Thursday, April 29, 2021

The President of North Macedonia, Stevo Pendarovski, CONDEMNS chetnik Balkan border changes ideology which "Slovenian" and Serbian politicians attempted to push down the throats to Bosnian federation

 Macedonia(Northern Macedonia) warns about possibility of second blood bath on Balkans requests for more European Union presence - rejects any border changing ideology.

Yugoslavia was the state where nationalism(should never ever become a case since country was founded on ideas of solidarity and equality - founded on socialism and brotherhood of all republics for the sake of preservation of its people within unity) became ultimate instrument used for survival of its people once Serbs begun to engage with open warfare(to ethnically cleanse out) against all other nationalities. There is a huge difference between nazism and nationalism and Russia/Serbia whose politic is enforcement of one against others via its politics know it very well.

Regardless, we Slovenes MUST NOT ALLOW no one to orchestrate crime on streets of Slovenia as the case was in Ukraine nor allow anyone as case was with Czechs/Slovaks to hijack/abduct our Slovenian people with idea to denigrate them in-front of international society for the sake of their business deals

 They even crippled or got killed in some cases own people with idea to cover-up crime against me(blame conscious weapon) - idea they came up with to use in the future as an excuse.

Would sent Czech and Slovak governments a protest note too in respect to NEONAZI Putinism which their governments implemented in Ukraine against Ukraine

 Their behavior all too much reminds of war

I hope Ukrainian government responds to neonazi provocations(may be organised even by Russians in Ukraine) with thorough investigation in respect to "Galychyna Division" commemoration in Kyiv

 Related to I further call for Ukrainian nationalists to condemn any neonazi movement in Ukraine as one was used in the past to destroy Ukraine and in present to cloud Ukrainian reality on international stage which Russia already used as a pretext for attack on Donetsk as well as Crimea - Russia organised in Ukraine fake nazi commemorations or have used own activists who meddled in celebrations(blended in normal crowds agents who carried on display nazi signs with idea to depict them all as nazis) by displaying nazi signs for world to get wrong idea about those. 

Call for Ukrainian nationalists to accent the difference between nazism and nationalism which on West neonazi machinery also is trying to equalise with nationalism - national traditions, folklore, language, names, and people alone that belong to certain country are not nazi trades as main stream media is trying to brainwash with, but instead national characteristics which every nation on globe has the right too(its what bothered Hitler and Stalin the most when those attempted to delete nations).

My Facebook account disabled, but was told case will be prior to government admission into MK Ultra crime

 I will never ever use word "recognition" as brainwashed...and would care less for individual who would use term "recognition".

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

MK ULTRA: I have audio proof(confirmation) about two other Slovenians involved in MK Ultra in Poland(Zgierz) - proof about what I stated went on in Poland in respect to hunger games during which many suffered spine injuries

 Possibly even third person what makes 3 individuals as 100% confirming stated in respect to hunger games in Poland and possibly fourth one...

NO BOSNIAN FEDERATION TERMINATION FOR CHETNIKS: United States Department of State REJECTS bizarre Slovenian chetnik proposition in respect to Bosnian border changes -


Slovenian proposition(which is bye the way anti Slovenian as it gets - idea here is to destroy Bosnia, Slovenia, and Croatia and not Bosnia alone) about resolution of Bosnian federation didn't find as Mr. Milan Kučan and Borut Pahor(claimed me - brainwashed me under MK Ultra case would be if those would issue with Janez Janša open request statement for termination of Bosnia) claimed me is an accord with European Union and US in respect to Bosnia which they have made in advance - I know so because both REJECTED the type of manipulation(speculation paranoia) which Slovenian chetniks learned to implement from their mentors in Serbia and Serbian part of Bosnia - type of psychological warfare used to mass(broad) convince targeted population on how to view reality as. 

In making of this love story, over 2000(it was more - minimum is what this number represents) death threats was issued to me over the course of MK Ultra procedure

 Probably far more than 2000(perhaps even double the number)...

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Pollacks contemplated next on my life after Poland in Slovenia

 They had problem with it - if they could have(insisted me to keep silent about Poland as per nation involved in crime or it would be otherwise), they would kept silent about one but did figured out silence will not do as Truth about what went on in Poland was/is abundant - not from myself only, but multiple other sources. Related to 

Pollacks insisted in 2008/2010 that I would obtain Polish disability retirement based on crippling via employment in Poland - it will be a form of help Kaczynski/ Andrzej Duda/ Morawiecki/ Walesa and others insisted

 Reality is that after crippling via employment in 2019, it was time for Poland to move to next issue in line - use previous MK Ultra spine X-rays to LIE ABOUT WORST POSSIBLE CRIME. Push via job market onto next work position with idea to cripple more(involved as next was electronic parts sales company where I was instead moving heavy cables). Its also why I know Polish hospital Marii Skłodowskiej Curie in Zgierz(not only criminal employer) FAKED LIED COMMITTED SECOND offense crime in respect to deliberate crippling.

There is a Russian doctor in Novo mesto as was reminded yesterday by 75 y.o. Slovenian veteran

 but let me complete - he is Putin's tool as Putin alone explained me. Yes, he was involved in MK Ultra from quite early stages...

MK ULTRA YESTERDAY - Identified at Jelše next to Otočec a graffiti which involved foreigners and two local girls who came bye(they would meet me since 1995/1996 when brought to Slovenia) - live in houses next to this overpass A2

 Took videos/photos of graffiti, but American of Hispanic origins had locals create picture and write his name on wall with idea to hide his presence/intent and remind(communicate his message to locals) locals of his visit and what he preferred from them in respect to my case...little did Hamilton and David(David was Israeli) knew what this case was in reality all about.

