Monday, August 23, 2021


I asked them NOT TOO, but they did

 I never ever gave credit to royals for communicating with eastern Europeans because whole eastern European concept was based on lie/slender against me which commenced at memorials dedicated to partisans in 1995. I never ever gave credit to royals for communicating with eastern Europeans because of physical violence against me which went on all over eastern Europe, I never ever gave credit to royals for communicating with eastern Europeans because nothing ever came out of eastern Europe other than news about Stalin/Tito such as imprisonments/beatings/ torture - great(great if you liked lots of repairs and styli if you like trash can designs) eastern European cars for which one had to wait year or two if buying new one or work which paid entire 100 USD for a month of work based on 80 hour of weekly work schedule - was my actual case and job was physically exhausting...

I asked them the same in respect to others(including those in US) whom they used over the course of two decades to destroy me, but they claimed me was all HELP to me...Americans even told me since I asked Americans in 2012/2013(perhaps even in 2010) TO NO LONGER ALLOW THEM APPROACH ME(anywhere near me as they acted openly abusive/violent in their dealings against me) that are often times engaged in lucrative business deals with Americans - London royals didn't profit via this case only with eastern Europe, but torture became great sport for making money also with US and for US with London...

Finally in 2015, my relation with Harry/William which at death of princess Diana even brought them to Miami for what Charles claimed me one would rely on one man only in case of his death to take care two ended with my confronting two physically - when brought to London from US(Harry flew to US on "tournament", but funny enough met me in Hollywood - that much about his tournament)

What many of you insisted me as per how royals will "save me" and its what you British owe them as the right, please know ended in 2015 with explained above - when I refused to take either Harry's of William's side EXCLAIMING TWO "KEEP OFF" in their faces while two gestured on disagreeing with one another in respect to my case...its not okay for you to treat anyone with MK Ultra torture, but curse from this end for allowing yourself something like this toward someone who paid price for your overseas factories/investments and even human flux to otherwise very very unlikely places...after 26 years of torture ended with broken spine and poisoned because of their envious attitude is not okay and I want you to know I do not appreciate. Saving one via 26 years of torture, poisoning, spine breaking laded on this end of deaf ears...

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