Sunday, May 31, 2020

MK Ultra(main news for today): During single walk(one week after arrival), 12 people involved in MK Ultra procedure were identified in present residential area(Rzgow/South Łódź border). Buildings were also identified as always error free(with 90%+ certainty)

Video can be also seen at

How you destroy individual under MK Ultra

You create 10 different scenarios for each setup in chain of setups...out of this 10, its important to keep three as inspiring scenarios(at least from beginning those must look as solutions) because based on those you will start to build long term abuse....this way you build in individual trust based on abuse, and what will grow over long term into total abuse - failure. 

You continue to beat him up once reintroduced into MK Ultra environment under real circumstances, so his sense for logic reduces and if only possible you involve violent scenarios along the way so his reasoning creates anger shortcuts(reasoning becomes build on disturbed personality) which if pushed hard enough can produce desired outcome at almost any time....

Merkel built her entire career with lies behind curtain about myself

Whole thing about her is nothing more than a lie she created through this very MK Ultra case. Such is the real German reputation - the one they fear to disclose...the one they instead point into us, so world wouldn't see what they are all about. Related to

Mother Zschape(her daughter translated to English as we were at her place with Americans) had similar experience in Germany as I had in Poland due to her mixed marriage(its better to avoid even reporting yourself at employment agency after-all rather than to have other issues invlved)

What my situation in Poland was...on one side you have individual observing every step you make(specially sleep - but also shopping and showers) and on other as a result of directed energy weapons and other sleep deprivation methods myself...

Last German NEONAZI circle I was introduced to via MK Ultra by German police and politicians sometimes in 2000s(was it 2002 or 2004/2005 am not certan)

I was told by Merkel alone for them to be my future military and will commit to crimes for my sake. Was demanded from me to defend them publicly. Beate Zschaepe(half Romanian and its what they do with our eastern European people who either come or stay in Germany - their kids - was important to German government as to suggest that nazism is universal "European" thing and not just German) refused to have anything to do with it at first, but I guess she gave in over time. Group(trio) also visited to US.

MK Ultra: During single walk(one week after arrival), 12 people involved in MK Ultra procedure were identified in present residential area(Rzgow/South Łódź border). Buildings were also identified as always error free(with 90%+ certainty)

Video can be also seen at

And something cute for you this Sunday

Trump stated when looting starts, shooting starts and I say when shooting starts

HELTER SKELTER/LOOTING SHOOTING - We need him as a test subject inside of American prison system(he alone gestured people to inject themselves with disinfectants)

You know who Charles Manson was right well, he seats today inside of the White House and its a clear fact.

There were innocent people who couldn't escape jail system in US because of individual(maniac) like this one here - executions would fail time and again leaving allways on brink of death, so terror/pain could continue...what people suffered during WWII because of individual as seen here is impossible to even describe.


Don't miss the credit opportunity or you will stay even without lunch. I was told in advance about this very news and I told you that we are talking about psychopaths.

Saturday, May 30, 2020

2 of 4 MK Ultra finals Polish state exit procedure

Abuse of Polish state intensified to the point I wasn't allowed to send out resumes(what this very individual also took credit for) as job applications as they wouldn't allow me to write even letters for employers. I cite, "If you will eat this and that and not exercise I will order guys to destroy you via directed energy weapons...if you will talk about me, I will order them to kill you"...

1 of 4 MK Ultra finals Polish state exit procedure

Abuse of Polish state intensified to the point I wasn't allowed to send out resumes(what this very individual also took credit for) as job applications as they wouldn't allow me to write even letters for employers. I cite, "If you will eat this and that and not exercise I will order guys to destroy you via directed energy weapons...if you will talk about me, I will order them to kill you" records stolen in hostel and so on. Very nice. and helpful.

ITS OKAY: Trump announces end of US relationship with World Health Organization

Its probably by now that most United Nations member states would want to move also out of New York city. Will be cheaper elsewhere and more cost efficient not to mention impact of lobby given to big EUASSR through selected locations what voids neutrality of both organisations(essential ingredient). For European Union member states, Human Rights Court located in Strasbourg also no longer will be acceptable option. For me as a EU citizen this is no longer valid option as is as fascist as it gets(is nothing more than a bigoted neonazi club).

