Thursday, October 22, 2020

POSSIBLE BEZOS CONNECTION: Polish government hijacked me from Grotniki(possibly even twice - also in hostel) and took me for a problems ride in 2018 - idea was to disrupt memories via fake update and more electroshocks

Almost(When questioning, I was in 95% or more correct about my statements) the only mistake I have made in respect to business were giant warehouse projects which came to life in 2018. in respect to this statement, I have made mistake with three giant warehouses raised in 2018 and 2019 and a single store. Remembering the situation, I was taken out at night(I remember night ride and remember driving back and forth in Strykow's business area) and we were as first on the way to city Strykow - business area. Farmer audio/video recorded who attacked me with hoe base might have even SOLD LAND to Bezos for new warehouse !!! 
Police which took me for a ride insisted me that we can't go to center of Strykow this time as people would get mad and all other locations also ranged on edge of the Lodz away from public - I was seated inside of the limousine and driven back and forth while questioned - they also had me walk in street in Strykow, but never allowed me to approach to anyone with exception of young man in Lodz whom I have audio recorded and did as he promised me would for me to have a proof about stated here(he talked nonsense about job market when I met one infront of new Amazon warehouse) - I might have been taken also to Slovenia do and hijacking took place just prior to departure to Zgierz.
Hijackings NEVER ever go without ECT I think I did THE JOB when in Poland and in Czech rep....

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