Wednesday, November 3, 2021

DEBILIADA - HOW IT WORKS: Poverty addiction through imperial negro stick game more lucrative than opium trade with trade highlighted in apostrophes / Equality in USA rather through African continent as part of prosperous globe than few wealthy or even new slavery...

It may be too late - Slovenian military lays crown/wreath on memorial dedicated to nazi collaborators home guards, nazi(not nationalists, but nazis) are gaining momentum under democratic US president globally as world is arming itself more and more along COVID19 "crises". Download this video because one may even disappear per politically correct.  world. 
Video can be also seen at 

ps. they dispatched mother and father after me at 6am(father who usually wakes up at 11am, appeared at 6 to shave his beard and mom who refused to go sleep last night at 9pm watched tv till God knows when appeared along father also at 6am - I had computer plugged in kitchen is why shave).

They time/watch everything.

And remember - it didn't happen because of small nations, but due to wrong decisions targeted nations/races or individuals on behalf of those have made on behalf of the biggest(I was brainwashed on how I should see myself as part of the problem since I am from small country, but that is not the case because as our Slovenian song states "if you are small, you are always guilty and if you are small you are lucky to exist - to be alive ). The more options(NATIONS) exist in this world, the greater chance for democracy - survival. It was tiny Chechnya and Iraq$$$ that were guilty in 2000/2001 and so it goes coin spinning...the money game leaving behind nothing but trace of death and devastation.

There are only a million of us
I walked on our land
I met good people
Humble little but honest that's us
We have lived here for centuries
We fight storms
Let us not let the brothers and sisters perish
Only a million of us are still alive
On his own land
Only a million of us know it well
Yes we are good people
Only a million of us are still alive
On his own land
Only a million of us know it well
Yes we are good people
A small nation is always to blame
Whoever is small is always to blame
If you are small be happy to be alive
Brothers and Sisters
Now let's squeeze our palms
Let us prove that we are great
Only a million of us are still alive
On his own land
Only a million of us know it well
Yes we are good people
Only a million of us are still alive
On his own land
Only a million of us know it well
Yes we are good people
Just a million just a million
Just a million just a million
Only a million of us know it well
Yes we are good people
Only a million of us are still alive
On his own land
Only a million of us know it well
Yes we are good people
Only a million of us are still alive
On his own land
Only a million of us know it well
Yes we are good people
Just a million just a million
Just a million just a million
Only a million of us know it well
Yes we are good people
Only a million of us are still alive
On his own land
Only a million of us know it well
Yes we are good people

Samo miljon nas je

Hodil sem po zemlji naši
Srečal dobre sem ljudi
Skromni majhni a pošteni to smo mi
Že stoletja tu živimo
Se z viharji bijemo
Bratje sestre ne pustimo da izginemo
Samo milijon naš še živi
Na svoji zemljici
Samo milijon nas dobro ve
Da dobri smo ljudje
Samo milijon naš še živi
Na svoji zemljici
Samo milijon nas dobro ve
Da dobri smo ljudje
Majhen narod vedno kriv je
Kdor je majhen je vedno kriv
Če si majhen bodi srečen, da si živ
Bratje in sestre
Zdaj stisnimo dlani
Dokažimo da veliki smo mi
Samo milijon naš še živi
Na svoji zemljici
Samo milijon nas dobro ve
Da dobri smo ljudje
Samo milijon naš še živi
Na svoji zemljici
Samo milijon nas dobro ve
Da dobri smo ljudje
Samo milijon samo milijon
Samo milijon samo milijon
Samo milijon nas dobro ve
Da dobri smo ljudje
Samo milijon naš še živi
Na svoji zemljici
Samo milijon nas dobro ve
Da dobri smo ljudje
Samo milijon naš še živi
Na svoji zemljici
Samo milijon nas dobro ve
Da dobri smo ljudje
Samo milijon samo milijon
Samo milijon samo milijon
Samo milijon nas dobro ve
Da dobri smo ljudje
Samo milijon naš še živi
Na svoji zemljici
Samo milijon nas dobro ve
Da dobri smo ljudje

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