MK ULTRA YESTERDAY - Identified at Otočec were two young Slovenian gentleman involved in MK Ultra and their parents/grandparents - told to not play audio by young chetnik Serb who also participated

 Concerns Straža area. Ultra violent Serb who was pushed out of case due to his violence(has house next to road in Straza) whose child(also just like his father displayed under MK Ultra violent thuggish behavior) learned about this case ordered me yesterday when in presence of two other kids to not play audio. 

Psychiatrist Peter Kaps also became a pioneer champion in my MK Ultra case thanks to whom i figured out ECT was used in Slovenia

 That goes to year 1997/1998 in our attic area when brought to US when for the first time I became aware that ECT machines(electroshocks were implemented) were used on me ;)

MK ULTRA YESTERDAY - Identified were Slovenian gentleman involved in MK Ultra as far as to 1995 from Novo mesto city who also was in Poland

 Got surprise yesterday when I identified first Slovenian departure to Poland(not confirmed yet and psychiatrist Kaps had problems with it - contemplated on conditioning his involvement in case with his chetnik ideology) - key here is Slovenian and its what went into the nose of "Slovenian" politicians badly badly badly during MK Ultra and so badly that those threatened(even that I insisted during MK Ultra for the 99.99% of the time to want to have nothing to do with MK Ultra, time when told stated here resulted in my insisting on MK Ultra as to bring one all the way to the end) to end one as it wouldn't be good for Slovenians to get involved in it or to have any grip on the situation whatsoever. Gentleman also has a daughter(not confirmed yet) which idea to marry sometimes in 1999 I declined and what insulted both. 

CONFIRMED: I pointed out proximity of his "house"(really are apartment where he stays), since it was not house I told him where in apartment building his apartment was/is located, color of his car he had and what one looked like more or less(it was not red Citroen AX, but instead red Renault 5), workplace as Renault(IMV) in Novo mesto - he traded one for security officer position in what I think was Krka pharmaceutica thanks to this case but this is not confirmed yet...

Psychiatrist Peter Kaps operated between Belgrade and Ljubljana also as my delivery man on numerous occasions since 1999 if not earlier - father became in his hands just a crazy tool

 who he barely used to trust father even that one was as crazy as it gets during his adventures in Serbia. 

Psychiatrist Peter Kaps is a proven pro Serbian chetnik extremist who also incited in crime for the sake of Serbia. He tried to get me aboard of same train he involved father into it. He involved father into it by insisting one on how two families are old Novo mesto families and as such will help one another so on...not exactly(almost, but not exactly so) so. Dreamed loudly during his verbal life threats about if he would have too, he would trade Novo mesto for city for city in Serbia and am sure you understand what that meant - it was same with Mitja Veber/Weber(niece's husband) and I cite, "will then come back or my children lalalala"...

Monday, April 26, 2021

Nobody was brainwashed via MK Ultra more than my father - they move him fro one issue to another

 He visited today(supposedly) a Croatian neurologist in Novo mesto. Regardless if I cite Croatian and German governments in 2010, "we don't get involved in it any more because either way we get knife in the back".

Sunday, April 25, 2021

MK ULTRA - One of earliest families involved in MK Ultra identified on Trska Gora Meckovec Novo mesto city

Video can be also sen at
Identified and all confirmed were her weekend vineyard house ownership, presence of her husband in her weekend vineyard house, daughter issue, her level of education and her profession as educated for(economist who works along accountants), husband's level of education, her place of previous employment and fact she moved onto another location, type of the house she owns in the city(Meckovec) and fact that she owns one(her husband does and one is not same as her father's house), height and weight of her husband, and probably more.

Trump accuses LeBron James of being ‘racist’ and ‘divisive’

ANYONE(as long as non white) accused by Donald Trump of being racist, should feel great about himself/herself as bigger IDIOT NEONAZI RACIST BIGOT when compared to Donald Trump never ever served USA as president - up to date since declaration on 4 July 1776 and that makes the country 244 years old as of today. UP TO DATE.

There was a very bad stuff that took place against me from the opposite side of Donald Trump, but it was Trump who encouraged one against me via his apparatchiks(henchmen) who encouraged all forms of abuse against me regardless of individual's background - anywhere from Hollywood/sports and often times even rich kids/poor kids issue...anything to seal my faith and faith of America. Main Trump's target via my case was war against minorities who he instigated me against and whom he instigated against me.

  • Former President Trump said LeBron James was "racist" and "divisive."

  • It came after the basketball star tweeted a response to the police killing of 16-year-old Ma'Khia Bryant.

Saturday, April 24, 2021

I am not shocked about anything - its how is done on West and someone has to pay for it all

From so called "human rights" to other issues proven here like never before. Crystal clear what all is about.

On Bosnian question too, I was most severely brainwashed and conditioned on how to see things as - same as when it came to Azerbaijan

 They wanted to create a total scapegoat out of me in front of international community whatever is they suggested one against me on the first place as I did displayed under MK Ultra signs of hostility and against Azerbaijanis and Bosnians - well, MK Ultra has nothing to do with reality and the one prevailing in one is the one who has stronger grip(is the first one) on victim. Mr. Milorad Dodik set next to me whenever brought to this very house in Slovenia and observed even my facial reactions from meter distance while having others brainwash me...he too is nothing more than a war criminal. 


 sem hotel da Slovenija vstopi v EU in NATO leta 1995(in od tedaj). Danes je gospodič predsednik Slovenije. Napisano v Slovenskem jeziku za vsakogar da razme. In to ne tepen enkrat ampak na kar nekajkrat - leta 2012(po 17 letih mrcvarjenja z postopkom MK Ultra) pa v umobolnici Ljubljana Polje obtožen naklepanja genocida proti Slovenskemu narodu.

