Antony Armstrong-Jones who substituted decorated British Air Force veteran in life of Princess Margaret is only connected to words such as "war" via "awards"(he didn't give three s*** about British war efforts to stop nazism)....bye bye adieu for the last time in Pariiiii. Nothing like yahoo insists case was.
Saturday, October 31, 2020
Gay marriages although completely normal according to sexual preferences of human being, are easy to retract - much easier than when compared to women's basic human rights such as abortion...
Its again also why you have chosen to give green light to gay marriages(that decision if even women's right to abortion is destroyed will be very easy retracted by some other Pope). while at the same time depriving women of the right to abortion. Its a tactic and dirty one. Tactic known as systematic implementation of FASCISM.
In solidarity with women, I will place my Christian crosses to drawer temporary - if things don't change really soon then permanently(will toss them into a trash bin where they will remain for good)
This is not Christianity - it is FACSISM. Polish state along Vatican have clearly failed to act on time !!! Its happening again !!!
Job of civilized society is to take care of human dignity and assure basics of health care to anyone (its human right and not what criminal Trump's cartel tries to sell to American taxpayers). With people like Kaczynksi/Duda MOrawiecki is necessary to do the same as was done with nazi collaborators - publicly trial and get read of(ditch scum) them just as was done via Nurnberg trials after 1945.
Andrej Babish / Babis - Babiš insisted will have police watch my finances and once I would accumulate money via work, Czech police
would follow up against me with extra extortions. Test subjects who would go for winter swim(the only exercise for broken spine) dealt with divers who would descent on our side of the river from the other side with idea as was told "to drown"(its what I was threatened with). Life jackets brought from US in 2006 were used lightly by test subjects - only tested. They insisted me on buying drybag/buoy(when brought to GB in 2012, compelled for a walk to observe group of winter swimmers), I remember winter swimming suits from ebay/aliexpress - most likely 2017 if not even 2015 and for one even was same with watches for swimming.
As far as teeth they insisted me would portray injured tooth as the one to blame for sound in my head via blood contamination. William insisted them it won't be a problem as they DID pick me up as pleased.
So who is more credible/real now !!?????
Myself or Putin/ Charles/ William/Harry/ Trump /Merkel/ Macron/Babis/ Morawiecki Duda etc. !!????
Compared to what you see supported with facts on this very news site and with what you see on front cover magazines/TV etc...who/what represents to you as fake news and who a real news !!?????
What kinds of world do we subsist in !!!???
Who is running this world - normal or mentally ill people(politicians) !!?????
Friday, October 30, 2020
MK Ultra - Serbian friend from Belgrade city and her family identified at her restaurant in Ostrava Czech republic via memories on MK Ultra
Imagine the world without AIDS/hunger/wars - for that matter, you will all have to look into schweinegrippe society based behind Buckingham palace's walls
and make final decision - either us humans or them(politicians) !!!
Not only should Scotland proclaim independence from UK, Britain alone should proclaim London as independent state apart, so London can proclaim Buckingham palace as totally independent state within London state
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus was along Bill Gates involved in MK Ultra - its not only US democrats that cover up for Donald Trump
In know he is a great man who expressed support for China - but also know so great that I had to write previous post in respect to situation in Slovenia. What goes on for already two and half years or perhaps is actually impossible to tell(sound 24/7) - when governments are using even political asylums to access your body(no longer mental asylums which they have used twice to hijack me literately from mental asylum) physically for purposes of medical examinations and procedures and do with is as pleased, UN serves no purpose as human rights agency. Organization which smuggled to Belarus BOXES of money for so called "opposition" to start civil 2020 bloodshed.
It was not my job to go to Poland and Czech republic etc to identify anything - this was job from the police to investigate which had engaged in violence against me instead
foremost domestically and when abroad in Poland/Czech rep. Things didn't changed except that I have proven there is absolutely nothing wrong with my brain.