2 of 4 MK Ultra finals Polish state exit procedure

Abuse of Polish state intensified to the point I wasn't allowed to send out resumes(what this very individual also took credit for) as job applications as they wouldn't allow me to write even letters for employers. I cite, "If you will eat this and that and not exercise I will order guys to destroy you via directed energy weapons...if you will talk about me, I will order them to kill you"...

1 of 4 MK Ultra finals Polish state exit procedure

Abuse of Polish state intensified to the point I wasn't allowed to send out resumes(what this very individual also took credit for) as job applications as they wouldn't allow me to write even letters for employers. I cite, "If you will eat this and that and not exercise I will order guys to destroy you via directed energy weapons...if you will talk about me, I will order them to kill you" records stolen in hostel and so on. Very nice. and helpful.

And if I would speak out about psychiatrist, its I who would have to go and so on and so forth...

Mr. William H. McRaven - Involved in MK Ultra already in 1996/1997(one of the earliest - only perhaps two/three others concerning overseas missions were involved in one as early as he was)

Lt. Gen. Christopher Cavoli involved in MK Ultra - was in Poland 2003/2004 already(participated along politicians and have done some commute in area on foot) and as Trump stated wold also stay

Am not aware whether he lifted any boxes and it wouldn't make any difference either as they were trained how to avoid injuries and not instructed on how to obtain them like myself.

Friday, May 29, 2020

From day 1 at new location, it appeared as if my eardrums would blow up

Use of ditected energy weapon at this MK Ultra location was and is overwhelming. Extremely difficult to bare with. This very psychiatrist caused problems to many other people as well.

Looks like Germany is finally buying my case - silence is golden(see nothing, hear nothing = know nothing paid off)

as Poland see oneself as a number one benefitor of German "Covid 19" crises :)))), my case is coming to an end. They get money as agreed, I am let "free".

Congratulations. Corona-virus, Trump is all good stuff as I see.

@Poland - great sale :))))

@Trumpet and his grown up kids

Where you are heading, you won't have to worry much about anything other than toothbrush. America is alive despite everything you envisioned case will be(including Coronavirus).

What I know about Christiania located in Copenhagen, Denmark - everything(enough to state here stated).
And Danish Royals yes for whom for the difference of London, I think are nice modest people. Good friends of above mentioned city anyways.

Gao Fu, director of China’s disease control and prevention center(involved in MK Ultra) and Beijing BOTH REJECT Chinese responsibility for Corona-virus outbreak - not as US is trying to misinterpretate to the world via extortion/LIES

I also call Yahoo to refrain from making assumptions via speculations as is dangerous path toward truth in very critical times.
Yes, Gao Fu, director of China’s disease control and prevention center dealt with Americans in the past, but wouldn't confirm insider's stupidity(something I was told he will under MK Ultra - Americans organized whole set of events which they misinterpretate via main stream media) which Wuhan lab director attempted to spur via nonsense statements . 

About psychiatrist next door in few sentences

Was a nice person at the beginning of MK Ultra(is one of the longest participating individuals in MK Ultra), but whole thing changed considerably. Got my attention by gesturing on how he already spent his career in best possible way thanks to my case. On other occasion, however, one gestured on how for him tings will work out well as one will side with ether side allowing one to collect bribe basically regardless of MK Ultra outcome. That he will monitor all that will go on inside of this unit(room) and eventually support my cause. 

Thursday, May 28, 2020

I was told in fact mentioned bellow will even be a sign of retaliation against mentioned for not cooperating

Slavs should start immediate talks with one another as well. Ukrainians should ask US military to leave waters and Poles for closer military cooperation with Russia. Its happening exactly because of stated here. Disrespect for minorities as a human beings is a disrespect for entire humanity and not only people in mentioned countries.

WWIII WARNING: I do like to see Russia move nuclear bombs(ICBMs and other nuclear capable equipment) to Kaliningrad area.

The reason is simple. Death under Coronavirus crises(I am not even saying people endup dead due to Coronavirus as governments may be using other methods to murder under Coronavirus crises) exploded in Brasil(president is a neonazi fascist), Sweden, United States of America, and Great Britain. What mentioned countries have common to death is that one foremost takes out minorities.

