Tuesday, September 20, 2022

IN CASE OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE IF ONE EVER TAKES PLACE AT NEIGHBOR MOHAR'S RESIDENCE AND TO SET CANCER DATE(MK Ultra farewell ceremonies) OF PROPERLY: Funeral of my 85 neighbor Micka Mohar will take place today and I do like for world to know following

 She was a great neighbor till 1998(three years down MK Ultra torture which commenced with overseas abductions to Novo mesto from Miami in 1995) and lasted as firm opposition to Milan Kučan's team known as Igor Kotar, Miroslav Berger, Dane Kolenc/Župančič, and my father till she could - very few if any were as defiant as she was, but gave in and settled on completely opposite river bank since with mentioned group...

Boštjan(same name as I have, but don't know his last name) who moved in her house(also house of Majda Mohar daughter in law from Micka) in 2010, begun with such a extensive torture on me with Micka's grandaughter I have spoken with yesterday that Majda decided will separate after renovation and internal upper floor complete change of even wall settings her part of the house with daughter and her husband's part of the upper house area - area where farewell ceremonies of Micka were held already

in 2011(NOT 2013 AS I INITIALLY CLAIMED ON VIDEOS AS SEEN BELLOW) was changed into ample LARGER space - room disappeared for what police investigators who entered one with me during MK Ultra gestured me how they are tempering crime location and must not forget what settings were like before...

Boštjan who moved in the house has a brother according to my memory and is from very same area or vicinity where ex Novo mesto police director Anton Olaj is from...opposite side of the Krka river...they have house...I state this in case Majda ever finds herself in domestic dispute - daughter for whom mother Majda claimed me was/is suffering depression is a regular manipulator - also dangerous liar and violent.

Chinese had me delivered to them in China and I met the two on their work location was blah blah as you all know in China everything is audio and even video recorded(I KNOW SO DUE TO OTHER REASONS), so it was all about if this and if that blah blah...

Daughter of Majda appeared to me yesterday nice as anyone can be nice to anyone, but thats not the point...psychiatrist Peter Kapš also was the nicest person involving field of psychiatry in real real time, but not during MK Ultra. 

I will not attend funeral,  but wish my neighbor Micka Mohar despite everything a road to a good place if there is a such option....she gave in as the last one of my elderly neighbors and most likely had too. Peace with her...

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