Sunday, July 19, 2020

Animal cruelty in Lodz, Poland reported - asking for immediate help/assistance

Dear animal rights agency,

My name is Bostjan Avsec and I am native Slovenian with also American citizenship who moved to Poland via application for political asylum. Its where I deemed in 2018 would be a great place to seek refuge due to political persecution I faced in Slovenia.

Poland, however, is an old acquaintance of mine from program known as MK Ultra torture which lasted in Poland for no less than 23 years. Brought from United States already in 1995 and the last time even from Belarus for thorough brainwash/torture purposes which served as a handy tool during unofficial geopolitical economic summits between Eastern Europe and West(this went on from 1995 to mid 2006).

It just happens so that I have documented my case with numerous proofs and one can't be denied. One of the locations in Poland where brought from US was present location I reside at Wiekowa 9 in Lodz(93-441) where brought via denial of the right to rent and even work as pleased. Prior to this location beginning already in 2018, Polish immigration begun to place me on exact locations in which MK Ultra torture was taking place - in no way I possibly could avoid such locations or jobs which caused me great harm health wise(my spine is practically broken and use of directed energy weapons was overwhelming).

While I was capable to put up with everything stated above, on my last location Polish government attempted to use and have used against me even homeless animals such as mother cat with four kittens.

These poor things resided in two piles of trash at present location left to own devices - God's faith. Mother cat had to climb fence and let herself on neighbor property on mercy of death time and again just to feed tiny kittens - saying this because during MK Ultra torture(I was brought here for no less 21 consecutive years) cats were already torn(ripped) apart by two big dogs from neighboring property and whole thing was designated to utterly exploit animals for political purposes disregarding animal and human rights from within all together. 

Cats were used for brainwash purposes at this location already since 2002 or so. They insisted on along Americans how I would have to take care of abandoned cats(always was only one, but I estimate in 2013 or so was replaced with a new one whatever happened to the older one) with kittens.

As I arrived to this location from another designated for post MK Ultra torture location, I haven't observed anything,  but about two weeks ago I did and I begun to feed(well feed them to turn into healthy cats, specially so mother cat wouldn't have to climb deadly fence) - taking care of this beautiful homeless animals who otherwise belong(mother cat does) to tenant from this very same location just as previous cat did - he/they would let them inside during extra cold winter and perhaps even throw them a piece of meat(I have seen them thrown to cats bone leftovers what is actually even dangerous for cats) on what they would just close doors and cats moved on rear of the property into a piles of trash there where they would raise generation after generation cats. These cats due to the type of clientele involved in MK Ultra were distributed(I suspect sold for money) even to the US to wealthy owners who have witnessed the same as I have written to you about today.

Dear animal right organisation/shelter:

I am writing to you this disturbed today because its unprecedented violence that I observed while taking care for this animals. Tenats along with landlord(three tenants and landlord) tend to growl/yell in front of tiny kittens on me on how am not supposed to feed them because it stinks and is dirty because of them of which all is lie as I alone keep place clean/nit as much as I can. I(political target of Polish government), in another words, for the price of knowing how whole thing is used to steal from me and time, and financial resources for something I can't afford, take care to best of my abilities what otherwise pertains to landlords and property tenants with idea to make animals assured on how everything would be just okay(try to make kittens get used to human beings) before distributing them to other locations where normal owners would provide warmth for them. In fact with acts of violence(even water was splashed from above portable pool on them to witnessing today owner landlord landlords hurling heavy objects into kittens who ran for life from dog whom he brought with him on heist against cats in front of me) cats and myself are stressed to the bone about what steps to take next to preserve their lives. Final order I got today from landlord was to move out before rent is due due to my determination to involved police in the case. Problem with police, however, is that one was involved against me and is involved against me  since 1995 already and know absolutely everything pertaining to the cats. They run the whole thing and just as landlord attempted to hide himself behind tenants, he is hiding his crime behind police which acts on behalf of PiS party of Kaczyński via Andrzej Duda.

As much as I can still somehow handle and deal with directed energy attacks and destruction of my private property not done only at this location, but at all prior locations as well - I can't imagine what destiny could be with tiny kittens who as a result of violent tenants all stressed out(property and myself are monitored 24/7 and as soon as kittens would somehow approach me, mentioned tenants appear ed and continue to appear to terrorize them - associate themselves with my presence). I have observed them also behave violently toward cats during my absence if working inside lets say.

This is not city where we which landlord obtained via this very case including financing for one borders forest. Its a country place more than city and whole thing doesn't have more to do than with animal cruelty and attempt to also cripple me(primary purpose of cats was presented to me as a must to accommodate cats because of work related path which Polish government have designed for me upon arrival to Poland and during which as stated above have suffered heavy spine injury - was brainwashed under MK Ultra to move accommodate cats super heavy over-sized furniture must be moved back and forth in studio unit where there is no running water, no toilet, no shower, and for which landlord even had to borrow me a stove - secondary idea was to hurt me and animals alone emotionally by taking animals away from me and safe environment to unknown - well planned too and with purpose to demonstrate me on how I ate from rusty dishes in case domestic dispute attempts wouldn't give police opportunity to become involved against me)

To accomplish path in Poland, Poland used American president Donald Trump to engage in genocide against me while in US(Melania Trump involved in MK Ultra is same age and from same city as myself in Slovenia and its how one Donald met her) via unemployment and Slovenian politicians in Slovenia where even psychiatric torture awaited me upon return from US in 2006 - not only forced unemployment.

Since I am in financially very unstable situation(Polish government utilized system to keep me away even from state employment office - was fired for unsubstantiated reasons) and work applied for time and again was declined, I am asking you for assistance with this beautiful animals since I have no place where I could keep them. 

I most certainly will take severe legal actions against above mentioned parties(as early as tomorrow) as is no place within our societies for disgrace as explain here.

Thank you for your attention.

Sincerely yours,
Bostjan Avsec
Wiekowa 9, 
93-411 Lodz
Telephone: 579-822-625

Videos in Polish:
Half wild at family which I managed to get somehow closer to me

Audios for everything stated here are coming as next as I have actual recorded proofs:


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