@Queen Marry/King "Joseph" from US, and other selected(CHOSEN) few

What about Wuhan and Coronavirus !!???? Everything stopped after my posting

Mike Pompeo/Trump's theory on Wuhan !!????? Where is it !!???? Because I am the one who needs to know - have update about one now.

Half the matter in the universe was missing

My bad in respect to previous video - here is correction. I apologize.

Video can be also seen at or


Bunch of billionaires with stolen Russian taxpayers' money(Medvedev, Putin, Lavrov) will not be deciding about this case either yet case concerns all Slavs as they see us as slaves - indifferent from black slaves whom they used on slave plantains just 100 something years ago in US/Africa etc...our people in US/Canada were decimated into fraction and are target of racism on daily bases along with other minorities. 

USA/UK are the scariest countries in the world - USSR was a baby when compared to the two

Stories like , make me and British knowing who she is(huge portion of Britain) vomit. Its also funny to note Ceaușescu was during his visit quite popular despite being brutal dictator in Romania. As an politician as elizabth portrays herself to be(100 nothing on her or about her family is Royal unless you think torturing even foreign citizens for the cost of lives is a Royal duty), she should have avoided one on the first place or at least miss handshake, but was not like that...

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

I thank Mr. Xi Jinping

I will repeat his words to me, "I don't like nazism...China doesn't want globalist politics...we dislike it and we know who these politicians are, but if American people whose politicians financed Chinese economy and for which cost we agreed will cooperate with this politicians, will do nothing about it after obtaining proof like this seen here - there is nothing other left to us other than to quietly agree/cooperate with it".

EXCLUSIVE: Just day after I identified Wuhan lab and its director via MK Ultra, Chinese media counters her statement which was to be used as a main support for Trump/Pompeo's WWIII agenda.

Just day after I identified Wuhan lab and its director via MK Ultra, Chinese media counters her statement which was to be used as a main support for Trump/Pompeo's WWIII agenda.

I did it on time to prevent the worst, what you will do as human beings from here on is up to you. You can go out there and arrest Trump/Pompeo today or you can stick your heads further inside of the grounds and continue with see, nothing, hear nothing...own burials. Up to you.


Trump/Pompeo(both - Pompeo involved in MK Ultra since ALMOST total beginnings of one - WAS SELECTED TO SERVE IN ONE DUE TO HIS PRO NAZI VIEWS DUE TO WHICH HE WAS EVEN EXPOSED WHEN IN MILITARY AS A NAZI BIGOT) caught himself into own net of lies.

ALL ABOUT NEONAZI TAKEOVER PLAN VIA THIS CASE: Read good about insurance policy for neonazi elites via this MK Ultra case on how - why was so important for THEM for ME to memorize MK Ultra events and why whole thing went on only when I nposted MK Ultra proofs as well as news with which they brainwashed me parallel to MK Ultra torture

Read good about insurance policy for neonazi elites via this MK Ultra case on how - why was so important for THEM for ME to memorize MK Ultra events and why whole thing went on only when I posted MK Ultra proofs as well as news with which they brainwashed me parallel to MK Ultra torture !!!

Example of above:

If Xi Jinpeng would see himself in news(if intimidated from my side enough or could possibly obtain the opportunity to somehow release side news as how they somehow did have knowledge of virus in Wuhan), Trump would obtain yet another support for global neonazi march...

If Trump would not manage to stimulate Xi Jinping into collaboration via this news site aqnd as described above(if he would failed as this is of primary goal of Trump/ Buckingham palace/ Berlin), however, Trump would obtain for him and his cronies insurance policy via proof(my exposing neonazi scam which he and his cronies created) which he submitted to democrats as productive for humanity...would translate in this case to democrats and humanity as attempt to stop nazi march from going forward by giving me knowledge facts about nazi takeover attempt if you understand the point....its how dangerous this MK Ultra case is. More dangerous than elites, are people who allow double game to go on for whatever reasons those may be(either personal financial gain or because they are not what they claim to be).

Xi Jinping knew that I am a good person...he knew already from MK Ultra that I do not fit any of Trump cronies' lies they made with attempt to convince other nations(they solicited India/China/ Japan into cooperation via lies)...and so did India and my Japanese emperors and this as bad as I was with them.

This is how deadly one news alone can be...not only can millions people see themselves different in one as one can be modified to individual taste, but one can be via corrupt political streams even used as a insurance policy for what otherwise could result in capital punishments for parties involved(and it will as I will NOT let go).