Mr. Mustafa Cerić properly acknowledges MILAN KUČAN AS A FULL TIME CHETNIK in an open letter to one

 Kučan came out clearlz as chetnik possibly could in respect to Bosnia and Herzegovina few days ago when one gave full public consent(called Bosnian people to give in) to notorious Slovenian criminal Janez Jansa(white guards who supported Donald Trump nazism openly - more than even in USA) who publicly suggested for Bosnia to be just split-divided rather than kept as whole and as such entering NATO


"Tudi ti, prijatelj Kučan? Z lepimi pozdravi v času Ramazana, ko počivamo bosansko telo, da nahranimo bosansko dušo. Poskusite razumeti naše bosansko sporočilo – ne ugriznite prevelikega kosa, ki ga ne morete pogoltniti. Zadavili se boste!"

"You too, friend Kučan? With nice greetings during Ramadan, when we rest the Bosnian body to feed the Bosnian soul. Try to understand our Bosnian message - don't bite too big a piece that you can't swallow. You'll choke!"


 Donetsk and Crimea both are part of Ukraine(tanks didn't stop on Russian side, but on occupied part of Ukraine to be precise about situation on which media tries to mislead us - we have therefore Western media takin Putin's side again here as was not enough to arm Russia only) and EU must do its best to assist Ukraine against neonazi Russian aggression on Ukraine which commenced in 2014(7 years ago)- media tries to tell you different(I TOLD YOU THIS IS WHAT CASE WILL BE WITH MUTUAL CONSENT OF WEST) as 

Crimea is Ukraine and so is Donetsk.

Friday, April 23, 2021

MK Ultra Šempeter Novo mesto(yesterday pitch dark at night) - identified Croatian(possible even Serbian) family from either Bosnia or Croatia

 Father purchased home in Novo mesto city because of me in 1998 I think. I didn't get any confirmation just yet on this account. Has a beautiful daughter who also went to Ljubljana to complete her university degree...

MK Ultra Trska Gora: identified yesterday friend lady(as early as in 1995) for whom I was certain was to become my wife in city of Novo mesto

 It turned out she was happily married already prior to 1994, but...I managed to point out she had a daughter she also played with under MK Ultra, house, her level of education and branch(accountant), her husband's level education(high school), and place of work(Labod) before she changed one in what I think(not confirmed yet) was 2000(perhaps in 2001, but I think she told me 2000 as they attempted to mislead greatly) - and I think her new place of work was Smarjeske Toplice also not confirmed yet...   

I distance myself completely from grand Polish/Ukrainian union idea

 But I remain a firm supporter of Ukraine and believe one needs all support world can give. I endured extreme abuse(ISLAMOPHOBIC VIA NUMEROUS TERROR THREATS WHICH INVOLVED WHAT APPEARED AS ABDUCTIONS - NOT A TRIPS, BUT TRAUMATIC ABDUCTIONS TO MIDEAST FROM POLAND) under MK Ultra inside of those Polish immigration center hellholes for almost two decades on what REAL TIME rehearsal followed up on me in 2018/2019/2020...they likewise have had problem with Jews and so on.

POLISH GOVERNMENT DOES AS PROMISED WOULD TO IF I WOULD EXPRESS SUPPORT FOR BOSNIA: Obowiązkowa religia lub etyka? "Zmuszanie młodych ludzi jest naprawdę głupie"

Translated title states: Compulsory Religion or Ethics? "Forcing young people is really stupid" - and this was an answer to my post in respect to 


Polish politic is the most hateful - ahead of even neonazi rhetoric - politic in entire Europe. They need to resolve my issue first, not use crime they committed to condition victim its view on how one too should see things as...the worst country in Europe - probably world. 

Poland = Islamophobic satanic state where women have no right to even abortion...

Mateusz Morawiecki: Słowenia to piękny kraj, tylko ludzie kurwy

I dlaczego słoweńscy ludzie kurwy Pan Mateusz Morawiecki !!??? Nie są politykami i żyją i nie chcą umierać(odmawiają zniknięcia)

Thursday, April 22, 2021

I have no idea how many Slovenians remember the day tiny country was recognized by other countries(each made our hearts bit faster as Serbian planed dropped bombs on us and tanks raced on streets) but

 that we have people who would go to Bosnia(Janez Jansa did and so did Borut Pahor) to openly gesture change of borders there during CRUCIAL FOR BOSNIAN PEOPLE MOMENTS(they are slaughtered via forced unemployment and big time) is out of my idea on how something like this would even be possible...Janez Jansa supposedly fought for independence of Slovenia or was he !!???? Related to  

Germany rejects idea of redrawing Western Balkans borders - minister

After severe Slovenian diplomatic failure(DISGRACE), Germany sets democratic example for tiny Balkan Bosnian state. I certainly hope to see Bosnia inside of the NATO as a full member state and as soon as possible. Lets hope Germany wonders back to its original post WWII concept in assisting those in need rather than engaging in aggressive Trump alike politic.  

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

@Joe Biden - US president elect(also @ Zavod za Zaposlovanje Republike Slovenije ki podpira politični kriminal proti meni državljanu Slovenije)

You will not conditioned me(its you who insisted along Trumpet) with job in Slovenia where and how either. And second, you are a GANGSTER - NOT US PRESIDENT.

