Thursday, February 10, 2022


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Within 24 hours, almost on the same day in 2009, just before my birthday and as WHAT BOTH CLAIMED ME WAS A BIRTHDAY GIFT DURING PHYSICAL ABUSE(BEATINGS) by the current Director General of Slovenian Police Anton Olaj(former Director of Police in Novo mesto) and former police officer Branko Drkušić, Branko Drkušić in a supposedly only drunk state(completely insane schizophrenic at that point) crashed in Ljubljana into a  pregnant woman from Šmarješke Toplice and almost killed her...half a day didn't pass from beatings when he already med his faith on a highway after spending night on party and what appeared as drunk - under influence of alcohol had car crash on that morning of 2009 - December 3rd(my birthday is 9th).

Branko Drkušić was so insane that he wouldn't even apologize for some time or take any responsibility for causing accident in which pregnant woman almost was murdered and was offered instead help from Ljubljana's mental hospital and Novo mesto's psychiatrists - it was I whom Slovenian system hospitalized two years latter instead and at my surprise in 2015 when walked under MK Ultra in diction of Šmarješke toplice a mentioned local who somehow survived accident asked criminals who led me drugged up like a dog on leash as per why I was the one hospitalized and not Branko...she protested. Branko on the other hand did go on consultations in 2009, but punishment of one for almost killing pregnant lady was like punishment for babies. A joke. 

Anton Olaj and Aleš Hojs and Ogulin dreamed under MK Ultra about switching sides at one point - life threatened me at one point inside of the SMALLER police station with small prison where Olaj got on special detail(OVERTIME) at the time(probably in 2013) as was told...
Clearly can be seen bellow that previous and present chiefs of Novo mesto Police alone(never mind that Olaj who was director of Novo mesto police became after criminal coverup he provided for Branko Drkušić became under Borut Pahor/Milan Kučan even a director of Slovenian police)...In 2010, however, situation withing Slovenian police(police officers involved in my case became over the course of years totally unbearable - impossible to work with, reckless, and dangerous) and parliamentarians took initiative toward fundamental restructuring withing police - that much about Branko...and my hospitalization to psychiatric hospital from side of the police was a desired option from direction from police, police alone prior to hospitalization(as OLAJ as one of them who threatened prior to hospitalization case will be and boasted about it once I was hospitalized on how he told me) insisted me I will be hospitalized and destroyed for accident Branko caused to pregnant lady.
 Further it was Olaj and his family who engaged since 1995/1996 as first and as ultra aggressive(VIOLENT) as possible infront of other residents of Lešnica on behalf of Pahor/Kučan to make impression on sheeple in here seen settlement so they followed Olaj's example - probably how he qualified for promotions.
Olaj drives a black SUV with which he used to even bring me from Ljubljana whenever visiting his home as seen bellow - seen here is at least what I was gestured under MK Ultra about his home residence and its where he would stop in between dropping me to our house in Novo mesto...

Aleš Hojs attempted to braiwash under MK Ultra on how he acts roughly with police because of pressure he is faced with - having police officers claim me on how he is the one who decides about everything - runs country basically.ACCORDING TO BRAINWAHERS IF ITS TO BELIEVED THOSE WERE FROM LINE OF POLICE, HOJS IS ALLOWED(tolerated) TO DO SO BUT ONLY BECAUSE HE IS SO CAPABLE - RESPONSIBLE AND KNOWLEDGEABLE. Its what his recent Tweets should serve to remind me off - regular brainwash... 


Z gumenjakom po Krki

Medtem so na portalu razkrili, da se Olaj tudi zasebno druži s policisti, ki v njegovem imenu preganjajo kritike oblasti. Olaj je namreč prijavo zoper Gantarja podal na policijsko postajo v Dolenjskih Toplicah, ker ima kot kaže dobre prijatelje. Glede na fotografije, ki so jih včeraj objavili na portalu, se je Olaj skupaj s komandirjem policijske postaje Dolenjske Toplice Tomažem Agničem in njegovim namestnikom Boštjanom Klobučarjem 4. julija lani z gumenjakom, na katerem sta sedela še dolgoletni vodja lokalnega odbora SDS v Novem mestu Bojan Kekec in direktor tamkajšnje policijske uprave Janez Ogulin, spustil po Krki. Družili so se namreč med prireditvijo Dolenjski dnevi na Krki, ki jo vsako leto organizira občina Straža. Olaj je nato manj kot tri mesece pozneje na isto policijsko postajo vložil prijavo proti Gantarju, ki se je končala z izrekom prekrškovne globe, kar postavlja pod velik vprašaj neodvisnost, s tem pa tudi zakonitost vodenja postopka proti Gantarju.

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