Thursday, May 20, 2021

What my biggest problem with Serbia is

 Ethnic cleansing or to be very specific - a direct attack on territorial integrity of Slovenian nation via exactly(100% same) same recipe as was used AND IS USED in Bosnia against Bosnian people.

Purchase of properties along Krka river(WATER WAS #1 in Bosnia for Vucic/ Karadzic/ Seselj/ Milosevic/ Mladic) financed by Serbian state alone while using Murgle to purge worker/labor market via Human Resources departments(either a must comply or simply be replaced via political turnover - banking institutions) in companies where even directors on occasions were murdered.

And placement of agents on strategically important/interesting locations(hills/border/remote areas for which they knew would play important role) on which occasions at times Slovenian owners of properties were also murdered. Filled police force with their recruits.

Torture of me personally in Yugoslavia which continued even in Serbia and Bosnia populated with Serbs and in Slovenia alone after Yugoslavia already long ceased to exist and attempted to use MK Ultra torture(this very case) to reinstate failed system from the past.

Milan Kucan and his team went as far as inventing Serbian minority status in Slovenia for which I can tell recipe is opposite as to what Slovenian minority is facing in Austria...whatever stops Slovenian minority in Austria from increasing/existing is what is used to free on Slovenian market/territory when it comes to Serbs thus forcing Slovenian nation according to Adolf Hitler plan into total oblivion(has less rights in own country than Serbian minority).

To je moj edini problem z Srbi v Sloveniji kateri pa se ne razlikuje v čemurkoli od tistega katerega je imel za naš narod kakor sem zgoraj omenil Adolf Hitler.

Moj problem ker Slovenija je moj dom. Vsaj morala bi biti. V Vojni Krajini so pred Uskoki živeli Slovenci saj je bila le ta del Slovenije danes pa sama Slovenija postaja del Vojne Krajine.

Zgoraj omenjeni problem pa ni moj problem ampak problem kateri zadeva Slovensk narod - je večji od je vse zakaj. Psihiatrija, prisilna nezaposelnost etc...ja čudovito je.

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