC issue arrest warrants for Israeli officials? ... Gaza following the events of 7 October. In early ... Gaza war on 7 October. Without providing ...
4 hours ago — Bipartisan members of the U.S. Congress who have supported Israel's devastating assault on Gaza have joined Netanyahu in condemning the ICC in recent days, ...

I'm a student who was arrested at a Columbia protest. I am not a hero, nor am I a villain.

New York Mayor Eric Adams has said that there were no incidents of violence. That's not true.

Tuesday night, two dozen Columbia University students linked arms in front of the student-occupied Hamilton Hall at dusk. I was one of them. 

We sang with broken yet mighty voices, “Your people are my people, your people are mine; your people are my people, our struggles align.” We were a group of activists of differing faiths and none, friends and strangers united, linking arms with one another and, in spirit, with the generations of courageous students who came before us. Electricity crackled through the air from the growing protests echoing just beyond the university gates – gates I had just moments ago slipped through and sprinted from like a bat out of hell. 

We knew we were likely to be arrested for being on campus despite the university-mandated shelter-in-place order, but chose we to run into the fire anyway.

As a human chain, draped in keffiyehs and shaking like leaves in the autumn wind, we sang with hushed tones and breathed deeply as hundreds of New York police officers armed with flash grenades and pepper spray marched toward us like a military parade. 

As they approached from multiple directions, we sang with frail and cracking voices, “This love that I have, the world didn’t give it to me; the world didn’t give it, the world can't take it away," as officers threatened student journalists with arrest, presumably to ensure minimal coverage of the aggression they were about to exert. 

Students in dorms craned their necks and shakily stretched their iPhones out windows to observe the impending attack. 

We clung tighter to one another as they approached us, and seized us like rag dolls and slammed us into the hallowed ground of brick and concrete. But unlike rag dolls, we bleed, we crack, we bruise, we feel.

Police at Columbia were anything but professional

Once dispersed, I held my hands up to show I was neither resisting nor armed. In response, I was handled brutally by police alongside other students being shoved down concrete steps saying with shameless condescension, “Watch your step.” We were arrested, bound and shuttled down to 1 Police Plaza, where the New York Police Department had a pizza party prepared for arresting officers. 

They threw us in cells like animals – cells where the only toilets women could use lacked any privacy and where our naked bodies were in plain sight to throngs of male officers.

Why are we protesting? College students are telling you exactly how they feel about the Israel-Hamas war. Listen.

During news conference hours later, New York Mayor Eric Adams said there were no incidents of violence. This is an abhorrent lie. Later on Wednesday, in an email sent to the entire university community, Columbia President Minouche Shafik thanked the NYPD for their “professionalism.” This supposed professionalism is also a lie. 

What is nonviolent and professional about seizing a compliant 120-pound student with her hands up and slamming her to the concrete ground? What is nonviolent and professional about brutalizing students? What is professional about removing a woman’s hijab during police bookings and refusing to return it – yet offering me, a non-Muslim, my vest because the jail cell was cold? What is professional about forcing women to expose their genitalia to male officers in order to use the toilet because we “trespassed” on our own university?

We sang “Like a tree planted by the waters, we shall not be moved” as our bodies were seized – but we would not be moved. 

Protesters aren't antisemitic. Our hearts are with innocent Gazans.

Our hearts are with Gaza, our resolve is stronger than ever, and we hope the world sees the brutality of the police against peaceful protesters, at the behest of our own university president.

But make no mistake, we are not the heroes of this story – that honor belongs to those in Gaza; those whose families have been starved, whose cities have been bombed, whose children have been slaughtered; and those who did not have the privilege of choosing arrest or offering their bodies up as a public relations sacrifice.

Gen Z supports Palestinians: Gen Z wants no part of Biden's unceasing support of Israel as civilian deaths in Gaza mount

Nor are we villains – those are the perpetrators of slaughter, such as Minouche Shafik and the Board of Trustees who would rather beat and arrest students than divest from a foreign government committing genocide.

On Saturday, I hosted a Passover Seder at my cramped Manhattan apartment for many of my closest friends. Representing many faiths and none, we broke bread together and celebrated the Jewish liberation from slavery and a broken, unjust system of oppression. 

On Tuesday I was shackled and arrested as part of the campus movement that many in the news media are calling “antisemitic.” It isn’t.

Critically, our fellow Jewish students are not the villains in this story. They are our friends, our family, our blood, our fellow foot soldiers. Like us, they bleed, they crack, they bruise, they feel. At no point have the student organizers called for or promoted violence against our Jewish brothers and sisters. We are calling to end the violence and genocide against our Palestinian brothers and sisters. 

Allie Wong  

I chose to risk arrest because – unlike many of my classmates and friends – I’m privileged enough not to face deportation; because my potential suspension – and any other consequences that may befall me – does not even register on the scale of suffering experienced by those for whom we sing, whose lives have been taken, whose children have been slaughtered, whose families are being starved and tortured – those whom Columbia University is complicit in killing.

We are not the heroes, nor are we the villains – the latter category belongs to Columbia and the broken system it refuses to heal.

Allie Wong is a Ph.D. student at Columbia University. She holds a Master of Arts degree in Nonproliferation and Terrorism Studies from the Middlebury Institute of International Studies, an M.A. in International Affairs from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations and a bachelor's degree in Human Rights, Peace and Nonviolent Activism from New York University.

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