Bills to operate site are costly and with your support 10x times could(and can) be done

If this option somehow will not work, ads(perhaps even paywall)
will replace one.
Suggested monthly donation is $1(USD), but off course you are welcome to contribute more. Thank you.

Click anywhere on image either above or bellow
Thank you

Monday, May 25, 2020

Access to insurance from persecution via my MK Ultra case DENIED

Will not happen. I will never allow.

INSURANCE POLICY VIA MK ULTRA: Why were elites so willing to promote this MK Ultra case - why they wanted me

to talk about one...

It wasn't because as Trump stated someone to write him memoir about eastern Europe's business dealings was because elites made deal with opposition foremost.

Why/how ?

In fact she has two kids is what I was told under MKultra - updated sometimes in 2015

One must be now 12/13 and the other some 5 years old...related to

If this director is the one, she met husband in 2008/2010 - has a baby now probably child 10/11 years old.

I hope not. I just hope not. Related to

Her husband also is employee of this center. I hope not...for this news I actually hope to be WRONG.

WWIII DANGER: Trump knew EVERYTHING about Wuhan lab - he specifically knew about knews as you are about to see which he would use to prove Coronavirus originated in China - who is in reality Wang Yanyi(lab's director)

I call Chinese government to IMMEDIATELY investigate above mentioned individual(Wang Yanyi - lab's director) as is no different from what was
situation with Dutch virus masks which made in China. I cite Donald Trump to me under MK Ultra, "now that could be a dangerous news"...proceeded on how in the end he will be proven by Chinese authorities alone on how he was right all along !!!

OBITUARIES(I hope you enjoy them): 'The New York Times' marks grim U.S. virus milestone with front page victim list

Just as I told you two years ago case will be...first death here and then...then more and more till you will lost control of counting dead. FASTER AND FASTER...

Those who tell you on how there is no death are paid government dis-info liars. No reduction of jobs and open and close and open and close economy ever brought anything good(homeless people and terror - death of targeted people/minorities)...its a prelude into total terror with you as Slaves in-front of the few mighty whom you allow to be such as human fear has YUGE eyes.

Month to month paychecks are good !!???? Better than safety of your families and yourself !!???? Don't worry. Everything will be okay. Allow yourself to be surprised. 

Its only Obama that is left to America

I told you about Biden already - a ticket to nowhere...if you folks don't wake up on time, you will be all dead. Make no mistake about what is written on here. Related to

Sunday, May 24, 2020

@Macron - Not everything is so dark AND THERE WILL BE NO NEGOTIATIONS WITH ANY OF YOU

There is considerable factory known as Renault in Novo mesto, Macron(whose father was foremost involved in my MK Ultra case) have conditioned one with if Slovenian government wouldn't see the neonazi FRENCH way. Neonazi French way means if my case
wouldn't remain hushed by Slovenian government via which signal upon one being hushed would be sent to general population on who truly prevailed via economic means in eastern Europe...far worse than Soviet Union if considering Merkel, Macron, Trump, Buckingham palace and few others deprived me of 25 years of life and have conditioned my existence in finals with even breaking me spine via corruption...FAR WORSE FRENCH PEOPLE AND YOU BETTER READ THIS WELL !!!

From business perspective about Putan Putanowich and his team

Must be hard for Slavic business to see one another across the border as enemies, and am certain is even harder to consider fact which Putanowich(team Medvedev/Lavrov) took to a next level in respect to mutual relations which is a racism between nations as the case was with Ukraine when Putin in 1999 insisted to Americans/Germans(on Trump's signaling to assemble as white as possible Russian team which would give Westerners impression about Russians as whiter than Ukrainian counterparts) that Russians are whiter and this worthier to invest money into...I see this foremost as the biggest betrayal act against Russians alone of whom no one is white(all have Mongolian DNA admixture and many also other admixtures)

Saturday, May 23, 2020

I also appologise to Mr. Xi Jinping

who demonstrated me China from his own perspective when there during MK Ultra. 

Why Coronavirus was used against China - because its a call for global neonazi jihad against humanity in which Berlin would love nothing more than to implicate also Russia is why

Read what 8 nations were and what their purpose was when engaging in war against China in they past

Hong Kong - its what Donald Trump created(VIOLENT NEONAZI CORONAVIRUS CRIMINAL in W.H.)

