Thursday, April 15, 2021

Special thanks to psychiatrist Peter Kaps who demonstrated on behalf of Moscow Belgrade on how its done as the last resource when rejecting their agenda

They gave themselves(Joe Biden stated has Putin for problems like mine although I don't think Putin/Vucic mind - fact of the matter is that United Nations did more to cover-up this case than all governments together as they failed to stop torture in which their officials were involved straight time and again) a bit advantage against me by causing me more trauma based on past during which I experienced MK Ultra torture, but its okay.
Here(can be also seen at) seen video part 3 of 3 for which they bagged upon my releasing <== always done to interrupt/disturb work process and to kill(damage as much as possible as Ljubljana, Moscow, Belgrade all knew I will get truth out somehow).

Sometimes, its better this way.

Joe Biden because... 

Since Tuesday, April 6, 2021(because it doesn't matter how evil evil is, side that presents itself as good and does same is even more evil), tolerance for their fuss/ turncoat wanderings/ pretense which lasted 26 years ended for me along attacks upon release of wanted by them alone MK Ultra truth(its what they demanded) - its the day they will remember...

One thing is when you threaten me, but when you threaten(condition them lives with crimes you committed against me and them in our homeland) my family with crime whatever is that crime is

Note, no email(contact of any kind) ever from individual and his family involved in this case for over 25 years - that's US president Joe Biden. Nothing up to date...

Sleep deprivation is now a new weight loss technique next to broken spine according to media and as seen here - I should consider this fact as helpful next to real poisoning, 26 years of MK Ultra torture, psychiatry, and forced unemployment so I can be more like Navalny because of whom politicians might have even turned my life into what you see on here with their human rights agencies/organisation....

My "momma" brainwash under MK Ultra laughingly with I cite, "we are gonna go to home for elderly - what are you gonna do about it !!??? 

With Warp speed(also I was brainwashed on under MK Ultra as per hurry with proofs) heh !!????

Others involved did too and they were all heart broken due to my disturbing "behavior" under MK Ultra

My family is 100% correct.

Without dime in pocket after 26 years of MK Ultra torture in which they involved via forced unemployment even a psychiatry(with broken spine and cancer issues and without family of my own and with broken family mother/father which I left behind when departing to USA in December of 1994)...

Above seen today in Slovenian Novo mesto is almost same picture/photo as was in Bellingham USA in 2009 no !!?????

Putin dreamed about creating American Russian human experiment to cover-up Soviet human experiment. He went into US Congress, in another words, on a crime shopping spree for whole thing to be told. He succeeded.

Cocaine, prostitution, corruption and myself to pay for it all as I caused it...

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