This job offer now followed up on me from factory where

This case already have paid off to those involved(and others) in one with idea to help from view concerning truth that came out about one

 Information I released will contribute to your better tomorrow. Nothing like I was told and have seen yesterday, "if you will talk negative stuff we will have students pose you as depressed next to school"(its high school I pass next to almost every day)


On contrary as for the stuff I explained, you will have better/safer tomorrow unlike case was with Pahor who paid occasion visits to sweet-mouth and pose in-front of students(biti baraba lažnivec z polno ritjo niti ni biti težko)...

PETER KAPS KNOWS IT ALL: Serb in Bosnia(where father would go with friends hunting) had two uniforms - one was Serbian and other Croatian

 I watched my father and his friends "moon-walking" - was subjected to MK Ultra(drugged up) during which as an old man just like others didn't know any longer what reality was what bad dream. In Slovenia psychiatrist Peter Kaps along Kacin followed up on one via also what appeared to me was MK Ultra. It was time for more brainwash. Peter Kaps was also busy in Bosnia on very location where these Slovenian pensioners commuted to.

Slovenian parliamentarian Jelko Kacin insisted my parents are alive only because Slovenian state holds them alive - keeps them in exceptional good health

 It is the opposite in my view. He had others from Social Democrats who exampled situation with their parents and even forecasted future death of their parents - with Tanja Fajon(mentor Borut Pahor) insisting me I cite, "it is question if my mom - what will they do to her, will they live her live that long". 

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Ena stvar ZAME pa četudi je vsebovala nasilje kar se je zgodilo med MK Ultro - postopkom ko je prihajalo do ponavljajočega ga se družbenega psihičnega nasilja

 druga pa srečanje v realnosti. Zame dve situaciji ostajata ne enaki do končne ocene - se pravi srečanja v realnosti in sem pri temu odločen ustrajati.

Četnik na Zavodu za Zaposlovanje Republike Slovenije je včeraj imel zadnjo besedo kakor je obljubila

Citiram 1:52:00 "Jst sm morala takrat ko sem se zaposlovala morala pnest svojmu bodočemu delodajalcu potrdilo o državljanstvu, potrdilo o nekaznovanosti, " <== je gospa napovedala slednje besedilo v vnaprej(med njenim postopkom psihološkega izživljanja nad mano v čigar namen sem bil pripeljan v njeno pisarno) katermu je še dodala na moje vprašanje  kaj naj bi slednje pomenilo "citiram, ti ga pa neboš imel hahaha boš videl kako bo"...

Monday, April 19, 2021

For reporting myself as a person available for employment at local state employment agency, I was reminded instead of torture and threats at previous state agency location and forced to withdraw from evidence of active job seekers due to psychiatry

 Actually due to crime which Slovenian state created against me and on which one insists against me conditioned to either undergo medical examination(examination by psychiatrist) or report myself for financial support at social services as mentally ill and incapable to work - gestured to basically admit my being mentally ill. I identified girl involved in procedure as long time state employee beginning of her employment as a job advisor at this very location which dates exactly to 2012. Also pointed out she is of partially of Serbian origins as she alone told me during MK Ultra case is for what I actually feel idiotic(almost as if  alone am from Belgrade where primitive politic like this counts and not that politicians from there needed this type of hype for the sake of their insane politic)

IN SLOVENIAN LANGUAGE: Pogojevanje vpisa v evidenco brezposelnih na podlagi psihiatrije zavoljo četništva na zavodu Republike Slovenije za zaposlovanje

Kdo bi si mislil da bo Zavod Republike Slovenije za Zaposlovanje uresničeval še naprej svoje propadle blodnje na podlagi psihiatrije in niti ne več same prisilne nezaposelnosti....
Video dostopen prav tako na kanalu.

Slovenian criminals contemplated on getting me back to Poland - contemplated on job/car crime same as was done to me in Poland/Czech rep. to be used against me in Slovenia for the sake of crime which took place against me there

 It won't happen. not any time soon and seems to me more and more as - not ever.

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Yahoo asks what Religion Is The Royal Family? Understanding Trump a little better...

 From yahoo

Once I left home in Slovenia for US in the end of 1994, I was brought back from US for no less than 23 years of torture whenever possible - forced unemployment was used to accomplish stated when in US and this progressive/systematic unemployment rate which was increasing led into violent psychiatry, and "while in US" during torture my entire family in Slovenia was destroyed - its how I have encountered one upon my return(friends gone for good as they made enemy out of whole world out of me), I avoided quite a few indirect and what would otherwise count as assassination plots, and at the end stayed without everything which included according to royal prescription also health issues such as broken spine/cancer and so on - spent last last 10 years proving abroad using foreign languages to prove my not being insane as was rated on their behalf...splendid broken at age almost 50 now. But they did insisted me along Berlin/Washington DC and to others when brought on how they would pay $$$ if case ever proven as real when it all started and for good portion of MK Ultra, but according to their finances at the end(toward end of MK Ultra) it almost looked like as if I owe them money and would take German money to pay them off my debt...I rate them 10 out of 10 stars + concerning "professional liars/con artists" unlike any others world have seen.

The whole thing is so loathsome with Biden/USDemocrats that I came to conclusion on having far more in common with Trump(Republicans) for whom we all know is a lying psychopath(Rep. party a bottom of the bottoms in this globe) than them

 Because at least we know one is what I stated in title which is still far better than reading news from people who depict themselves as freedom fighters but are in shadow of their truth praying for death(in this case my own) which would bring them El Dorado LONDON treasure. 