Violence against me goes on.
Written in Slovenia on October 30th, 2020 - neighbor keeps coming into home to attack with directed energy weapons during sleep. For father who also appeared half dead today just like myself(I posted yesterday about Vladimir Putin), was told by neighbor alone under MK Ultra will be killed shortly upon my return from Poland - prior to my departure to Poland in 2018, he too fell on the floor when on his way back to room at night and ever since things went bad for him...
France NOT under attack by Islamists - France is under attack by a neonazi self elected president
Mr. Macron insisted will use even own police force to behead people in order to get his NEONAZI agenda going - MK Ultra is being 100% used. ITS A FALSE FLAG ATTACK CONCERNING BEHEADINGS THAT SHOULD BE INVESTIGATED BY REAL POLICE !!!
Mexico in Ostrava Czech republic identified via MK Ultra memories
Video can be seen also at
American DEMOCRAZY in Poland is already at work
London palace and Berlin told me once we get in, they'll never get us out. Yeah yeah...
Thursday, October 29, 2020
From Putin's daughters my wives to be to his own wife
Wednesday, October 28, 2020
MK ULTRA IN CZECH REPUBLIC: Self identified Old Bohumin residents and Greater Ostrava along Roma settlements identified via MK Ultra memories
Video can be also seen at
In 20+ years from today is what I was told, jobs will be gone - union jack will remind you where to get handouts instead
Everyone invested in something when in city of Novo mesto...words to Harry in 1998 were what will London come up with to "help Bobby"(also one of the names I used)...have you heard anything...
French fascist(royal proxy from France - neonazi collaborator) Emanual Macron doesn't have problem with Islam only - he has GRAND problem with French women too
Getting read of royalism means one thing - its called freedom of humanity
I am capitalist make no mistake, but under no circumstances a parasite that would want to feed itself on creating problems to others...just as they are trying to take away from us homeland after homeland, we need to apply same procedure against them to liberate world from evil for good. We don't have choice.
British crown preparing along German fourth reich a civil war in Thailand against Thailandese people - its not as German news outlets report about Thailandese crown
German news outlets report Berlin's unwillingness for Thailandese royal support as no longer option where Thailandese crown could/can be hosted and from where war can be waged - its not like this. Germany along Buckingham palace according to my information instead well well prepared Thailandese crown for civil war against Thailandese free society known as beginning of the moral defeat of humanity. Thailand is where global royalism movement should in fact gain enough strength to rattle/scare rest of the humanity into the box one bye one and its also why I consider this crown as no longer beneficial for humanity - if there is one that should be considered as beneficial. Unfortunately those tend to support one another in war against humanity for the sake of enslavement -total deprivation of human rights to which we have witnessed 103 years ago.
@Harry - no, ignorance is not an excuse(I never confused "recognized" with "admit" and "bias" with "criminal insanity" as you attempted to physically brainwash me via your torturers and yourself for no less than 23 years - whenever given the opportunity to lay your filthy hands on me in Poland/GB etc.).
Roma FRIEND involved in MK Ultra helps me identify area and him in Ostrava Czech rep - I identify broader Ostrava area far to the past
Video can be also see at
and audio
Can be also seen at
Tuesday, October 27, 2020
卐 卍19 years of George W. Bush and Donald Trump卐 卍 - enjoy elections of 2020 !!!
The so called "conspiracy theories" intensified greatly during their presidencies - from 9/11 to almost total civil war supported by even Coronavirus :)))
Putin and Bushy met a lot in Slovenia "privately" - all normal !!????
What is "private" and what is public !!????
