Sunday, April 18, 2021

The whole thing is so loathsome with Biden/USDemocrats that I came to conclusion on having far more in common with Trump(Republicans) for whom we all know is a lying psychopath(Rep. party a bottom of the bottoms in this globe) than them

 Because at least we know one is what I stated in title which is still far better than reading news from people who depict themselves as freedom fighters but are in shadow of their truth praying for death(in this case my own) which would bring them El Dorado LONDON treasure. 

I think they are lying dog-faced pony soldiers and I am not their first one. Related to  

Regardless of how much you want to side with them, they are simply unaffordable - suffering from most severe lack of memory, problems they too created in this case against me. Its stuff I will start to publish from this point on.

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