Friday, December 4, 2020

SLOVENSKI IZDAJALEC KI SE SKRIVA ZA JANŠO IN PARTIZANSKIMI PROSLAVAMI: US Gov. didn't give f*** about me - they wanted me to memorize MK Ultra events for the sake of Trump's politics as they wanted one and all others on top to be pressured(even threatened - obligated to agreements as such)

Like this, one can become sleepy Joe sure...more and more sleepy(POISONED) as Trump indirectly insisted for me on whom he had his entire presidential career hanging(its why US Government and British monarchy and Berlin wanted me to have everything memories - not because they wanted to help - they wanted to unite via this case due to "fear" as they wanted me to act like a big bad wolf) - not Biden. 

Vladimir Putin and his assistants Borut Pahor(visiting partisans commemorations and hiding behind Janez Jansa while ensuring violence against me per Vladimir Putin) alike believed more in Trump's presidential career than Trump alone as they needed one and felt protected at the same time as was forced to hand dearly for my life - you have no one to turn for help to. No EU court, no UN, and forget about government agencies...will give you a lots of proofs as many as you want and for you to hang on to your life for bare survival.

@Borut Pahor - you are more fascist than Janez Jansa is. After another war for me was won, Kekec from Ljubjana states his public opinion(not before Dec. 1st - one month after US elections), he acknowledges Donald Trump without even stating his name its how courageous one is on how one is 
..It also does not address "rivals", but merely stigmatizes them as enemies, deals with them only as much as he can cruelly and insultingly treat them, and at the same time strengthens the condition of his constituency. "(2/2)


@Borut Pahor - ti si JEBIVETER in pa predvsem IZDAJALEC SLOVENSKEGA NARODA kogar politika je temeljila in temelji na družbenem nasilju proti posamezniku.

@Ostalim izajalcem ki se vidijo v Pahorju - kar pojte mu slavo naprej ampak za ceno lete se boste še veliko dreka najedli ker vam ne smrdi bolj od resnice.

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