Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Pixmania was just another Dutch British royal company which have managed to steal yet another 200 Euros from me right before I was thrown behind walls of mental institution in 2012

Simply confiscated the money on what Dutch and British royals laughed in my face when subjected to MK Ultra along police(whom I have reported the crime online) literally inside of the Pixmania stores in London and in Holland which never sent me paid products nor did answered my emails - refused to refund me money...the duo behind crime who took at the time initiative in beatings and humiliation were prince Harry and prince William. Unemployed in impossible circumstances and with problems whichever way I would turn that involved thefts like this...

They officially disappeared from Slovenian market withing year(in 2013) of stealing money without baring any responsibilities for crime in which British and Dutch police was and IS even involved https://www.zurnal24.si/slovenija/pixmania-se-umika-iz-slovenije-186278 

With their inhumane torture, I was so disgusted that I refused to even take whatever was left from original 200 Euros deposit - 108 Euros.... German government, on the other hand, have stolen about $500 for car parts ordered from Germany just 5 years earlier after I was almost killed in plot during 2007...and these were people who were asking me why I don't identify them already....all I wanted was phone I paid for - I got physical and mental torture instead in London where brought drugged up....and soon mental hospital which William promised me in 2010. 

They traumatized so much, that I refused as they insisted me too(who at the normal state of mind would want to have anything to do with people like this - who would want even consider anything from people like this !!?) to purchase even android/smartphone till 2017...

There were two deposits I made...

The Toshiba camera I bought was destroyed - broken the next day afterwards....Americans entered my room and begun explaining me infront of neighbors where to buy cheap used parts to repair brand new Toshiba camera and  so on...f**** madness. Royals who came to Slovenia again prior to departure of Pixmania from Slovenia did triggered with their criminality attention from media who knew very well about crime...and they did just as they promised me would as seen bellow.

It was same with American stocks I purchased which companies would afterwards disappear...at times filed twice for bankruptcy. Everything in life I touched just turned into dust before my eyes...and the more I lost, the more empowered they felt in their task which I finally understand in 2022 - what one was all about...

Pixmania se umika iz Slovenije

Kriza je iz Slovenije pregnala največjega spletnega prodajalca elektronskih izdelkov.

Največji evropski spletni prodajalec elektronskih izdelkov svojih produktov ne bo več dostavljal v Slovenijo, nas je obvestil bralec. "Adijo, najcenejši nakup,“ je še dodal in razložil, da je preko omenjene strani že večkrat iz tujine naročil izdelke, ki so prišli v treh dneh, in to "po zelo konkurenčni ceni“.

Na Pixmanio smo naslovili vprašanje, zakaj so se odločili za umik. "Težka ekonomska situacija nas je v to odločitev prisilila. Na žalost svojih izdelkov ne bomo več dobavljali v Slovenijo,“ so za nas razložili in dodali, da bodo k nam dostavili le še čakajoča naročila. Garancije in podpora za stranke pa bodo veljali tudi v prihodnje.

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