Thank him for Hong Kong tensions. Its 31 years since China managed to crush American CIA operation known as Tiananmen Square operation and no less than 176 years since China finally LIBERATED ITSELF FROM COLONIALISM (SLAVERY) of the worst kind. Today, although happy to have Hong Kong, China alone can pay unannounced visit to any part of the world at any time of the day. 

Thursday, May 21, 2020

I get to break my spine/ sleep on the floor, and google collecting some $300+ per day via my work - nice

I am prohibited from using Google sense for one thing. Google blocked me, but one exists evidently. Nice. I have never ever made a single cent from my news site not youtube channels where TOTALLY CENSORED...this goes far beyond slavery issues. With about 150.000 daily visitors.

Donald Trump is finished - I destroyed one on political stage beyond any believes(will not last his presidency to the end)

Not only these were Trump's close associates(involved in MK Ultra) which attempted to play justice under his presidency, but Musk(unapologetic neonazi) alone called US as fascist several days ago, and many other signs...

They plea guilty because they take whatever they can while Trump's still there...they will outlast his presidency as this one is about to come to a SHARP end.

Main American psychologist involved in MK Ultra left Poland for good in 2010/2012(most likely 2010) because

as he told me he no longer wanted to be on the picture once they have involved psychiatrists against me. Its something he told Trump totally disagreed(resents) with and decided to no longer remain part of MK Ultra program. Despite all, man would occasionally return with hope to help somehow. In his own ways, he did. He build issues which would help me somehow overcome severity of brainwash.

In Germany panic exploded upon my release of Gauck news

Seems will try to purchase from others my silence for 9 billion Euros/Dollars...keeps running down the street, but there is no escape. From new FrankoGerman agreement, Lufthansa rescue project to opposite within matter of hours if not even minutes :)))) Related to

MK - ULTRA - Gauck was stationed in the house on the bottom floor

House was totally disinfected upon his departure according to Angela Merkel alone in 2000 or so, so I wouldn't becapable to prove anything about that either(hahaha <== allways was haha from her side and "he is no longer normal").

MK - ULTRA - Lauck was not inside of the jail when in serving prison sentence in Germany(he was in and out)

In respect to Gauck, he also was in and out of German jail when imprisoned in Germany between 1995 and 1999 – what truly went on behind German jail curtain with Gauck only Germany knows, however, I remember his private apartment(basement alike apartment – housing) where according to Angela Merkel one was completing work which would be released even years after exiting jail. He alone named one as luxury hotel .

MK - ULTRA - Chares Barkley and his family

On court field got his way done by pushing around due to his size, but in private this man is a teddy bear by all means very loyal to his family. Whole family yes :))) 

MK - ULTRA - Jennifer Lopez/Alex Rodriguez are two teasers

Photo was taken inside of the Alex's apartment sometimes in 2013 if not even 2010...I think 2013. Is apartment where we would often wonder from Poland alone. Yeah, the two have considerable number of Polish friends. Remember how one looks inside and foremost what view on outside looks like...thank you to both for reminded and no lol, I think for a second man on photo was myself even that play was on to get me state something like that. The two loved to tease, but even more these are people who were for the difference a concerned for me people and have invested good amount of time in idea of helping me out of impossible situation.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Will have beautiful ebook for sale within week :)))

Madam Angela Merkel was the first one to charge me unofficially at this very employment office with distribution of hatred as per my being the one who incited Gauck into hatred due which one will consequently serve 4 years in jail. In reality, Gerhard Lauck was old very well known neonazi by then who visited USA(and Miami at request of above mentioned individuals with idea to meet me) briefly – just prior to departure to jail for the four year prison sentence in Germany where charged for nazi related hate crimes in Denmark and reality not only did Gauck visited Miami, but German government transported me to Germany for at least month if not more to spend with him...and yes, we also entered neighboring Denmark what translated into my being video recorded under MK Ultra by German authorities who 100% did used such materials for the purp0ose of distribution of false information to African Americans as well as to other minorities, and most likely even to eastern European governments... misinformation/faultiest was one of the main ingredients necessary for case to go on. American deep state under Clinton's administration along with Merkel figured out for anything to sell well, value must first be created.