Today "opposition" demonstrates on streets so newspapers can write(cover truth with b.s. for which they are in agreement with those who strike on streets so truth is covered up with lies)

 Perfect example is example of Navalny. People mentioned on this news site(Putin/Buckingham palace/Merkel - governments) don't bet on Navalny alone...they bet(they purchase them) on his deputy and 10 others which would take place a as a next in succession line after one is gone - not only him. Unfortunately the same goes for American "Black Lives Matters" movement(Mr. OBAMA) which even discriminated(persecuted) royal from London(Battenberger) came to support from United Kingdom in his yearn for equality. 

Something Harry stated me I wouldn't be capable to prove, but fact of the matter is there are abundant proofs laying around life(all over the place) he left behind in US prior to officially reporting himself via main stream media as new in US.

Harry became interested in BLM rights after my MK Ultra case didn't dissipate into oblivion and one kept coming back as many insisted one one - he immediately got support for his "human rights fight" at no wonder and London palace didn't object plan knowing how much Americans are stimulated in stories about equality - racism(it was a perfect plan for US to bite into neonazi London plan since US historically had problem with colonization issues)...

SI SE PUEDUE: Like everything - US Democrats' joke about US constitution/laws has also an expiration b.s. limit(DATE ?)

 Donald Trump as you see is making his comeback.

Navalny will not stop one...nor will other FAKE mechanisms(politicians/actors etc.) who made it all possible for him to become president on the first place.

NICE: Dasha Navany, a student at Stanford University and Navalny's daughter, says father needs Alexei Navalny needs a doctor walking is her father's shoes who received a scholarship to the Yale World Fellows program at Yale University in 2010...when someone gets to be treated like a s***, its because someone else took his spot - someone more convenient/more important for those who sold one...

Your totally FAKE BRAVEST ON EARTH activist journalist(Putin's partner) is about to become smoke on(in) the sky

 Russian state about to remove one away at any moment now....

Best part about him is ALL IS FAKE and you're paying price for it as Putan Putanowich(according to his own words) career will take off from here....

Psycho PETER KAPS insist on forced unemployment and on jobs for laborers - people who don't speak Slovenian language

 Police never contacted in respect to crime committed against me of which biggest one was creation of forced unemployment - issue such as "crime record" which they fabricated against me via father still persists. I got new job offer as school cleaner and the other to sell Slovenian food products with use of own transportation - jobs which all other MK Ultra test subjects were subjected to(don't even try cleaning as involves torsion was told by test subjects alone), however, without any knowledge of Slovenian language or level of education as is mine...

About "war crimes" my father committed in Croatia and in Bosnia - psychiatrist PETER KAPS also "knows" everything

 A magic psychiatrist who knew all about everything in and about(around) family. He also knows some other details I know he knows about...


Since Tuesday, April 6, 2021(because it doesn't matter how evil evil is, side that presents itself as good and does same is even more evil), tolerance for their fuss/ turncoat wanderings/ pretense which lasted 26 years ended for me along attacks upon release of wanted by them alone MK Ultra truth(its what they demanded) - its the day they will remember...

One thing is when you threaten me, but when you threaten(condition them lives with crimes you committed against me and them in our homeland) my family with crime whatever is that crime is

Note, no email(contact of any kind) ever from individual and his family involved in this case for over 25 years - that's US president Joe Biden. Nothing up to date...

Sleep deprivation is now a new weight loss technique next to broken spine according to media and as seen here - I should consider this fact as helpful next to real poisoning, 26 years of MK Ultra torture, psychiatry, and forced unemployment so I can be more like Navalny because of whom politicians might have even turned my life into what you see on here with their human rights agencies/organisation....

My "momma" brainwash under MK Ultra laughingly with I cite, "we are gonna go to home for elderly - what are you gonna do about it !!??? 

With Warp speed(also I was brainwashed on under MK Ultra as per hurry with proofs) heh !!????

Others involved did too and they were all heart broken due to my disturbing "behavior" under MK Ultra

Saturday, April 17, 2021

SLOVENIAN POLICE INTIMIDATED my uncle for him buying Alfa Romeo cars - because of me !!!


Schizophrenics in blue uniforms claimed uncle(claim me - dared me buying German or Italian cars) that I got fascist ideas(NO SIGHT OF ANY FASCISM IN REAL LIFE YET AT THAT POINT AND DESPITE ALREADY WHAT WAS PROBABLY 13 YEARS OF TORTURE) also from cars and it did had to do something with schizophrenics also from Poland who brought schizophrenic idea from there...

Neighbor Andrej Uhl was a theft mechanic involved in MK Ultra - he ruined American individual as well as few others who purchased cars in Slovenia

 His car that is parked in our parking lot(in front of house), yesterday after I created video recording of cars involved in MK Ultra scenario disappeared for the day on what one returned one back this morning as told by mom - meaning that I am 100% audio(I certain also video) surveillanced.

When I told my mom on how  decided to but car few days ago, my mom protested and started to choke - cry. Citing me on how she had problems with car in Hungary(Uhl brought one from Hungary if you remember and car was stollen from FREE PARKING lot in Budapest). Father, on the other hand, told me under MK Ultra I cite, "just don't bring me at home car that was involved in MK Ultra as you can't screw me more than this".

Involved in MK Ultra and against for sale(originally probably in 2010 - repeated in 2013 but with different scenario about registration other all the same) car was registered for another 2 months - idea as car owner of car seen bellow insisted was to sell his car instead which would offer smaller engine(less registration fee) with all year long registration and newer for just a small extra difference...