This is what United States of America via Polish collaborators attempted to do with me - this is what they claimed me for 20 years case will be
En Español: MK Ultra in Dallas Texas via George Bush latter Donald Trump
Gheorgino told me(might have done it already) will send you excerpts for which you will not even know took pace ;) like a monkey on the leash
Texas guest Vladimir Putin was drugged up already in 2001 - placed on MK Ultra for evaluation by George W. Bush
London Royals don't care about racial bias - no racist/neonazi ever did in fact and it doesn't get more racist than Windsors - THEY DO CARE ABOUT ONE THING DO KNOWING TRUMP LOST ELECTIONS ALREADY
Not difficult to understand what is happening or is it
Monday, October 26, 2020
Joseph Fritzl just a classic German DNA - copy cat of Angela Merkel(DON'T THINK SHE LEARNED FOM HIM, BUT I WOULD AWARD HIM WITH NOBEL PRIZE ANYWAYS).
@BERLIN/WASHINGTON/LONDON: 31 years after Beijing's Tiananmen Square, WORLD IS BUYING LESS GERMAN AND MORE CHINESE cars - products and trend will continue
@Angela Merkel
Soon, your "protesters" will be eating grass along cows
Possibility of United Nations running domestic terrorism(specially $$$ budget) in Belarus is great
I do investigate that as well
The key to Belarus protests is to cut domestic traitors from source of income - AmeroGerman "protests" in Belarus are financed from outside
Polish Hitler declared total war on women's right to abortion - word is off course about Andrej Duda who is using COVID19 crises to even deepen one within Polish society with totally insane requests denying women basic human rights

Sunday, October 25, 2020
Idea on breaking spines was born by Donald Trump observing either William H. McRaven(most lilley) or U.S. Army Maj. Gen. Paul Eaton in 1996 in city of Novo mesto - Slovenia

Coronavirus MOST LIKELY(what I was told case will be) disseminated via store outlets - ventilation systems - SPIKE HIKE goes on simultaneously all over the world
Just enter "coronavirus country"(for country enter wherever you are) and you will get data graph provided by google. There is something super duper stinky about Trumpsters - supporters of global neonazi movement. These "leaders"(although physically most of them nothing more than whimpets mupets one would clean away with pencil rubber) are also super resistant and in some cases their spouses/children not afected with virus at all - latest such case is Duda for example.
Slavery(Russian workers' self grave digging procedure which went on for over century) ended with Romanovs
Putin working with Merkel(BERLIN) via Navalny against Russia for global neonazi interests a fact undeniable
MK Ultra in Old Bohumin Czech republic I identified even violent Andrej Babis's confident
Saturday, October 24, 2020
Bangkok 2003
Here is what Buckingham palace counted on would happen to me in Poland
And this in a place where sporadically tortured for no less than 21 years Mr. Harry and William talked/laughed about sanity issues that involved at the time also spine injury - the most painful ever thing in my life.
MK ULTRA: Hasselt completed/FINISHED(saw on Facebook someone posting "room 313" => went on internet to see rooms and found room that rang my memory then followed through the city)
Probably 1997 if not even 1996 rebuilt - second floor repairs/remodeling....ALL THIS TIME IT WAS ECT, FORCED UNEMPLOYMENT, AND PSYCHIATRY THAT KEPT YOU GUYS ALIVE...
Friday, October 23, 2020
3 of 4 MK Ultra in Strykow Poland
Video can be also seen at
Trump/Merkel and others made agreement about US EU trade already 10+ years ago minimum
told you about his pre-reelection stunts. Agreement only needs to signed and blah blah repeated.
Dortmund, Germany IDENTIFIED - There is only one thing I regret
Thursday, October 22, 2020
Russophobia is real
Petra Majdič involved in MK Ultra since 1997/1998 - involved a LOT in celotna zveza smučarjev Slovenije.
Polish government has a new crime to confess about
Police officer also stated that PEOPLE ARE ON THE WATCH AND WOULD BE A SERIOUS TROUBLE IF THEY WOULD SEE ME DRIVING ARROUND WITH THEM LIKE THIS <== its why we couldn't get into city centers...
