Read good about insurance policy for neonazi elites via this MK Ultra case on how - why was so important for THEM for ME to memorize MK Ultra events and why whole thing went on only when I posted MK Ultra proofs as well as news with which they brainwashed me parallel to MK Ultra torture !!!
Example of above:
If Xi Jinpeng would see himself in news(if intimidated from my side enough or could possibly obtain the opportunity to somehow release side news as how they somehow did have knowledge of virus in Wuhan), Trump would obtain yet another support for global neonazi march...
If Trump would not manage to stimulate Xi Jinping into collaboration via this news site aqnd as described above(if he would failed as this is of primary goal of Trump/ Buckingham palace/ Berlin), however, Trump would obtain for him and his cronies insurance policy via proof(my exposing neonazi scam which he and his cronies created) which he submitted to democrats as productive for humanity...would translate in this case to democrats and humanity as attempt to stop nazi march from going forward by giving me knowledge facts about nazi takeover attempt if you understand the point....its how dangerous this MK Ultra case is. More dangerous than elites, are people who allow double game to go on for whatever reasons those may be(either personal financial gain or because they are not what they claim to be).
Xi Jinping knew that I am a good person...he knew already from MK Ultra that I do not fit any of Trump cronies' lies they made with attempt to convince other nations(they solicited India/China/ Japan into cooperation via lies)...and so did India and my Japanese emperors and this as bad as I was with them.
This is how deadly one news alone can be...not only can millions people see themselves different in one as one can be modified to individual taste, but one can be via corrupt political streams even used as a insurance policy for what otherwise could result in capital punishments for parties involved(and it will as I will NOT let go).