It has proven itself upon yesterday when meeting girl(Novo mesto Simona) involved in MK Ultra since 1995 that everything I stated about her was a lie

 I have explained about west efforts to get me publish about deaths and accidents which were unreal - I avoided them all and as I write this, I am almost still convinced in scenario which I have published on this news site in respect to her 

I proudly will state this case as the only successful lie that Belgrade/Moscow managed to present me with in respect to assassinations/accidents and they attempted with it on a more than dozen occasions right here in Slovenia.

I still think they set her up and her husband as soon as they learned about her involvement in MK Ultra case with doppelganger(husband was in Slovenian military)

I apologize her as I called her a liar at the end of the conversation with her.

I am no spy, but Navalny was taking orders from West during which he also abused me(tortured me on their behalf) and believed will profit from case from within

 Navalny created me enough problems for me to assume his involvement in case supported by Western neonazi mob was perhaps even the main cause for this case to last so long and that one spinned in a such a wrong direction. They just wouldn't let go and begin to extort with more and more demands on what I am supposed to(was expected of me and how I should see things as and so on)...

DUH doesn't want to play spy so WE WILL just have him die away: Navalny's case shows us even closer on just how much US and deep Russian state are in bed with one another

Since I published , things went from bad to worse for our hero Navalny 

Sorry - no commis$$ion for mister Navalny(dreamed about one since day one of his involvement in this case, AND turned consequently into "journalist") either.

Now about me serving as some sort of spy...

Obama insisted to have my case's handling jurisdiction - that queen Elizabeth deputized him(that he made an exclusive brokerage agreement with her) about revelation of this case insisted that he has people inside of United Nations

Threatened me if not compliant with him that nobody would smell my case ever again and that one would block my case at UN. Threatened that I would never be entitled to work in special business circle throughout USA he and few others are involved in and involved issue of Polish psychologist in it. Harry and William both claimed on how my commission in case I would disclose here stated would become much what exactly are we dealing with here !!????

Friday, April 16, 2021

They gave clue here and chance for proof there and so on - and its what you follow into the grave

 26 years it matters to them not - not in any hurry to comply with their promises(pledges) and after-all(at the end), for them better dead than alive.

Joe Biden insisted me on how I have to write about whatever news Navalny releases from jail

 Therefore this whole thing is ALSO used for extortion of Russian government via this very case !!??? Why do I have to talk about Navalny's whereabouts in respect to my case and not instead have US Government issue me official apology for crime committed !!????

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Special thanks to psychiatrist Peter Kaps who demonstrated on behalf of Moscow Belgrade on how its done as the last resource when rejecting their agenda

They gave themselves(Joe Biden stated has Putin for problems like mine although I don't think Putin/Vucic mind - fact of the matter is that United Nations did more to cover-up this case than all governments together as they failed to stop torture in which their officials were involved straight time and again) a bit advantage against me by causing me more trauma based on past during which I experienced MK Ultra torture, but its okay.
Here(can be also seen at) seen video part 3 of 3 for which they bagged upon my releasing <== always done to interrupt/disturb work process and to kill(damage as much as possible as Ljubljana, Moscow, Belgrade all knew I will get truth out somehow).

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Black Sea tensions(amounted Russian military in occupied Ukrainian territories next to Ukraine) are only used to seal the deal with Ukraine - negotiate new border

 Its all fake and I know so as Vladimir Putin had his colleague convey message about tsunami radiation across the USA(2015) which nuclear torpedo explosion would cause according to his words - Americans then(upon visit to Moscow where demonstrated how "it would") confirmed me news as acceptable excuse for future non intervention in Ukraine 

Slovenian chetnik Borut Pahor(president of Slovenia) during his visit in Bosnia campaigning against NATO presence in Bosnia - pushing for termination of Bosnian state

 News for today - April 14th, 2021

Completely same situation developed with Slovenian Janez Jansa few days ago when also in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Slovenian politic is a chetnik politic inside of EU on behalf of Moscow and Belgrade and thats a fact. FASCISM/NAZISM.


Although they VIDEO recorded me next to Bernie Madoff and his wife inside of their home and insisted me inside of this very house at late stages(after 2010) on how this is how money for my case would be collected

 Madoff didn't serve as anything other than cover up for US Congress in respect to promises/commitment one made in case I would ever managed to prove this very MK Ultra case. Lets talk about top senators, US presidents where - not  Bernie Madoff 


Here is original post

He apartment location most likely was in area as seen here:

Place of accident took place at:
and its what almost 100%(if one took place here) makes it a political crippling. Interesting is one is experiencing balance issues as explained above(what is the probability car would hit her in a such way that one would suffer such issues and keep in mind this is main street to school in highly residential area for something like this to almost impossible to happen as accident) what throws a dark shadow possibility even onto hospital where she have undergone medical procedure...

REPEAT: Gland nodes cancer(lymph nodes) poisoning of my cousin Tomaz from Bela Krajina

My cousins warned me about mentioning anything in respect to political in video and during MK Ultra have protested/objected stating SERBIAN ISSUE on here, but facts are facts. Local Serbs in Slovenian Bela Krajina life threatened me and my cousins to the degree that my own cousins life threatened me if I would dare to tell whole TRUTH.
Video can be also seen at 

Upon releasing above seen video, I had to deal same day with issues they have AGAIN violently interjected in my work social services cluster with idea to disrupt seen above and my work which includes job search. 

All(buying them time via violence) seems okay(inline) with official protocol of United Nations/Amnesty Int. and others who obviously lobby since this story have repeated over course of the years so many times before - are lobbyists for seen above and seen bellow...