POSSIBLE BEZOS CONNECTION: Polish government hijacked me from Grotniki(possibly even twice - also in hostel) and took me for a problems ride in 2018 - idea was to disrupt memories via fake update and more electroshocks
Wednesday, October 21, 2020
2 of 4 MK Ultra in Strykow Poland
Video can be also seen at
1 of 4 MK Ultra in Strykow Poland
Video can be also seen at
Tuesday, October 20, 2020
I also apologize to mentioned psychiatric staff at Queen Elizabeth(Dr. Heather Keizer and minister Mr. James Aylward) and specially to Ellen Taylor WHERE HELD AGAINST MY WILL WHILE ABDUCTED(hijacked) REPEATEDLY FROM USA AND EUROPE AND TORTURED ON BEHALF OF BUCKINGHAM PALACE
Related to
Ellen Taylor involved all of them into MK Ultra am certain with idea to help <== seen here are her friends(they became her friends through this case) whom she knows now for already well over decade.
I was wrong
Monday, October 19, 2020
I call for >>>>Workers of the world, unite!<<<< again - regardless of your religion/race(two weapons they use effectively against us as you see)
Call for world to REJECT COLD WAR ERA ATTITUDE(refrain yourself to return with hatred Trump projected into own domestic US population and into global Asian African Latino population) brought to us AGAIN by neonazi leaders/elites of USA/GB/GERMANY against China/Russia. Its what Coronavirus, US elections meddling while spying on entire world via NSA and occupying Ukraine and Poland are...unite but not against capitalism - unite against nazi crime which is taking place against all of us.
Delaying justice in my case is the most severe crime - as simple as stated.
Donald Trump and Joe Biden who both had my car destroyed and things stolen believed and incited(brainwashed) under MK Ultra for me to relate to Bidens as in same situation
It is a CIA operation just as entire US elections are. The core was for me to see myself in Bidens who may/may not become US president. Further to push away from me if declining Biden other democrats. and off course to see Trump as brutalist who just goes out there and steals property infront of one's eyes...answer to Bidens and Trump is a NO. No more MK Ultra brainwash approved here. No more of your violent political shizoa.
Why would Biden with illegal stuff on his laptop wait for one to get taken away from him is probably related to attempted hijacking issue of Gretchen - both are in my eyes indifferent from one another. Simply entertaining and designed to foremost entertain(make us forget about written bellow) and possibly favor via self sabotage who else than Trump.
Sunday, October 18, 2020
REPEATED: MK ULTRA: More on Sergei from Belarus involved in MK Ultra - and on Belarus state where brought abducted from Miami since 1995
According to MK Ultra scenario(specially since Polish uniformed criminal whom case was given over half year ago never ever contacted me in respect to car Skoda nor would one bother to reply my message to him few days ago in which one was informed about my stay in Slovenia via sms), one would surrender NOW case against me on behalf of Czech police to Slovenian police
and its how I would get in trouble. Via MK Ultra, Polish police officer communicated in this very room in this very house via Skype with test subjects, but if I wouldn't see his way he would just ignore my replies and give case to Slovenian police with whom Poland and Czech were in crime agreement against me from day 1. this is how this works now.
In 1996/1997 when brought to Belarus, Lukashenko had escape plan for me but he got himself almost in trouble because of one - this was the only realistic(something I alone agreed upon back then) escape plan that someone brought to my knowledge
not in entire Belarus...but we got in arguments with one another - real Lukashenko's plan to get me out of AmeroGerman madness failed even more after they found out about plan and Moscow was contacted...his plan included a sum of 15.000/30.000($?) of something that would be enough to get both of us going forward with life...This is the very girl I met at the bank where she receptionist where she worked as receptionist 6 months ago or coming next(know her since 1995). Video in which I tell more about Brest since 1995 and on...
16 days to death
Its what your "2020 US elections" are. At least you are getting real feel of what I have gone through over the years specially in Poland/Czech recently.