MK Ultra - Magic Johnson and his family also :))))


There is no need for retaliation of any kind. Just open up for African American business people and you will see what happens within minutes not even hours or days with Trump's me, I know where Coronavirus is hiding.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Donald Trump officially is the 13th US president to have owned human slave

Today's news from Buckingham palace's muppets

Look no other than white folder - also told what will be if I achu achu..."if you mention black people etc.."...


No no no...your career doesn't end with your becoming retired(nothing like you stated me "I have man like Obama to watch over") hold hope of your community and real America in your hands and releasing full potential of one ends on political stage. 

Michael Jordan and his family involved in my MK Ultra case - is a very old friend of Barack Obama...

Not only Ms Juanita, but also both grown kids.

Monday, May 18, 2020

There were two thngs I was explained upon first two visitations(1995) to Miami's employment office located on Biscayne Blvd.

Both were brought to my attention by white American individuals via dictionary(book)....

#1 Sclav

#2 Sloven

Poland seems is completely mistaken/confused about it all

I will explain again...there were MK Ultra staff members involved in this case as well as(to boost popularity of hunger games since no one wanted to join any longer) so called test subjects.

Both signed MONEY contracts with Trump's team prior to arrival to Poland. They got extremely well compensated as well as awarded with careers. Not all hats truth...some ended who knows where, but they all(there was one individual who was subjected to MK Ultra whom I have seen in Poland when I alone was subjected to MK Ultra) agreed to come.

MK Ultra - what day of MK Ultra individual looks like when reintroduced back into MK Ultra environment.

I dare anyone to dispute my MK Ultra MK Ultra case was proven ever as the one you see here. Supported with facts despite its stranger than strangest fiction of reality account.

See a bit what you see as MK Ultra victim when entering post MK Ultra period - in this case far away from residences in US and home in Slovenia...its even harder(for me not hard, but there were disturbing times) dealing with lets say home surroundings if exposed to MK Ultra in those as was my case.

I mention in one Chris Cuomo(CNN reporter) who was not the only person from CNN network involved straight in this case...Mr. Anderson Cooper was involved in case too !!! Knows all about Poland just as Chris Cuomo.

There was no as Andrzej Duda claimed me under MK Ultra, "WE HAVE ONE CITY IN POLAND WHICH WILL HELP YOU TO


MKULTRA: Trumps little Hitlers in Poland during negotitations in between 1997 and 2008

Video 1 of 2 can be also seen at or 

Video 2 of 2 can be also seen at or 

Here is what Trump brought with him to Poland and its what Poles had to deal with like it or not. Serious warning to US democracy. What could possibly be wrong when brought to foreign country for torture along people as seen here !!???? Trum's nazis who pocketed money through me and stirred shit(specially Angela Merkel - so called European Court for Human Rights) no longer wanted to know anything about me once MK Ultra completed...was worthier for them dead than alive. Perhaps movie should be even called "nazis' heritage to naturalized US citizen in Poland"...its all US citizenship awarded to me in 2000 was worth(being slave ranking bellow animal for no less than 25 years - worse even than uncle Tom's situation).

US CIVIL RIGHTS/WORLD WATCH OUT: China's ambassador to Israel found dead in Tel Aviv home - police

Saturday, May 16, 2020

V SLOVENSKEM JEZIKU: Polska ni bila in ni pripravljena prevzeti odgovornosti za kriminal raje nadaljuje z njimi.

Polska ni bila in ni pripravljena prevzeti odgovornosti za kriminal raje nadaljuje z njimi. Vidik nadaljevanja kriminala iz moje strani kot pomoc je NESPREJEMLJIVA zadeva.

Don't throw money away in a trash bin

If place something in between, they are even far safer than what is sold to you over the counter. Can be designated/inside disposed and reused time and again.Simple/cheap and done withing minute or less.

Girl from Izola(Slovenian sea side next to Italy) in fact met her husband in Ljubljana...she used to live in Ljubljana

She attended university if I properly recall and stayed in Ljubljana where she met her husband. This goes waaayyyy back in time...written in Poland where am almost two years now.