@John Andrew Boehner

 You stated good about Trump/Cruz - just want to add that you all together are a lying psychopaths which

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Buckingham palace upon realizing German police sting on Balkans via Croatia, took credit through me - saw themselves in a spotlight thoughout entire eastern Europe demanded glory

 Croatian police on the other hand obtained one of the most modern if not most modern state of the art police surveillance systems in the world. Very similar situation followed through me in Serbia where again I was used in almost identical operations involving police...I on quite a few occasions drugged up next to worst Balkan gangsters face to face with death withing milometers. In Croatia, Croatian police was asking me to keep calm just a little more - do it one more trip and it will be it - I was scared to death as lunatic who had me inside of his place was shifting loudly upon realizing that he is been tapped on either killing me on the spot or still wait a bit was 50/50 and he decided to not yet - some beautiful Croatian girl(will not name her yet) involved in my case since day 1 told me she was unsure weather I would made it alive on that Poland, however, I met Ukrainian of Russian origins(involved in case since 1995) who took wrong turn after involvement into my MK Ultra case and learned from Belgrade mafia about easier way of making money... it was disaster waiting to happen as one was intercepted by Ukrainian police during gas station robbery during which one was armed with AK47...

From 1996 to 2003: Croatia is to issue me a public apology for using me as instrument of mass Balkan crime bait - I was landed to Croatia as human bait by German Angle Merkel government for no less than 7 years on the row

 My life was on thread each time whenever brought to Croatia just as the case was in Serbia. Example

Slovenia involved in it up to throat knew nothing about it - up to today when I alone reminded myself about what went on.

Monday, April 12, 2021

They are BUYING time only nothing changed otherwise under Joe Biden

 People still get killed left and right and unemployment situation is increasing equally across the globe.

Its where Germany next would like to exit so called "union", but where production of weaponry spiked as Pope Francis stated. We are at mids of what will become known as 3rd WW in case there is a major global player that didn't signed global neonazi pact.

MK ULTRA REMINDER: Looking back in time(William guaranteed me), princess Alice was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia so will you be....

Year was 2002....he apologized latter, but I never ever accepted(or will accept any of it) his apology as is whole family I deem criminally insane. William insisted on "sexual frustration" already at his age 18/19 disregarding me totally as human being - Harry did same. These are beasts ladies and gentlemen. My life(it doesn't matter how much they had to do with stated here) did turned via chain of violence against me in direction stated....for things to be even better, he told me so in our Novo mesto house as a guest after asking me drugged up what my opinion is about what you see on photos

REPEAT: Gland nodes cancer(lymph nodes) poisoning of my cousin Tomaz from Bela Krajina

My cousins warned me about mentioning anything in respect to political in video and during MK Ultra have protested/objected stating SERBIAN ISSUE on here, but facts are facts. Local Serbs in Slovenian Bela Krajina life threatened me and my cousins to the degree that my own cousins life threatened me if I would dare to tell whole TRUTH.
Video can be also seen at 

Upon releasing above seen video, I had to deal same day with issues they have AGAIN violently interjected in my work social services cluster with idea to disrupt seen above and my work which includes job search. 

All(buying them time via violence) seems okay(inline) with official protocol of United Nations/Amnesty Int. and others who obviously lobby since this story have repeated over course of the years so many times before - are lobbyists for seen above and seen bellow...

I remember Andrew to sleep(having sex) with Ghislaine Maxwell on several occasions - it wasn't Epstein only although she liked him for what one have done for her

 Related to they don't mention this very fact anywhere.

From what I remember Phillip stating me personally face to face was that

 he(other elites have same habit) prefers to see what his death would look like - observe reactions from around the world and/or his servants before real(actual) death takes place - not that I am saying he is indeed alive hiding in hole somewhere. I am just repeating as to what I was told case will be by him personally about decade and half earlier.

MK ULTRA: Identified yesterday was a girl involved in MK Ultra since 1995(Simona) and her husband

Updated on April 17th, 2021

Again identified in pitch dark night on my way to Trška Gora, but yet have to get confirmations about it...

Didn't get any confirmations, but you were hit by the car(you only mentioned car accident, but it was car that hit you when on your way pick your children I think) in 2001/2002 in vicinity of school - I think Gimnazija and the one who made problem with this portion of memory were Russians who learned about you as your husband was career soldier. 

MK ULTRA: Identified on April 10th, 2021 was ex state employee from Novo mesto city

 At Otocec I identified lady involved in MK Ultra since 1995/1996. I pointed out and obtained her confirmation about her location(I missed to obtain her confirmation about view from her home office which is located in the rear of the house with view on kindergarten area), her sister and her husband as per when two got together, what husband of her sister looks like, her education, and pointed out date when two moved out of house to new location and with difficulty exact location of their new home....I have also pointed out date of renovation of the state building where she was employed and what renovation of her building looked like - but still don't know as I didn't even bother where her location as a state employee coming.

Harry talked about helping me through his "new" mental health position, but you know what

 He already helped a lot.

I'll take care the rest.

DIVIDE AND CONQUER ALGORITHM: Harry's combating America’s urgent mis- and disinformation challenge + his mental health CEO position in mental health company which he established("helped to establish") since decade and half earlier adds up to all RACIAL TENSIONS IN USA FOR WHICH BUCKINGHAM PALACE BELIEVED AMERICA WILL SETTLE FOR

Entire Donald Trump's presidency was based on fake events for the sake of American takeover by Buckingham palace. As Battenbergers(Windsors) claimed me, "Americans believe in racial justice more than in anything - its the fastest way to gain sympathy power takeover" - not that Americans didn't suffer or don't suffer one - what bothers me is that it is done to conquer United States of America of which citizen I am.