KILL COMMENCED: Closer to US elections(the play with hope waiting game in which you the people will die), the more governments insist on explosion of Coronavirus - you don't have to be genius to understand why - record 400,000 new cases in a single day
Saturday, October 17, 2020
Keith Rainere involved in MK Ultra till one opened his church - Its when I was told he will be off the picture soon
Since I pointed into crime of Czech PM Andrej Babis(known also as 'Czeski Trump'), Czech republic became a volcano(epicenter) of new COVID19 cases in Europe - Daily new COVID-19 cases exceed 10,000 in Czech Republic

There are only 11 mil. people in Czech rep.
CIA's(LONDONIA IN THE NAME OF BERLINIA) CORONAVIRUS WAR ON HUMANITY: How Thomas Cook, a 178-year-old British travel company and airline, declared bankruptcy on one early Monday morning in September of 2019 months prior to CORONAVIRUS OUTBREAK <== ITS HOW "DEMOCRACY" WORKS(not the only company)
respect to coming crises in which poor lost their homes while numerous were killed, so WWIII war agenda could march on.
Roughly 600,000 travelers are stranded around the world after the British travel provider Thomas Cook declares bankruptcy
I call for Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin to recognize this case as factual and step aside
This case can be resolved in peaceful(friendly) and productive manner for all sides.
Friday, October 16, 2020
BRUTAL REALITY FOR SLAVIC STATES: In a shadow of Crimea/Donetsk failure, British take another cornerstone in direction of Moscow
CZECH CRIME(from Andrej Babiš): My youtube account from Auser Times was hacked - main video changed to the one against UN from many years ago
Can see someone follows my activities very closely and has more than what I do. Video is now unlisted. Its Andrzej Duda and Andrej Babiš who have problem with United Nations and law itself - not myself. I like UN.
STRYKOW, POLAND: Belarus Slovenian couple involved in MK Ultra also come forward pointed me out own spine problems
COVID 19 - CORONAVIRUS now scientifically proven a intergovernment cleanup of public(war on humanity) operation
Vsi imajo probleme s takoimenovanimi strici iz ozadja
Turkey and Iran against tiny Armenia - I feel for people on both sides, but Turkish and Irani politicians are extremists(vicious haters)
Thursday, October 15, 2020
MK Ultra - Jennifer Teege(Göth) visited me numerous times to Miami/I met her in Germany where brought for Merkel's camouflage purposes
Turkish drones a FREE GERMAN gift to Turkey for the sake of the war on Russia
2008/2010 - Inside of the Turkish drone command center where brought by Germans in presence of Angela Merkel where on my where/what question I was answered with was I cite, "this is weapon which will defeat Russia"...drones back then were rated by Germans as the most lethal weapon in German arsenal in service of them all. Yes, German Turkish crises, yes Canada stop sales of weapons to Turkey, yes Trump hails Russia but real answer to above is hiding in raising demand with which Russia will be conditioned....weapon sales can be reopened tomorrow or can run underground, Trump is tarnishing Russian reputation(numerous accounts from MK Ultra gestured he is actually hard core anti Russian enemy), Macron dreamed about protecting Polish airspace with nuclear capable Dassault Rafale planes AGAINST RUSSIA already in 2005/2006(not selling them, but again option to use their services above Polish sky) which he did offered to Poland in 2019/2020....Germany called for civil war in Belarus and so on...Tikhanovskaya and Navalny(they go both back to 1997 if not even 1996) are both products of DIRECT German assembly line manufactured to create state crises and the same thing was preparing for Caucasus...a bit here a bit there - new pipeline via Mediterranean...what do they want !!???
Wednesday, October 14, 2020
If you recognize my MK Ultra case as factual presence in Belarus, I will charge Tsikhanouskaya and Navalny with murder attempt as they presented through me views that weren't mine(BOTH ALSO POSED WITH ME IN GERMANY DURING MK ULTRA WHICH WS USED TO SHADOW ME WITH LIES EVEN MORE), but instead those of whom they serve = Germany.
