Tuesday, August 3, 2021

TO BE COMPLETELY CORRECT ON ISSUE: Amerikanskies didn't really understand their questions you see(was same shit with Germans in Poland/ Russia etc.)

 Question, 'do you like China' actually(really was) was 'do you like human trafficking and do you want to be trafficked to China' !!???? 

Queen Elisabeth got excited about it and played fun out of 'do you like human trafficking and do you want to be trafficked to China' question in return to Europe where trafficked from London again to other locations...it was same shit with Japan. They laughed as mad while observing scared...when drugged up I was not given time nor allowed to explain(British brainwashers were only rough whenever I would want to use my brain in respect to politically connected issues if those had deeper background - they demanded simplistic answers on them) how Americans who brought me to China treated me like an trafficked animal infront of Chinese(with Trump as prime example)...but hey, China wouldn't get ahold of money if China would perform against me as stated. Indifferent from Wuhan(one also wouldn't get money if one wouldn't sign German agreement), I and China couldn't avoid potential disaster in the future because of those who brought me there and control tiny Slovenia, Poland, Russia etc...

As far as Chinese people/culture, I have nothing but respect for one - Chinese had strong culture developed long long before European civilization even existed - Chinese culture existed long long before American continents became even colonized and finally appeared on maps....its a beautiful culture with beautiful people no doubt(not my choice, but admiration worth culture and nation), but who wants to be trafficked !!??? Do you know anyone !!???? 

How Poland landed so low infront of Germans in Poland and same goes for Russia I have no clue...


I am not angry about Chinese MK Ultra b.s.(everyone had their bull shit going) anywhere even as near as I am about fact that landed me garbage on table instead of what I paid for...angry because purchasing second one even via ebay would land me yet another lemon done this time by Germany to apologize China from German side with German theft and that is not solidarity...angry because I can't buy car and move on - who the f*** would under this circumstances.

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