Dwayne Johnson didn't come to Slovenia for other than signing contracts with Trumpists - it was same with other Hollywood clowns and many sportspeople

In USA(did happened here too), a humiliation atop of humiliation or if you like LIE A TOP OF THE LIE. 26 years no less and so this is what American pay looks like because someone has to be guilty $$$$$$$$$


 Trying to meet my sanity ends for no less than 26 years via forced unemployment along most severe psychological and physical torture one possibly can be exposed to(psychiatry included) and get served at the end of the road(upon collection of MK Ultra abuse/proofs) with cold reality like this will end in premature exposure of corruption.

@Dwayne Johnson/Hollywood

 I will destroy you just as I have Donald Trump - wipe you out of face of the earth with law suits. Annihilate you.

46%(according to pole) Of Americans Would Support Dwayne Johnson Running For President but I never ever will support one again because he teamed up with Joe Biden and his sons to extort me

 It should have been Dwayne Johnson whose turn was to run for US president and it was instead Joe Biden who was given advantage with idea as seen so many times before - "rescuing me" once again while pushing me further down the mud - Joe Biden's sons participated in Poland(its also why Biden sicked for 26 years inside of the US Government) with idea for me to collect enough proofs about MK Ultra case on what those would be used to exhort US government financially. Dwayne Johnson with huge international support(specially India UNLESS they implicated fake government officials that would pay visit to this very residence in Novo mesto) implicated in post Biden's presidency to either negotiate 200 billion Dollar cash deal promised to me by US Congress in 2001or to simply destroy me....I am not happy about wasting 26 years of my life on something I have never ever gave green light to out of my own and have proven stated by immigration(attempted escape where I would establish new life via hard work) to no less than 12 countries. JOE BIDEN COVERED UP THIS CRIME FOR NO LESS THAN 26 YEARS WITH IDEA TO FINALLY SILENCE ONE AS EXPLAINED HERE.

Sunday, April 11, 2021

In respect to independent state of Slovenia, this MK Ultra case have proven to be engineered(guided - led by people) with idea to deprive Slovenian nation of its independence

 Chetnik Serbian state have along Slovenian traitors from Ljubljana conditioned involvement of Slovenian people in this MK ULTRA case often times with death - if patriotic and close to me, one was listed as good to go. Every individual who got opportunity to participate in case was thoroughly checked by Borut Pahor&Co. personally.

Far more than Ghislaine Maxwell's personal website, I find as bizarre for Epstein to be murdered inside of prison cell during investigation while Andrew Battenberg WOULDN'T BOTHER TO even respond(IGNORING) to FBI investigation inquiries

Ghislaine Maxwell(involved in my MK Ultra case since 1995 - know her residence in Paris and give account on stated) is not even British/American native - she is French woman/female who did have many goals in her life just as her website suggests, but seems like NOOOO way to escape paedo elite ring. They held her just as SERBIAN CHETNIKS have hold my father in their hands and have even claimed for me on how I have chetnik tendencies in me - that I already demonstrated them under MK Ultra therefore that this is what I am...lets slow down a little because world is spinning for some people in certain aspects a bit to fast and for other a bit too slow. For one thing, I was pro Slovenian independence during Serbian war on Slovenia - my father too !!! What happened - why I/my father and not those who cooked all this !!?????

It wasn't only I that was drugged up - they drugged up my father too and I bet Ghislaine get it !!????? They pushed my father against me into extreme for no less than 26 years and are now once case is proven with facts pushing me against him....why us and not politicians/elites who cooked all this !!????

Russia KILLS/EXILES/IMPRISONS Ukrainian nationals(or Ukrainian Tatars) out of occupied Ukrainian Donetsk/Crimea - clearly engaged and is engaging in ethnic cleansing/genocide/extermination for the sake of lebenraum

 None of which Ukraine have done to Russian minority in Ukraine. It clear/obvious on who neonazi/fascist is specially if we consider latest development on Ukrainian border 

GRAND NEOFASCIST GLOBAL PLAN GOES ON: Gov. Greg Abbott wants facility housing migrant children in San Antonio closed after reports of abuse, understaffing - BUT DIDN'T PROPOSE WHERE NEW ONE WOULD BE OR FOR FUNDS ONE COULD USE TO SUBSTITUTE EXISTING CRISES

 They all knew(including Joe Biden who served via this very MK Ultra case as a top US Gov. official for 26 years before becoming a US president) about it two decades ahead 

And I will it a go - make no mistake about it: Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson calls poll showing support for his potential presidency 'humbling'


Friday, April 9, 2021

DECIDE ALREADY: They first claimed it was weight loss due to sleep deprivation - its now hunger strike, but memorial dedicated to one was completed already in 2010

 Putin critic Navalny says Russian prison guards are trying to break his hunger strike by frying chicken in front of him 

I think Navalny will be gone within even day/two or very very soon as they insisted in 2010/2012 with don't even think about saying anything blah blah there is people who will go after you otherwise if you do you will have to go to Moscow and so on and so on...


Blocking every dime/cent(every chance for employment - don't even think about asking them for disability status or cleaning crime record which THEY CREATED me via lies and crime setup/plot) and even going after mother/father via blackmail them through social services.

Its truly impressive that Biden acknowledged Putin as a "killer", but one is not objecting to partially seen here either as I stated - despite his and his family involvement in case for over 26 years as top US official, I have not received from one a single communication(no email/phone call whatsoever). He's got important work to do....
Part 1 of 3
Video can be also seen at
Part 2 of 3
Video can be also seen at 

Part 3 of 3
Video can be also seen at