Monday, January 3, 2022

Black American rappers insisted on my having personal belongings vandalized(destroyed) for Christmas and new Year - holidays when they would do their giveaways

 Few such insane cookies managed to trigger memories via yahoo news, so be it...will get back to issue once I start to report on personal items destroyed for this holidays. 

Its not necessary they have done it or have paid to others to get it done, its enough they affiliated themselves with Milan Kučan and Borut Pahor - once they get foreign alibi for destruction, they get it 100% done regardless so they can blame foreign sources...but rappers this year were not cheap with reminding on MK Ultra torture neither :)))) 

When I will be giving out beautiful gifts and you will have less than nothing with cancer broken spine hahaha on my question "how about me"...I will remind you of your neighbors destroying you for holly-days...

To be or not to be

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