total war declaration on a global level against its appears post Soviet Polish structure suffered more psychological damage in newly independent Poland that throughout entire Soviet Reich....beside Polish violations of international piece treaties and international human rights laws and European Union's constitution pertaining to those, I have nooo clue what one joined to European Union for...hope not hare !!! Right Poland !!???? Read the rest at Interesting part about this Polish transaction was that one took place in between direct Namibian German negotiations 10+ years ago by Poland getting in between simply disregarding basic communication rules with main idea to ignite passions between Germany and Namibia...while Namibia reached compensation settlement without any problems whatsoever, POTOMKOWIE NARODA NISZCZYCIELEV I ZBRODNIARZEV appears are still not willing to commit themselves to self destructive Polish neighbor.... 1/3 of today's Poland stands on floors of pre-WWII Germany is probably why....well, lets just wish them well and patience as the one who waits gets sooner than latter...
Astute historians may know about the atrocities committed against the Herero and Nama people in Namibia, but similar to how people learned about the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre, it is thanks to Raoul Peck that the world is witnessing victims of a horrific crime get restitution.
In Peck’s Exterminate All the Brutes, he examines the falsified and deadly happening involving the German Empire (pre-Adolf Hitler) and the Herero and Nama people of Namibia. Happening during the Scramble for Africa, German soldiers encroached upon lands in south West Africa and forcibly decimated between 24,000 and 100,000 people in the process. Those who survived were imprisoned in concentration camps, where the majority died of disease, abuse, and exhaustion. Peck noted that the genocide set a precedent in Germany that would later be followed by Nazi Germany’s establishment of death camps.
Now, Germany has agreed to pay Namibia $1.3 billion and officially recognized the Herero-Nama genocide at the start of the 20th century. The German Chancellor Angela Merkel said the amount with the gesture is one of reconciliation, “but not legally binding reparations.” Negotiations have been ongoing since 2015 with each attempt at a “heal the wounds” moment falling short until now. “Our aim was and is to find a joint path to genuine reconciliation in remembrance of the victims,” Heiko Maas, the German foreign minister, said in a statement. “That includes our naming the events of the German colonial era in today’s Namibia, and particularly the atrocities between 1904 and 1908, unsparingly and without euphemisms. We will now officially call these events what they were from today’s perspective: a genocide.”
More than a billion euros will go towards projects relating to land reform, rural infrastructure, water supply and professional training. However, victim groups have rejected the overall deal. Vekuii Rukoro, the Paramount Chief of the Herero people, former attorney general and member of parliament, told CNN that they were not part of the discussion with the German government. “Is this the kind of reparation that we are supposed to be excited about? This is just a public relations [stunt],” he said. “This is a sellout job by the Namibian government. The government has betrayed the cause of my people.”
While Rukoro said that the Herero and Nama victim groups expect monetary reparations, they are more required to be delivered in the form of a collective payment to the descendants of those killed and pushed off their land, instead of going to individual people. It is also worth noting that the text of this joint declaration calls the atrocities committed by German troops a “genocide,” but omits the words “reparations” or “compensation”—a move born out of fear that such language could set a legal precedent for similar claims from other nations. “When German president Frank-Walter Steinmeier comes to Namibia to render the apology we will embarrass him,” Chief Rukoro told local media, criticizing Germany and his own government for refusing to endorse the final wording of the declaration.
The announcement comes shortly after French President Emmanuel Macron publicly acknowledged France’s “overwhelming responsibility” in the 1994 genocide in Rwanda and said only the survivors could give “the gift of forgiveness.” It remains to be seen if this will be the case with the Herero and Nama people, but chances are looking slim for that to occur.
Nie mógł znaleźć pracy i bardzo stresował się tym, że nie uda mu się należycie zadbać o rodzinę. Czy te czarne myśli mogły być zalążkiem depresji i finalnie doprowadzić go do tak radykalnego kroku, jakim jest odebranie sobie życia?
Jak pisaliśmy, z początkiem sierpnia 2022, rodzice Marcina wspominali, na krótko po zaginięciu, że w feralny dzień, kiedy widziano go po raz ostatni, syn miał przy sobie sporą w tamtych latach sumę pieniędzy: 400 złotych. Czy pochwalił się komuś planowanym wyjazdem do banku i tym ściągnął na siebie kłopoty, które zakończyły się jego zniknięciem?
- Wskazuję, że stan ujawnionego przy szczątkach portfela nie pozwala rozstrzygnąć, czy znajdowały się w nim pieniądze (banknoty) - przekazał nam dzisiaj rzecznik Prokuratora Prokuratury Okręgowej w Opolu, Stanisław Bar.
W stacyjce, wydobytego po 17 latach od zaginięcia, Fiata Sieny, wciąż tkwią kluczyki...
Annexations by Poland in 1938 OR HOW WORLD WAR II STARTED....DAY ONE OF WWII !!!
