Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Clearly number 1 sponsor of crime against me was/is Germany

 Germany OWNS EUROPEAN COURT FOR HUMAN RIGHTS AND GERMANY OWN VIA UNITED STATES ALSO UNITED NATIONS' option...I was a bit cheap with space on here, but lies matter technology weather those be from blacks or whites or Chinese seems to have supported German geopolitical hunger which was used to also brainwash participants which observed future news assembly in this very room. MK Ultra is a brainwash sure yeah, but not necessary of individual alone if you are governments and you have other government observe brainwash interesting to them(such as Turkey/Iran, Ukraine etc.) - because one can influence(brainwash) those into particular behaving/patters too. This whole thing was a manipulation on a big scale and no one profited more from one as I stated, that Vladimir Putin and Germany - Putin because of Germany as one otherwise(in real world) wouldn't even exist.

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