Slovenia demanded for old museum pieces(28 pieces) a new German replacement(whatever that happened to "donation") - brand new 40 military trucks, including five tankers. Initial demand for "donation" was 45 Boxer 8×8 vehicles CEASED TO EXIST because Slovenian government signed
cooperation on production of new tanks long long ago with Czechs and Pollacks - yeah, it was another signature on paper designed to misled Germans in respect to tank purchase.
Slovenia further didn't invest into tanks(enemy from outside) because of fear of civil war inside of Slovenia and have consequently continued to purchase armored vehicles designed and used for street guerrilla war tactics. Tiny country on Balkans next to Austria, Italy, Hungary, and Croatia feared of civil war within.
On picture bellow, one can see Slovenia kept same jumpsuits as Serbian tankists during aggression on Kosovo, Croatia, and on Bosnia. Its time to throw Slovenian on criminal panel and trial its European Membership(abuse of those) procedures just as crimes against humanity are trialed
26. 5. 2016 | SVET
Tekmovalni neuspeh - slovenskih in ameriških tankistov
Slovenski tankisti so se te dni udeležili pomembnega tankovskega tekmovanja članic zveze NATO. Gre za t.i. "Strong Europe Tank Challenge", prvo takšno tekmovanje po koncu hladne vojne. Tekmovanje je bilo seveda tudi več kot zgolj tekmovanje - bilo je tudi svojevrstna demonstracija sile in pripravljenosti članic zveze NATO ter njihove "superiornosti" ter odločnosti predvsem nasproti Rusije. Tankovska tekmovanja so sicer precej popularna prav v Rusiji.
Na tekmovanju v Nemčiji so se pomerile posadke iz Nemčije, Danske, italije, Poljske, ZDA in - Slovenije. Vsaka od držav je poslala po štiri tanke. Zahodne članice zveze NATO so v navidezni "boj" poslale ameriške Abramse in nemške Leoparde, Slovenija pa v nemško vojaško vadbišče Grafenwoehr ni poslala ne Valukov in ne Krpanov, pač pa dobre, stare jugoslovanske M-84, posodobljeno različico ruskim T-72. Nemci so na tekmovanje poslali svoje najboljše tanke Leopard 2A6, posodobljeno različico tankov Leopard 2 iz časov hladne vojne, ki ima boljšo kupolo, boljšo zaščito pred minami ter 20 odstotkov daljšo cev z višjo hitrostjo izstrelka. Danska in poljska sta tekmovali s tanki Leopard 2A5, nekoliko starejšo različico zelo podobnih tankov. Italija je sodelovala s tanki Ariete tanks, Slovenija pa je, kot piše uradno glasilo ameriške vojske "sodelovala z taki M48, kopijami ruskih tankov T-72 ki jih je izdelovala Jugoslavija pred državljansko vojno." Ameriški tankisti so tekmovali v svojih Abramsih M1A2 - ki prav tako že več desetletij niso doživeli modernizacije.
During the three-day competition, the crews had to demonstrate the skills of knowing offensive and defensive maneuvers, overcoming various obstacles, responding to a simulated chemical attack, knowing the basics of first aid, handling improvised explosive devices, and identifying enemy and friendly targets. The competition took place from the tenth to the twelfth of May, the official hosts being the American army and the German Bundeswehr.
The results of this competition and their "interpretations" are particularly interesting. When such competitions are organized in Russia, there are no problems with publishing data on how individual teams fared, because it is completely clear at the end of the competition. However, in this competition of NATO members, the matter is somewhat different, as the results of only the first three best crews, not all participating ones, are published. But even from those results, which were published by the American military magazine "Stars and Stripes", it is clear that the American and Slovenian crews did not fare the best. The best in the competition were the German tank drivers, the Danes were in second place, and the Polish tank drivers were in third place. It is interesting that the Americans did not win, as they have a lot of practical experience with the military and the daily use of tanks, especially on foreign soil. The failure in that competition was apparently very harmless for the Slovenian army as well, because on their Facebook page they tried to cover up half of the Slovenian tank drivers in a rather transparent way with the claim that "the organizers did not announce the final ranking order". On their website, in addition to the published 12 pictures from the aforementioned competition, the following is written: "At the tank competition 'Strong Europe Tank Challenge' in Germany, tank units of six countries participated with tanks Leopard 2A5 (Denmark and Poland), Leopard 2A6 (Germany), Ariete (Italy), M1A2 SEP (USA) and M-84 (Slovenian army). The organizers did not announce the final order, as they count the experience gained by the competitors, who moved in offensive and defensive operations, vehicle identification, orientation. .." Ensign Franjo Cesar from the Logistics Brigade contributed pictures of Slovenian tanks to the competition.
It is obvious that the Slovenian army in this case adheres to the saying "it is important to participate, not to win." Of course, experience really counts, but it's also not bad, if you prove yourself in the competition. Given that, of course, Slovenian tankers could not even claim third place. But if we also take into account the fact that Slovenia melted down half of its tanks into scrap iron according to the recipes of American generals, during the ministry of Jelko Kacin in Israel, it sent barely modernized T-55 tanks to warehouses, and for the last two decades has invested in light tanks armored vehicles, suitable for quick interventions and "preparation of regimes" according to the American recipe all over the world, it is actually a great success that Slovenian tankmen managed to participate in that competition with their Yugoslav museum equipment. And that's only thanks to the tank, made in the hour of brotherhood and unity of our peoples and nationalities. The fact that Yugoslavia knew how to produce something that Slovenia still uses with advantage today, and that not even a quarter of a century after leaving Yugoslavia, Slovenia was able to produce or procure anything better than that, which was once "made in Yugoslavia" in the field of armored units. so, of course, it refers to the very poor situation in the field of defense.
The condition of American tank crews is even worse. As Popular Mechanics reports, the mentioned competition is not the first in which the armored units of the US Army did not perform well. At a recent competition in the USA, there was a crew of the US National Guard, which consisted of an insurance agent, a truck driver, a student and a policeman, who managed to defeat all the participants, including the active composition of US armored units, marines and the Canadian army. The reason for this is more than obvious - the American army has been in the "war against terrorism" for two decades, which is why it ignores the mention of armored units, which have no real role in this "battle". These units suddenly became important mainly after the cooling of relations with Russia, mainly because of the tension in Ukraine and because of the continuous expansion of the NATO alliance. The realization that the American tankers, who would have to defend also the European members of the NATO alliance, are not well prepared, therefore, of course, not exactly encouraging. American Army General Mark Milley described it in Sunday's New York Times with the following words: "Today, a major in the American army knows nothing else but fighting against terrorists and guerrillas, because he joined the army after September 11th. , so in the last 15 years our knowledge has decreased." In contrast, Russia is constantly investing in its ground forces and equipping them with new weapons. The last step in this direction is the Russian T-14 "Armata" tank, which is a technological class ahead of all that NATO members have overcome. If it was not a member of the NATO alliance, it might be possible for them to be driven by Slovenians as well, there are still absolutely underpaid tankmen in the Slovenian army. Perhaps they would even drive them with greater success, than today, with tanks from the "South", in the "nostalgic" gray-green overalls of the former JLA, and under the watchful patronage of the American army, they arrived at German training grounds.
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