Within the region originally demanded from Czechoslovakia by Nazi Germany in 1938 was a
n important railway junction city of Bohumín. The Poles regarded the city as of crucial importance to the area and to Polish interests. On 28 September, Beneš composed a note to the Polish administration offering to reopen the debate surrounding the territorial demarcation in Těšínsko in the interest of mutual relations, but he dlayed in sending it in hopes of good news from London and Paris, which came only in a limited form. Beneš then turned to the Soviet leadership in Moscow, which begun a partial mobilisation in eastern Belarus and the Ukrainian SSR and threatened Poland with the dissolution of the Soviet-Polish non-aggression pact.[4]
Nevertheless, the Polish leader, Colonel Józef Beck believed that Warsaw should act rapidly to forestall the German occupation of the city. At noon on 30 September, Poland gave an ultimatum to the Czechoslovak government. It demanded the immediate evacuation of Czechoslovak troops and police and gave Prague time until noon the following day. At 11:45 a.m. on 1 October the Czechoslovak foreign ministry called the Polish ambassador in Prague and told him that Poland could have what it wanted. The Polish Army, commanded by General Władysław Bortnowski, annexed an area of 801.5 km² with a population of 227,399 people.
The Germans were delighted with this outcome. They were happy to give up a provincial rail centre to Poland; it was a small sacrifice indeed. It spread the blame of the partition of Czechoslovakia, made Poland a seeming accomplice in the process and confused the issue as well as political expectations. Poland was accused of being an accomplice of Nazi Germany – a charge that Warsaw was hard put to deny.[5] Poland occupied some northern parts of Slovakia and received from Czechoslovakia Zaolzie, territories around Suchá Hora and Hladovka, around Javorina, and in addition the territory around Lesnicadisambiguation needed in the Pieniny Mountains, a small territory around Skalité and some other very small border regions (they officially received the territories on 1 November 1938 (see also Munich Agreement and First Vienna Award).
Territorial changes on the (Czecho)Slovak-Polish border between 1902–1945 (red parts – to Austrian Galicia/Poland; green parts – to Czechoslovakia/Slovakia)
Ciąg dalszy kłopotów Macierewicza. Badania psychologiczne i egzamin
Od środy 18 grudnia Antoni Macierewicz nie będzie mógł prowadzić samochodu. Zakończył się bowiem siedmiodniowy okres pokwitowania, które upoważniało polityka do prowadzenia auta. Jak tłumaczy w rozmowie z Radiem ZET ekspert do spraw bezpieczeństwa w ruchu drogowym Wojciech Pasieczny, od teraz, jeżeli Macierewicz usiądzie za kierownicą, będzie to niezgodne z prawem.
- Od środy 18 grudnia Antoni Macierewicz nie może prowadzić samochodu
- Aby odzyskać uprawnienia, musi przejść badania psychologiczne i zdać egzamin po raz kolejny
- Cała awantura rozpoczęła się od jego zatrzymania pod pomnikiem smoleńskim
- Pierwszy taki przypadek, to będzie wykroczenie. Jeśli policjanci taki przypadek ujawnią, skierują wniosek do sądu. Oczywiście trzeba byłoby pozbawić pana Macierewicza immunitetu, żeby sąd mógł rozstrzygnąć w tej sprawie. Zakładając, że Sejm, uchyliłbym immunitet, wówczas poseł powinien być ukarany za to wykroczenie. Orzekany jest wtedy sądowy zakaz prowadzenia pojazdów – tłumaczył w rozmowie z Radiem ZET Wojciech Pasieczny, ekspert ds. bezpieczeństwa w ruchu drogowym.
Tydzień temu funkcjonariusze zatrzymali posłowi elektroniczne prawo jazdy w związku z przekroczeniem liczby punktów karnych. Do tej pory mógł prowadzić jednak samochód na podstawie pokwitowania, które wygasło. Teraz, aby odzyskać prawo jazdy, Macierewicz musi przejść badania psychologiczne i ponownie zdać egzamin.
Cała awantura rozpoczęła się od tego, kiedy Antoni Macierewicz został zatrzymany przez policję, kiedy próbował odjechać samochodem z miejsca obchodów miesięcznicy katastrofy smoleńskiej. Jego zdaniem, takie działania służb to bezprawne blokowanie posła. - To jest skutek tego, że obroniliśmy pomnik pana prezydenta Kaczyńskiego i tych, których zamordowali Rosjanie. To jest efekt tego działania. To jest skandal, policjanci bronili zdrajców Polski, którzy upowszechniali atak na śp. Lecha Kaczyńskiego. To się nie zdarzało nigdy, tylko na początku systemu komunistycznego, po 45 roku. Tak działano wobec bohaterów Polski - mówił dziennikarzowi Telewizji Republika Macierewicz.
Zatrzymanie Macierewicza poprzedziły inne kontrowersyjne zdarzenia.
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