Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Fer destruction of Chechnya in 1999, British and American military experts have studied video tapes and I(accompanied by American and British spies - the so called "MK Ultra" staff members since 1996) was used to obtain detailed landscape vision as the video survulinaced everything welcoming Chechyans offered and whatever was not offered

Then American and British weapons were also supplied to Russia(very few, but next to video study decisive for Russian victory). Chechen bloody victory for independence of 1996 was over with pool of blood. Very same tactics British employed toward end of conflict also in Bosnia and Croatia and finally on Kosovo against advancing Albanian troops for the sake of Russia and I know so because they held me hostage at both locations.

I call international community on a day of Putin's military entering Ukrainian occupied territories(he did today) to IMMEDIATELY recognize Chechen nation as sovereign occupied by Russian empire of evil.

I call countries wealthy with oil to establish beyond economical relation with Ukraine, so one can with


Since 1995, the WW3 goes on. From American side George Bush took initiative in one and from British a Buckingham palace led crime.

After Biden I told you, it will be Trump's turn again as nothing is more dangerous than non existing - controlled opposition(totally in agreement with one another).


NATO will NOT assist Ukraine to fend off Russia invasion - focus on defending ally borders

DEFENCE expert Mark White ruled out the possibility of a "military intervention" by NATO to assist Ukraine should Russia go for a full-scale invasion.

Putin had planned all along' to launch invasion says Mark White

GB News's Home and Security editor Mark White reiterated that will not come to Ukraine's rescue if a war is to erupt with . Mr White warned that both the US and UK's initial predictions about a Russian incursion were unerring as more and more military forces are camping around Ukraine's borders. And NATO troops are being deployed to Ukraine's neighbour countries Poland and Estonia to "bolster their defences".

Mr White said that the worst-case scenario, or in other words a full-scale invasion, is to be expected taking the "concerning" signs into account.

He said: "A great deal of concern and from our point of view, military point of view, we’re not there to assist Ukraine directly in any kind of military intervention.

"It’s not part of NATO, we’re sending extra troops to NATO countries where Poland and Estonia bolster their defences and reassure them.

"They're understandably worried at this time but as far as any wider intervention by the UK or the US in Ukraine that’s not gonna happen.

Mark White

Home and Security editor Mark White (Image: GB News, Twitter)

Vladimir Putin

Russian president Vladimir Putin (Image: GETTY)

"It’s not a part of NATO but they’ve got to prepare for it.

"Pictures of that area in Eastern Ukraine are quite concerning."

He continued: "Obviously showing those Russian military forces heading towards the border and indeed crossing the border.

"We’re in a period from the political leaders in the US and UK of ‘I told you so’, they said that this is what Vladimir Putin had planned all along to launch some kind of an invasion and in fact they’ve gone beyond that."

Vladimir Putin

Russian president Vladimir Putin (Image: GETTY)

"They are saying that the next move is a full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

"Now for that part the Russians say that’s not what their intention is here but they’ve moved into these rebel-held areas in a peace-keeping rule."

And the fact that Russia could decide to recognise further "rebel-areas" as independent could add insult to injury.

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