Friday, May 10, 2024

MK ULTRA - In Serbia, Xi Jinping skips site of 1999 Nato bombing in ‘calculated move’ to not stoke tension with West

Xi Jinping appears have SKIPPED 1999 NATO BOMBING commemoration/anniversary of Chinese embassy in Belgrade. Something that MAIN STREAM MEDIA DOESN'T LIKE TO REPORT ABOUT AND DIDN'T REPORT ABOUT. 

Future Chinese ambassador Chen Bo visited me in Novo mesto city when I was in the

second or third grade of high school at the age 16 when I selected her and some other Chinese female as a potential girlfriend I would want to date. That was back in 1986.

Chen Bo then appeared at times in the background of MK Ultra - After 1992/1993 Belgrade incident which alarmed entire Serbian parliament, the two Chinese sexy babes with whom I had a great time were dismissed - the two were most likely sent back to China and what made me extremely disappointed as I no longer would see them. But Chinese government officials went on to suggest me to worry not as they have replacement for the two which was Chen Bo who begun to travel to Belgrade often times whenever I was brought to Chinese embassy in Belgrade. She appeared to me more and more was there to witness about my failed attempts to jump in the pants of other girls and what made me feel just to waste more time. Game without results which begun to anger me. She had me at the university in China but nothing ever happened and I eventually got tired of seeing her due to number of other females. Chinese supplied Serbian politicians on frequent bases with Chinese beauty and not for marriages, but just for a good time - entertainment. And while got as many as they wanted, I was told I have to marry first one that is offered what I further disagreed with.

Based on her account, she offered me marriage in China upon graduation but I no longer was interested - I got to meet her father and mom who got quite angry with me.

On a night of bombing, she and the rest of the Chinese staff were hiding in the designated area of the building where told to hide during bombing campaign at least two months ahead of the bombing - their boss was a male Chinese who was extremely loud even aggressive with everybody - including own workers who had to learn to listen/obey due to what one gestured me their lives/survival - he was right.

She was promoted from assistant ambassador into ambassador based on the personal sacrifice on the night of bombing is what I was told/repeated - due to bravery she passed what Chinese side referred to as the test.

As for Ljubiša Ristić - a tall slender man with mustaches exactly as you see. Milošević employed one in 1995 to deliver me at Chinese embassy after I no longer was willing to put up with violence(two ultra aggressive chetniks were fired - one appeared to me was even a regular drunk - a police officer who would at times even get to sleep with some Chinese lady if lucky enough). Once Ristić was given to me, I tried to employ Ristić  but he demanded from me to simply marry one which I refused on what he proceeded to yell at me that I am wasting his time that he is serious family man etc. Man who have no time to loose with guys like myself while also flirting on the side with ladies - Ristić was a married man. I think Ristić got married probably in 1990 or something like this and has one daughter and perhaps one more or even two kids ...Ristić must have been involved for already very very long time probably since his military service...Ristić claimed me have pulled wounded people from the embassy - saved lives and went on to claim that whole thing was videorecorded and i shouldn't bother to say anything for that matter that would defer from official account.

Chen Bo had a room on the third floor, but in reality a Chinese ambassador at the time also had house rented for Chinese staff right next door to embassy. Just so you know...they owned more than Chinese embassy ;)

I liked that Chinese male ambassador and he liked me, but he was afraid to get to close to me in Belgrade and was concentrated instead on work. As for Chen Bo, she was very popular in Bosnia where people loved her I was told from highest and trusted Bosnian government instances.


  • Visit ‘shows Xi does not want to overly irritate the US, or put his Serbian hosts in a difficult position’ with the EU, says analyst
  • But timing the visit to coincide with the anniversary of deaths of three Chinese journalists is in itself viewed as a message to US-led West
  • Shi Jiangtao
    Chinese President Xi Jinping inspects the Serbian Army honour guard during a welcome ceremony in Belgrade on Wednesday. Photo: Reuters

In Serbia, Xi Jinping skips site of 1999 Nato bombing in ‘calculated move’ to not stoke tension with West

  • Visit ‘shows Xi does not want to overly irritate the US, or put his Serbian hosts in a difficult position’ with the EU, says analyst
  • But timing the visit to coincide with the anniversary of deaths of three Chinese journalists is in itself viewed as a message to US-led West
Shi Jiangtao
Shi Jiangtao
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A decision by President Xi Jinping not to visit China’s former embassy in Belgrade on the 25th anniversary of Nato’s bombing of the site has been described as a “calculated move” to avoid stoking tensions with the US-led West.
The omission from Xi’s itinerary of the bombing site, which he toured during his first state visit to Serbia in 2016, came as a surprise to many watching the Chinese leader’s trip to Serbia this week.

Three Chinese journalists were killed when US-led Nato used missiles to attack the embassy in Belgrade on May 7, 1999, prompting a major crisis between Beijing and Washington, which the latter insisted was a “tragic mistake”.

Deng Yuwen, former deputy editor of the Communist Party’s flagship newspaper Study Times, said Xi’s no-show at the bombing site was due, in part, to his tight schedule during the Serbian visit.

“But, of course, it also shows Xi does not want to overly irritate the US, or put his Serbian hosts in a difficult position,” he said. “If Xi went ahead with a speech commemorating the anniversary on top of a much-anticipated visit to the site, the European Union would probably put pressure on Serbia.”

While Serbia is seen as one of the most China-friendly countries in Europe, especially after Nato’s bombing of the former Yugoslavia between March and June 1999, it is one of the six Western Balkan countries applying for EU membership.

Shen Dingli, an expert on international relations in Shanghai, said Beijing obviously did not want to embarrass Belgrade, which “would join the EU and Nato sooner or later”.

“It is clear that China does not want to further alienate itself at a time when Beijing has already edged closer toward Russia during Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine,” he said.

End of the article

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