MK Ultra: Polish government does as have told me will do

Take this because latter flights will be more expensive and with lucky2go, Book with Gotogate(Gotta go gate) will remember this - Fujitsu bosses, soldier from Kurak, and many others pressured on issue GO. Latter that will be very difficult/expensive...if not leaving they have other stuff prepared against you and so on and so on tralalala(other scenarios prepared against me)...

MK Ultra: Slovenian couple involved in MK Ultra obtained hostel in Mexico island via my MK Ultra case - we were several times in her hostel

In my eyes, Poland sold me presold(presold to Buckingham palace/ Washingtion DC/ Berlin etc. - those who paid to avoid liabilities for cime) MK Ultra proofs which consumed 25 years of my life for the cost of cripling(its how one have conditioned truth and this with support of international elites)

And that was it. Police officer involved in MK Ultra whom case was given to handle by prosecutor's office(also involved in MK Ultra torture) month and half ago so far haven't done a single thing - basically just as the case was with Zgierz police/immigration. Case is crystal clear to me.

Friday, May 15, 2020


All in private...all in private - inside of cars on the side...THE real Donald Trump...Trumpet.

It was great to be near you, so world gets to know real you.

Another location where I was dragged under MK Ultra along his majesty Trump

Uncle Tom remembers, but his ex-master will remember him too ;) He felt like a king here...he was insane badly, but upon his arrival to impoverished Eastern Europe, his insanity sky rocketed. Along with him same took place with Ivanka, Kushner, Junior, and Erich...

Polish postal services in city Rzgow refused to deliver package - they say Rzgow is not Lodz

I have seen exactly ZERO "Game of Thrones" movies

Financed by Buckingham palace fantasy in world they created is of no interest to me. I am into reality/ not sick fantasies.

The point: 

I deem for societies to be lost foremost because of such fantasies. People no longer see themselves as who they are, but are subconsciously instead pursuing(addicted) on daily bases sick world of issues which should never become part of them.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

About London and Kornhausers(Dudas&Judas - not Jews with whom he and his mentor Kaczynski also have problems with)

I saw in 2018 in Nowy Targ/Zakopani all I needed to see

I saw in 2018 in Nowy Targ/Zakopani all I needed to see 
The rest has nothing to do with me. I didn't come here to ask for help of any kind.

Poland is a country addicted to American/German economy - mentality of crime is becoming one of the most widespread instruments used in one

With borders eased within EU, human immigration(already did to Slovenia and Czech republic) took lead. Unfortunately with the one here seen as well(quite a few Pollacks immigrated to Slovenia and live there as a result of this case).

Its exactly why, I don't want tomorrow another Slovenian, Czech, Slovak, Ukrainian, Croat, or Russian to suffer same as was done to me here and was done with permission of Slovenian politicians - make no mistake about it. I don't really care with whose permission, I never agreed to seen here...

Racism/discrimination are just as what they are and nothing less. Regardless from whom/which side are done...victims sometimes suffer life long traumas/injuries because of those and therefore it matters not who supposedly is related to whom and such is this very case.
They diligently learn Norwegian, German, English, Dutch, French etc. and do as seen on this news site. Jobs in Germany are advertised all over Polish employment sites - they are pushed in one's eyes(wages higher in Euros than domestic Zlotys - ratio 4.5:1) as soon as you set foot through state employment agency doorstep...

And in crime(the right to real free speech and not what is misinterpreted as one on the West where nazism is hiding behind one) they don't leg behind either...this is why. are dangerous. Very dangerous. Related to

Considering my being brought from US to Poland for torture and having Poles interract with Americans in English language who prior to arrival to Poland have had engaged in real life in heavy discrimination/racism and under MK Ultra torment which placed my status bellow the one of animals in US

I see this as racism/discrimination against Slovenian national.

Here is how my spine was broken in Zgierz via demand to lift/lower/process 15-18(EVEN MORE) tones material a day

I was compelled into lifting 20kg boxes for the most part and under MK Ultra heavily discouraged to use even here seen belt which is totally inappropriate for the type of work I performed.

Coronavirus is nothing more than political purge - political agenda

Think can't use public computer or even his own computer...why not his own computer and why book services yes !!????

Are you telling me that borrowing books is virus free and using own computer a risk !!?????

Think with your head.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

@All African Americans

I am your uncle Tom #2 and proud to be THE one.