What bounds us Slavs more even than DNA
Germany openly calls for civil war in Belarus - demands bloodshed without mercy just 75 years after Hitlers' tanks ran over one on its way to Moscow !!!
Slovak Boris Kollar is a good and great man.
He have done what others were/are hiding from. What others shamed to admit, he and his women DID !!!
If I ever make it through on time, Amazona will be on the list of my biggest projects(total rehabilitation of one) - Brazilian government burning jungle deliberately and foreign governments doing nothing to stop lunacy
I removed some stuff
Don't push, so you don't have to go to jail as this time you are proven on the wrong side of the table and once I start if you do get me into the right mode(you are very close now) I will not get off your backs.
Tuesday, October 13, 2020
Nope, in 2008 huge construction went on as if they would build brand new house(cube was gone for good)
Related to
In 2008 as if from scratch as told.
The last changed on this property was rear...
We will add to video about Kurdish friend data as following(IN CASE SOMEONE WANTS TO ARGUE WITH MY MEMORY)
I cite AmeroGerman brainwash, "if Russia makes it into UN, you are as good as dead and will never make it - its Russia that want you dead - its Russia that holds you back as good as dead"
Russia was my closet, under the bed, inside of the fridge, and watching me under the water whenever swimming in Miami...It was about Russia and China - still is from what I see China was worse according to AmeroGerman neonazi bandits...
Stollen telephone used along SD cards to browse my online accounts thanks to Czech police
Monday, October 12, 2020
MK Ultra - Recognized yet another Kurdish friend and his family involved in MK Ultra and this via Facebook
Czech terrorist Andrej Babis(Garbich) planned on creating a cluster via issues seen here for which I now realized already took place in the past
Sunday, October 11, 2020
Throat cancers most frequently are given as was told
at dentists. Was told they drop something unto specific area and cancer grows out of it lie mushrooms after the rain.
Better version of throat cancer presented me Heidi Klum who often hosted parties. I cite, "its where people have one night stands even cheating often on spouses and end up waking up with most severe problems"(obviously she doesn't have anything to do with it, but warned me on how its done). Whoever gets ahold of one via MK Ultra its lie holding title to individual's life. Its been like this for ages now on West.
CORRECTION: Tanja Fajon was involved in my MK Ultra case since 2004/2005 and know her husband since 1998 when one was not officially even a "leftist"(leftist career was chosen for him by Merkel alone)
German neonazi Veit-Ulrich Braun(involved in my MK Ultra case some 16/17 perhaps more years) now becomes one of the most influential people in Slovenia through his spouse Tanja Fajon(ALSO involved in MK Ultra case but not anywhere even near as German neonazi now her husband Veit-Ulrich Braun).
In the book of scams/crime/violence psychologists prepared via MK Ultra in respect to my case for Donald Trump - Trump has nothing to look forward too any longer
its all behind(hardest political issues finished - my trust based on nothing but AmeroGerman betrayal failed indefinitely) and brutally points in his direction as the source of crime.
MK ULTRA AUDIO - 2 of 2 - I identified even first van of Czechs friend in Old Bohumin brought for him from Italy by friend via Italian delegation in 1996 1997
Saturday, October 10, 2020
1 of 2 - I identified even first van of Czechs friend in Old Bohumin brought for him from Italy by friend via Italian delegation in 1996 1997
I helped him save your Skoda factory by insulting Russian delegation in the face(drugged up during MK Ultra) in 1995/1996 when brought to Czech Rep. for economic summit. They wanted entire industry in Russia and I loudly protested what got large attention from observers and what eventually landed you jobs...Milos Zeman was extremely concerned for all of you and is a very patriotic pro Czech individual. He saved you more than just Skoda and got you huge market also in Russia, Israel and elsewhere...most important, he is a real Slavic figure I do not want to recon with. Wish him only the best.