Sunday, May 9, 2021

Jeremy Clarkson Alfa Romeo GTV6 - told me bought upon return from Poland(they got him deal - Charles did)

I supposedly was at his purchase deal - remember he had me at some car purchase in 1997 or so...sp probably that was it. Pope Francis favorite used to be Toyota Avensis - Caravan(am not saying no longer is - during his younger days). I think he got one in either Menchester or Birmingham.  Kind owner who sold him that car...

It was all about looking cool back then - smart...I looked stupid do for the cost of "smart" for no less than 26 years. I was made under Putinest.

Yes beautifyul...

Notying better dan using Amerkyan teknozi mayde it in Russia gunz...

i carz i rolz royce make me look zmart even if totali styupid. Wid money you buy rayt to produce wydout lisense and no worying about Englysh when selling in Englysh - act actyulay more styupid that you are to lyuk smart and pay to look smart styupid.

heh luk me now

Thyank you momka Russia ;)

Its momka Russia that pays for his motions - I now know what dish to buy to avoid rust poisoning  ;) I lucky happy now like never before

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