Served "king" and his Buckingham palace's cronies for no less than 21 years during his visitations to Europe with status of the one bellow animal. 

I am proud to have undergone this process and hope, "hope" will contribute to healing of your past - contribute to conscious of all Americans regardless of their racial background as "I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America which stands for one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

Yet another physical attack on me in late evening hours upon return from city

Always in late evening hours. Attacked out of nowhere and for no reason I would know off. First time I saw individual since here for a week(was present under MK Ultra, but was the first time I saw him in real time).

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

After one month, Allegro seller whom I remember from MK Ultra finally decides to refund money for returned computer for the cost of what appears to be virus - Allegro asking funny questions in between

Its not that I wouldn't know what am doing either. I anticipated here as was told case will be and so I video recorded fishy transaction. Seller ruined me a day for one thing(never ever responded to my requests and have in between even listed returned item back for sale on Allegro - Allegro seems either asked wrong questions or didn't comply with own regulations as well) will drag one to the court. YES YES - THEY KNOW I HAVE VIDEO RECORDED...KNOW MEANS THEY EITHER WATCH OR LISTEN ABOUT WHAT GOES ON HERE. Shipment was sent back via Allegro system as well, so there is no way they wouldn't have info asking question as seen here...what went on with android during recording as you see is also a great clearly didn't record on internal memory as one should, but then again camera also randomly stopped recordings in middle of recordings and so did audio recorder and so you couldn't stop bluetooth share options and so on and so on all seen already in Grotniki's immigration center.

B.S. INTERCEPTOR: "80.000 dead is not so bad" MK Ultra brainwash

Monday, May 11, 2020

MK Ultra - Trumps presence in wild hotel settings traced to center of Poland city Rzgow

Video can be also seen at or

This great looking exotic hotel is run be very very normal family - family oriented husband and wife with kids.
In a very pleasant for guests atmosphere with bar and bed(lodging) accommodations for those who need longer stay. Hotel gives visitors opportunity to interact with one another in normal relaxed ambient(much better looking than any night club/disco whatever I have seen and with plenty space for private conversations as well), and for those in need for more with additional possibilities....Donald Trump was extreme when it come to here mentioned possibilities and this place not the only such place he would pay visit to(Moscow etc.).

MK Ultra - My presence under project MK Ultra identified in city Rzgow in Poland where brought by Donald Trump for show business like an animal

Another identified area yes and south of City Lodz in Poland - via single resident I interact with. Project about mentioned warehouse production area(attempted setup) coming...

IMPORTANT FOR SLOVENIAN PEOPLE: Why I assumed for Poles to be even racist toward me as Slovenian

Prior to my being brought to Poland, I was tortured(discrimination/racism falls short of description about what went on with me in Miami and other parts of US) heavily in US and as such systematically introduced into Poland in 1996/1997 whose MK Ultra staff members interacted in front of me with Americans in English language...

With help like this problems are unnecessary

New shoes bought at Auchan Carrefour used for month look as you see here. They always do this prior to departure or even upon arrival to new pres-elected locations.

They have used Obama's doppelganger in Poland as well

Never imitated Donald Trump, but did imitated Barack Obama as pervert. Something he had nothing to do with.

US and UK are countries to be afraid off(very afarid) - far worse than what Soviet Union was

During Soviet Union, they competed with communism which blatantly pointed finger in them...upon fall of communism in Eastern Europe, previous competition turned into simple phrase, "its all the same wherever you go"...for that matter you have to thank Putin at most.

The one who made Beau Biden a real democrat was his wife(she was a fanatic democrat also involved in MK Ultra)

They compared her with Polish psychologist. Hunter(always pro nazi) turned against his own brother in most severe way - the two became enemies. Its via this very case top American democrats and entire democratic movement became destroyed. Joe has EVERYTHING to do with it. He didn't think twice even about his own son.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Joe Biden was by far less democrat than his son who died of brain cancer

Far less democrat was also Beau's brother Hunter who got officially in bed to have sex with Beau's widow(wide of his dead brother) and who married afterwards South African AWB woman. Hunter just like Ted Kennedy(BOTH INVOLVED IN THIS MK ULTRA CASE) were killed via very same method. Joe Biden claimed my case to still go only because of him and to destroy me if I would ever even mention his name. Well, it doesn't work like this here.