Monday, January 31, 2022

What makes Elon Musk's cars so "reliable" ACCORDING TO HIS WON WORDS are nothing other than cameras loaded on Teslas which fan I am not for multitude of reasons

 The real quality of those cars from my point to of view is doubtful if design alone doesn't bother you...without dealers that serve customers accordingly with manufacturers' requirements as per maintenance(not a manufacturer's competition which at times till dealership goes broke - they represent - "represent" till "new more reliable" car brand is offered, cars are as good as those at the junkyard regardless of quality in today's world. Regular Trump school and its what wracked US big time anywhere from public educational system to privatized prions...and for stated here as my "FRIEND"(backstabbing paranoia inciter who next to Bezos ended even feeding me with large quantities of ice cream and other sugar garbage whenever drugged up in his company) Elon Musk repeated me over the course of 25 years whenever hijacked, the payout will be lesser for you...a real friend and truly large personality from Trump's school of ripoff and lies...

Making contact with CEOs of competition, allways was step #1 in German car indutry as from within car manufacturing companies rottened all over Europe(From Italy to Spain and Britain - French barely escaped Swedish Volvo and Saab couldn't)...bad design approved, shitty engines, poor here and there and it doesn't matter how shitty the German product...they sold regardless. German cars are as regulated as German state which preferably would have Germans eat whatever they shit and have us Europeans through their marvelous economy pay for CO2.ž

Auto piloted cars easily turned into suicide bombers without drivers' ability to control close meeting with whomever whoever wants to get read....I would rate Tesla cars as one of the worst car brands in car manufacturing industry and luckily for one German car manufacturing industry exists...

To to mistaken German cars made prior to, those were high quality cars as Germans alone pride themselves with goal of making high quality products rather than exporting crime as is case since 2000....German goals prior to 1995 were oriented toward making customers satisfied while broadening influence of the state through rivers of work related immigrants which ranged anywhere from Turkey to Spain/ Italy/ Yugoslavia...who often times would with their high German quality made products and very decent wages infect their own people with idea of purchasing German made products...they acted as ambassadors to Germany without even knowing, however, those were post WWII times and Germany since 2000 had totally different plans in mind...

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