Friday, April 1, 2022

ON 37TH DAY OF RUSSIAN INVASION OF UKRAINE, UKRAINE DIDN'T FIRE SINGLE BULLET ON RUSSIAN SIDE YET(RUSSIANS MURDER IN MARIUPUL EVERYTHING LEFT AND RIGHT): Ukraine never staged attack on Belgorod - oil depo in Russian Belgorod is a product of Russian self sabotage to take even more murderous steps against people of Ukraine(new 135.000 Russian conscripts set and sent to murder in Ukraine)

I find interesting that Western media even claims how attack on Belgorod was done by Ukrainian helicopters(VERY VERY DIFFICULT THING TO DO)...not really. Ukrainian and Polish media appears to refute those claims. Damage(and symbolic for Russian oil industry) as seen easily restrained - controlled.


What is wrong with the "blow to Belgorod" and where Russia will fight - Colonel Oleg Zhdanov

The morning of April 1 in Belgorod began with a fire at an oil depot
The morning of April 1 in Belgorod began with a fire at an oil depot

The Russian authorities could have staged a provocation to impose martial law and mobilize

In the Russian city of Belgorod, where an ammunition depot exploded the other day, an oil depot was hit on the first day of April .

Russian authorities claim that this is a blow from the Ukrainian armed forces. The social networks show videos of helicopters firing missiles from the oil depot , which is based on the Russian side.

Military expert, reserve colonel Oleg Zhdanov told the Telegraph his version, and also predicted how Russia would behave during the war with Ukraine.

Why Putin is "bombing" Belgorod

"As for today's destruction of the oil depot in Belgorod, Russia. In my opinion, the absurd version is that 2-3 Ukrainian helicopters flew to Belgorod and worked with impunity on the oil depot. Belgorod is less than 40 km from the Ukrainian border. But from that "The unit that we do not temporarily control. To get there, our helicopters would have to make a solid hook. And a lot of time to fly through Russian territory. And there is the most powerful air defense system. It is unrealistic ," - says Oleg Zhdanov.

He also emphasizes that, as wild as it may sound, we are not at war with Russia.

"We cannot attack Russia without declaring war. Unlike the aggressor, we follow the internationally recognized rules of war. And we do not conduct any" special operations "there either. At least not yet, " the colonel explained.

In his opinion, the top military and political leadership of Russia, as has happened before, committed a terrorist attack against its people. Conventionally speaking, Voronezh is "bombing". Only now - Belgorod.

Like the same explosions of apartment buildings in September 1999, including the explosion in an apartment building on Kashira Highway in Moscow, which killed more than 120 people. All to justify further atrocities in Chechnya and cement Putin's power. Here and now - The Kremlin needs a reason to impose martial law, declare general mobilization. All other ways, including covert mobilization, recruitment of reservists and mercenaries, have not yet been particularly successful in Russia . "Not to mention the deployment of some new units. Plus - an attempt to slow down the negotiation process to a more favorable moment for Russia. By the way, Peskov has already stated this ."


Rosyjska prowokacja w Biełgorodzie? Wojska Putina miały zaatakować skład ropy i obwinić Ukraińców

Mateusz PrzyborowskiMateusz Przyborowski
2 minuty czytania

W rosyjskim Biełgorodzie, graniczącym z terytorium obwodu charkowskiego w Ukrainie, zapalił się magazyn ropy naftowej. Dwie osoby zostały ranne. Rosjanie twierdzą, że obiekt zbombardowali Ukraińcy. Innego zdania są ukraińskie media, które publikują dowody.

Biełgorod to rosyjskie miasto obwodowe położone nad rzeką Donieck, zaledwie 40 km na północ od granicy z Ukrainą. W nocy wybuchł tam pożar magazynu ropy naftowej. Wciąż pali się osiem zbiorników paliwa. Na tę chwilę wiadomo, że dwie osoby są ranne. Mają to być pracownicy magazynu.

Pożar magazynu ropy. Rosjanie oskarżają Ukraińców

Oficjalna przyczyna pożaru nie została jeszcze ustalona. Jak podaje portal Nexta, lokalne władze twierdzą, że pożar miał być skutkiem ukraińskiego nalotu. Na Telegramie zostało również udostępnione nagranie, które ma pokazywać moment ataku dwóch – jak podaje strona rosyjska – ukraińskich helikopterów.

"Służby ratownicze są na miejscu pożaru, podejmowane są działania mające na celu jego ugaszenie" - poinformował na swoim kanale Telegram gubernator obwodu Gładkow. Ukraińcy nie potwierdzają doniesień władz rosyjskiego Biełgorodu.

Nad miastem wciąż unosi się chmura czarnego dymu. "W sumie pali się osiem zbiorników paliwa. Istnieje ryzyko, że ogniem może zająć się kolejne osiem" – poinformowała na Twitterze agencja RIA.

Ukraine war: Russia blocks buses heading to Mariupol, says Ukraine


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