Sunday, September 18, 2022

About Anna and Bronisław Komorowscy(Bronisław Maria Komorowski) - ex Polish president and his wife

 His wife 100% is mentally ill(there is no doubt on my mind due to amount of torture I endured mostly from her, but also due to Bronisław's decisions which he made on her behalf), but he wears skirt - not pants in his family. 

Andrzej Duda and Morawiecki used Bronisław and other Polish presidents to cover-up absolutely all the crime that PiS ran in the background of the Polish politics...there was a great reason for heavy torture under Bronisław and his wife Maria Komorowski...the two should serve against me as a shield for Kaczynski. Bad people, but not the one to blame for 2010 Polish plane crash. Bronisław Komorowski was not a man who made decision for act of terrorism against Polish patriots, but learned about coverup due just before presidential inauguration - perhaps even two month two before plane was blown up on its way from Poland to Russia in complete 

agreement of Kaczynski with Russian counterparts. Niece of Kaczynski collected nice insurance quote after her parents were gone....Bronisław and Maria Komorowski can witness(sure should as two know all about it) all about who and how made them provide cover-up for Duda/Morawiecki, but Bronisław Komorowski was far from making decision on plane incident in better believe it they had me there those two months prior to plane crash next to Bronisław and Maria Komorowski...he was nervous and mentioned me plane crash incident about to happen...incident Kaczynski, Duda, Morawiecki and many others ACTIVELY planned on(often schooled and scolded by Russians such as Medvedev, Lavrov and Putin if patriots participated meetings and didn't see eye to eye with Russians - nothing other than "we will" followed from Kaczynski side) for already 10 years at least...article you see was and is used to trigger worse memories on presidential couple(pure violence), but I am interested more in direction which two are against used to steer attention away from real perpetrators whom I have clearly indicated as the number one enemy of Poland and eastern Europeans - European Union on general. ALL THE POLISH PRESIDENTS BEGINNING WITH ALEKSANEDR KWAŠNIEWSKI FEARED FOR THEIR LIVES 24/7.....I mentioned Aleksander Kwaśniewski because he was by far the most pro Polish president involved in MK Ultra...he replaced Lech Walesa and you already know the story about how that went...Polish presidents did whatever was dictated to them from the background - dolls in one word...its upto Polish people to decide in what type of country they do like to live, but I will(if I get there) enforce special visa entry permits for all eastern European subjects entering Slovenia(off course not Croatia) excluding Hungarians, and Romanians...that song I cite, "we are all Slavic brothers" I heard soo many times before stinks to me waaaay waaaay too much....I witnessed girls hijacked from Poland and raped by Russians before Polish police and immigration eyes... I have seen and tasted finally in real time(not only under MK Ultra torture and death threats) too much shit to neglect fact that Poland is just a post Soviet state in many terms just as insane and in some even more as USSR way do I want import any of these to Slovenia. Ready and willing to deal with normal Polish people - lunatics not. Unfortunately Czechs and Slovaks didn't respond as should have to this type of assimilation techniques, but I have and will. Germany provided bred for our Slovenian and Croat people for over 80 represented European America for us since end of the WWII contrary to Poland(DID EXACTLY ZERO POINT NOTHING FOR ME - SOLD CRIME AGAINST ME TO LONDON, BUT THAT WAS IT).

Kczynski was and is very very close to Lech Walesa in case you got confused somehow about ex Soviet communist member and church loving Kaczynski...these are two cats of the same kind with Lech Walesa holding "Constitution" sign in his hands and Kaczynski playing a bad boy so you know where this whole Polish shit is going with it ....they would crash European Union(not only split Ukraine with Russians while blaming it all on Germans - 2010 plane crash was a joke to them, but joke clearly points out that no Pollack is safe in Poland today) on heart bit if they only could. NO EASTERN EUROPEAN WHO DESIRED "SPRING OF THE NATIONS"(FALL OF USSR AND GREATER SERBIAN CHETNIK STATE ON BALKANS KNOWN AS YUGOSLAVIA) SHOULD FAIL TO RECALL WHAT HIS/HER NATIONS' GOAL WAS BACK THEN....COMPARE ONE WITH THEN AND TODAY THEN CONSIDER WHY AND WHO...


Walesa didn't have better friend in Slovenia than Milan Kučan(Borut Pahor etc.)....good old UDBA comrades.Involvement in plane crash !!??? Super high risk(very very possible).

Anna Komorowska została źle potraktowana u lekarza. W rejestracji patrzyli na nią ze zdziwieniem

DLOKR© Fot. Jakub Włodek / Agencja

Anna Komorowska© Agencja

DLOLO© Fot. Marcin Stępień / Agencja

.Wybory do Parlamentu Europejskiego w Warszawie© Fot. Maciek Jaźwiecki / Agencja

2 Maja Swieto Flagi© Fot. Sławomir Kamiński / Agencja

Czlowiek Roku Gazety Wyborczej© Fot. Sławomir Kamiński / Agencja

Anna Komorowska© Agencja

Anna Komorowska opowiedziała o sytuacji, jaka spotkała ją przed laty. Do niezręcznej rozmowy doszło w jednej z przychodni lekarskich.

Anna Komorowska rzadko opowiada o życiu prywatnym. Wyjątek zrobiła jednak w rozmowie z Aleksandrą Szarłat, autorką książki "Pierwsze damy III Rzeczpospolitej". Żona Bronisława Komorowskiego zdradziła, że została niemiło potraktowana przez osoby pracujące w rejestracji u ortodonty. Przeproszono ją, gdy dokładnie wyjaśniła, o co chodzi. 

Anna Komorowska o szokującej sytuacji, jaka spotkała ją u lekarza: Co to za matka

Anna i Bronisław Komorowscy doczekali się pięciorga dzieci: trzech córek i dwóch synów. Była pierwsza dama skupiła się głównie na ich wychowaniu i prowadzeniu domu. Na łamach książki "Pierwsze damy III Rzeczpospolitej" wróciła wspomnieniami do sytuacji, jaka przydarzyła jej się, gdy z jedną z pociech poszła do ortodonty. Słowa, które usłyszała od pań pracujących w rejestracji, nie należały do najmilszych. 

Poszłam kiedyś z jedną z córek do ortodonty. Panie w rejestracji pytają, ile dziecko ma lat. A ja: "Proszę poczekać" i zaczynam liczyć. Panie patrzą na mnie ze zgrozą: "Co to za matka, która nie wie, ile dziecko ma lat?!". Więc mówię: "Bardzo przepraszam, ale ja znam datę urodzenia, tylko muszę to przeliczyć, bo mam pięcioro dzieci". I w tym momencie zmieniłam się wielką bohaterką - wspominała po latach Anna Komorowska.

Czym zajmują się dzieci Anny i Bronisława Komorowskich?

Dzieci byłej pary prezydenckiej unikają blasku fleszy i od lat konsekwentnie nie wypowiadają się na swój temat. Wiadomo jednak, że Tadeusz jest prawnikiem, Maria i Zofia pracują w organizacjach pozarządowych, a Elżbieta studiowała nauki polityczne na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim. Nie wiemy jednak, czym dokładnie zajmuje się Piotr. 

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