Monday, January 24, 2022

Japanese girl with 90k a month was involved in MK Ultra(no torture :))))

You can see her wearing my socks she obtained on one occasion when brought to her place first time in 2015 perhaps ? Joke on the side, I was brought to her place from some rough location in Poland and somewhere else and when I saw her warehouse, one triggered memories on possibly even on hotel storage area where beatings took place earlier...she, however, was unsure about what went on and while at first probably insulted for me to 
decline to have anything to do with it have returned with coworkers(she had two at the time) favor with unpleasant topics till she realized something wrong about whole then applied different tactics(some really funny - see those muscled pictures and you will understand as once she realized I was depressed under MK Ulra she started to insist me thats me and my spirit consequently went up again) and it did happened so that I have next to food in a very relaxed environment in her residence(its all located in city where she has warehouse on one side and her place in another side of the building but all in same building) even ended falling for her - this changed everything also in eyes of her coworkers who since embraced me...however, once I have fallen for her I had very different plans under MK Ultra and I didn't want her to work any longer - have proposed for her to rather cuddle with me 24/7 that bother further with business and its when I was out of the door :)))) She is very intellectual - fun to be around with what due to her costumes surprised me...I had no idea someone dressed like this could take me seriously. 

Was told she is a member(some relative or something) of Japanese royal family...

I am not totally certain, but her parents did renovation - last building upgrade in 2010 took place...I think they own few other real estate pieces as well. Her father is the one, I think, related to royals - some cousins or something and what makes them very unique.. involved in this since 1996 when I traveled for a visits under MK Ultra with younger Japanese royals on train to her city Nagoya from Tokyo.

THANK YOU and my best regards to Enako and her coworkers - whole team and please return my socks back because I am cold in "two meters by snow covered" Slovenia ;) 

p.s. there is no snow...yet.

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